1 instantiation of SegmentAsValueType
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core (1)
src\Shared\Buffers\BufferSegmentStack.cs (1)
82public static implicit operator SegmentAsValueType(BufferSegment s) => new SegmentAsValueType(s);
7 references to SegmentAsValueType
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core (7)
src\Shared\Buffers\BufferSegmentStack.cs (7)
12private SegmentAsValueType[] _array; 17_array = new SegmentAsValueType[size]; 26SegmentAsValueType[] array = _array; 44SegmentAsValueType[] array = _array; 71/// We use <see cref="SegmentAsValueType"/> as a wrapper to avoid paying the cost of covariant checks whenever 82public static implicit operator SegmentAsValueType(BufferSegment s) => new SegmentAsValueType(s); 83public static implicit operator BufferSegment(SegmentAsValueType s) => s._value;