File: src\Servers\Kestrel\shared\HPackHeaderWriter.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Servers\Kestrel\Core\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.HPack;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http2;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Tests;
// This file is used by Kestrel to write response headers and tests to write request headers.
// To avoid adding test code to Kestrel this file is shared. Test specifc code is excluded from Kestrel by ifdefs.
internal static class HPackHeaderWriter
    /// <summary>
    /// Begin encoding headers in the first HEADERS frame.
    /// </summary>
    public static bool BeginEncodeHeaders(int statusCode, DynamicHPackEncoder hpackEncoder, Http2HeadersEnumerator headersEnumerator, Span<byte> buffer, out int length)
        length = 0;
        if (!hpackEncoder.EnsureDynamicTableSizeUpdate(buffer, out var sizeUpdateLength))
            throw new HPackEncodingException(SR.net_http_hpack_encode_failure);
        length += sizeUpdateLength;
        if (!EncodeStatusHeader(statusCode, hpackEncoder, buffer.Slice(length), out var statusCodeLength))
            throw new HPackEncodingException(SR.net_http_hpack_encode_failure);
        length += statusCodeLength;
        if (!headersEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;
        // We're ok with not throwing if no headers were encoded because we've already encoded the status.
        // There is a small chance that the header will encode if there is no other content in the next HEADERS frame.
        var done = EncodeHeadersCore(hpackEncoder, headersEnumerator, buffer.Slice(length), throwIfNoneEncoded: false, out var headersLength);
        length += headersLength;
        return done;
    /// <summary>
    /// Begin encoding headers in the first HEADERS frame.
    /// </summary>
    public static bool BeginEncodeHeaders(DynamicHPackEncoder hpackEncoder, Http2HeadersEnumerator headersEnumerator, Span<byte> buffer, out int length)
        length = 0;
        if (!hpackEncoder.EnsureDynamicTableSizeUpdate(buffer, out var sizeUpdateLength))
            throw new HPackEncodingException(SR.net_http_hpack_encode_failure);
        length += sizeUpdateLength;
        if (!headersEnumerator.MoveNext())
            return true;
        var done = EncodeHeadersCore(hpackEncoder, headersEnumerator, buffer.Slice(length), throwIfNoneEncoded: true, out var headersLength);
        length += headersLength;
        return done;
    /// <summary>
    /// Continue encoding headers in the next HEADERS frame. The enumerator should already have a current value.
    /// </summary>
    public static bool ContinueEncodeHeaders(DynamicHPackEncoder hpackEncoder, Http2HeadersEnumerator headersEnumerator, Span<byte> buffer, out int length)
        return EncodeHeadersCore(hpackEncoder, headersEnumerator, buffer, throwIfNoneEncoded: true, out length);
    private static bool EncodeStatusHeader(int statusCode, DynamicHPackEncoder hpackEncoder, Span<byte> buffer, out int length)
        if (H2StaticTable.TryGetStatusIndex(statusCode, out var index))
            // Status codes which exist in the HTTP/2 StaticTable.
            return HPackEncoder.EncodeIndexedHeaderField(index, buffer, out length);
            const string name = ":status";
            var value = StatusCodes.ToStatusString(statusCode);
            return hpackEncoder.EncodeHeader(buffer, H2StaticTable.Status200, HeaderEncodingHint.Index, name, value, valueEncoding: null, out length);
    private static bool EncodeHeadersCore(DynamicHPackEncoder hpackEncoder, Http2HeadersEnumerator headersEnumerator, Span<byte> buffer, bool throwIfNoneEncoded, out int length)
        var currentLength = 0;
            var staticTableId = headersEnumerator.HPackStaticTableId;
            var name = headersEnumerator.Current.Key;
            var value = headersEnumerator.Current.Value;
            var valueEncoding =
                ReferenceEquals(headersEnumerator.EncodingSelector, KestrelServerOptions.DefaultHeaderEncodingSelector)
                ? null : headersEnumerator.EncodingSelector(name);
            var hint = ResolveHeaderEncodingHint(staticTableId, name);
            if (!hpackEncoder.EncodeHeader(
                out var headerLength))
                // If the header wasn't written, and no headers have been written, then the header is too large.
                // Throw an error to avoid an infinite loop of attempting to write large header.
                if (currentLength == 0 && throwIfNoneEncoded)
                    throw new HPackEncodingException(SR.net_http_hpack_encode_failure);
                length = currentLength;
                return false;
            currentLength += headerLength;
        while (headersEnumerator.MoveNext());
        length = currentLength;
        return true;
    private static HeaderEncodingHint ResolveHeaderEncodingHint(int staticTableId, string name)
        HeaderEncodingHint hint;
        if (IsSensitive(staticTableId, name))
            hint = HeaderEncodingHint.NeverIndex;
        else if (IsNotDynamicallyIndexed(staticTableId))
            hint = HeaderEncodingHint.IgnoreIndex;
            hint = HeaderEncodingHint.Index;
        return hint;
    private static bool IsSensitive(int staticTableIndex, string name)
        // Set-Cookie could contain sensitive data.
        switch (staticTableIndex)
            case H2StaticTable.SetCookie:
            case H2StaticTable.ContentDisposition:
                return true;
            case -1:
                // Content-Disposition currently isn't a known header so a
                // static index probably won't be specified.
                return string.Equals(name, "Content-Disposition", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        return false;
    private static bool IsNotDynamicallyIndexed(int staticTableIndex)
        // Content-Length is added to static content. Content length is different for each
        // file, and is unlikely to be reused because of browser caching.
        return staticTableIndex == H2StaticTable.ContentLength;