// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Internal;
internal static class PathNormalizer
private const byte ByteSlash = (byte)'/';
private const byte ByteDot = (byte)'.';
// In-place implementation of the algorithm from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4
public static int RemoveDotSegments(Span<byte> src)
Debug.Assert(src[0] == '/', "Path segment must always start with a '/'");
ReadOnlySpan<byte> dotSlash = "./"u8;
ReadOnlySpan<byte> slashDot = "/."u8;
var writtenLength = 0;
var readPointer = 0;
while (src.Length > readPointer)
var currentSrc = src[readPointer..];
var nextDotSegmentIndex = currentSrc.IndexOf(slashDot);
if (nextDotSegmentIndex < 0 && readPointer == 0)
return src.Length;
if (nextDotSegmentIndex < 0)
// Copy the remianing src to dst, and return.
writtenLength += src.Length - readPointer;
return writtenLength;
else if (nextDotSegmentIndex > 0)
// Copy until the next segment excluding the trailer.
writtenLength += nextDotSegmentIndex;
readPointer += nextDotSegmentIndex;
var remainingLength = src.Length - readPointer;
// Case of /../ or /./ or non-dot segments.
if (remainingLength > 3)
var nextIndex = readPointer + 2;
if (src[nextIndex] == ByteSlash)
// Case: /./
readPointer = nextIndex;
else if (MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref src[nextIndex], 2).StartsWith(dotSlash))
// Case: /../
// Remove the last segment and replace the path with /
var lastIndex = MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref src[0], writtenLength).LastIndexOf(ByteSlash);
// Move write pointer to the end of the previous segment without / or to start position
writtenLength = int.Max(0, lastIndex);
// Move the read pointer to the next segments beginning including /
readPointer += 3;
// Not a dot segment e.g. /.a, copy the matched /. and the next character then bump the read pointer
src.Slice(readPointer, 3).CopyTo(src[writtenLength..]);
writtenLength += 3;
readPointer = nextIndex + 1;
// Ending with /.. or /./ or non-dot segments.
else if (remainingLength == 3)
var nextIndex = readPointer + 2;
if (src[nextIndex] == ByteSlash)
// Case: /./ Replace the /./ segment with a closing /
src[writtenLength++] = ByteSlash;
return writtenLength;
else if (src[nextIndex] == ByteDot)
// Case: /.. Remove the last segment and replace the path with /
var lastSlashIndex = MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref src[0], writtenLength).LastIndexOf(ByteSlash);
// If this was the beginning of the string, then return /
if (lastSlashIndex < 0)
Debug.Assert(src[0] == '/');
return 1;
writtenLength = lastSlashIndex + 1;
return writtenLength;
// Not a dot segment e.g. /.a, copy the remaining part.
return writtenLength + 3;
// Ending with /.
else if (remainingLength == 2)
src[writtenLength++] = ByteSlash;
return writtenLength;
return writtenLength;