File: Internal\Http\Http1ContentLengthMessageBody.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Servers\Kestrel\Core\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO.Pipelines;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http;
internal sealed class Http1ContentLengthMessageBody : Http1MessageBody
    private ReadResult _readResult;
    private readonly long _contentLength;
    private long _unexaminedInputLength;
    private bool _readCompleted;
    private bool _isReading;
    private int _userCanceled;
    private bool _finalAdvanceCalled;
    private bool _cannotResetInputPipe;
    public Http1ContentLengthMessageBody(Http1Connection context, long contentLength, bool keepAlive)
        : base(context, keepAlive)
        _contentLength = contentLength;
        _unexaminedInputLength = contentLength;
    public override async ValueTask<ReadResult> ReadAsyncInternal(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        if (_readCompleted)
            _isReading = true;
            return new ReadResult(_readResult.Buffer, Interlocked.Exchange(ref _userCanceled, 0) == 1, isCompleted: true);
        // The issue is that TryRead can get a canceled read result
        // which is unknown to StartTimingReadAsync.
        if (_context.RequestTimedOut)
        await TryStartAsync();
        // The while(true) loop is required because the Http1 connection calls CancelPendingRead to unblock
        // the call to StartTimingReadAsync to check if the request timed out.
        // However, if the user called CancelPendingRead, we want that to return a canceled ReadResult
        // We internally track an int for that.
        while (true)
                var readAwaitable = _context.Input.ReadAsync(cancellationToken);
                _isReading = true;
                _readResult = await StartTimingReadAsync(readAwaitable, cancellationToken);
            catch (ConnectionAbortedException ex)
                _isReading = false;
                throw new TaskCanceledException("The request was aborted", ex);
            void ResetReadingState()
                // Reset the timing read here for the next call to read.
                if (!_cannotResetInputPipe)
                    _isReading = false;
            if (_context.RequestTimedOut)
            if (_readResult.IsCompleted)
            // Ignore the canceled readResult if it wasn't canceled by the user.
            // Normally we do not return a canceled ReadResult unless CancelPendingRead was called on the request body PipeReader itself,
            // but if the last call to AdvanceTo examined data it did not consume, we cannot reset the state of the Input pipe.
            if (!_readResult.IsCanceled || Interlocked.Exchange(ref _userCanceled, 0) == 1 || _cannotResetInputPipe)
                var returnedReadResultLength = CreateReadResultFromConnectionReadResult();
                // Don't count bytes belonging to the next request, since read rate timeouts are done on a per-request basis.
                if (_readResult.IsCompleted)
        return _readResult;
    public override bool TryReadInternal(out ReadResult readResult)
        if (_readCompleted)
            _isReading = true;
            readResult = new ReadResult(_readResult.Buffer, Interlocked.Exchange(ref _userCanceled, 0) == 1, isCompleted: true);
            return true;
        if (_context.RequestTimedOut)
        // The while(true) because we don't want to return a canceled ReadResult if the user themselves didn't cancel it.
        while (true)
            if (!_context.Input.TryRead(out _readResult))
                readResult = default;
                return false;
            if (!_readResult.IsCanceled || Interlocked.Exchange(ref _userCanceled, 0) == 1 || _cannotResetInputPipe)
        if (_readResult.IsCompleted)
            if (_cannotResetInputPipe)
                _isReading = true;
        var returnedReadResultLength = CreateReadResultFromConnectionReadResult();
        // Don't count bytes belonging to the next request, since read rate timeouts are done on a per-request basis.
        // Only set _isReading if we are returning true.
        _isReading = true;
        readResult = _readResult;
        if (readResult.IsCompleted)
        return true;
    private long CreateReadResultFromConnectionReadResult()
        var initialLength = _readResult.Buffer.Length;
        var maxLength = _unexaminedInputLength + _examinedUnconsumedBytes;
        if (initialLength < maxLength)
            return initialLength;
        _readCompleted = true;
        _readResult = new ReadResult(
            _readResult.Buffer.Slice(0, maxLength),
            isCompleted: true);
        return maxLength;
    public override void AdvanceTo(SequencePosition consumed, SequencePosition examined)
        if (!_isReading)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("No reading operation to complete.");
        _isReading = false;
        // The current body is read, though there might be more bytes to read on the stream with pipelining
        if (_readCompleted)
            var buffer = _readResult.Buffer.Slice(consumed, _readResult.Buffer.End);
            if (!_finalAdvanceCalled && buffer.IsEmpty)
                // Don't reference the old buffer as it will be released by the pipe after calling AdvanceTo
                _readResult = new ReadResult(new ReadOnlySequence<byte>(), isCanceled: false, isCompleted: true);
                _finalAdvanceCalled = true;
                // If the old stored _readResult was canceled, it's already been observed. Do not store a canceled read result permanently.
                _readResult = new ReadResult(buffer, isCanceled: false, isCompleted: true);
        // If consumed != examined, we cannot reset _context.Input back to a non-reading state after the next call to ReadAsync
        // simply by calling _context.Input.AdvanceTo(_readResult.Buffer.Start) because the DefaultPipeReader will complain that
        // "The examined position cannot be less than the previously examined position."
        _cannotResetInputPipe = !consumed.Equals(examined);
        _unexaminedInputLength -= TrackConsumedAndExaminedBytes(_readResult, consumed, examined);
        _context.Input.AdvanceTo(consumed, examined);
    protected override void OnReadStarting()
        var maxRequestBodySize = _context.MaxRequestBodySize;
        if (_contentLength > maxRequestBodySize)
            KestrelBadHttpRequestException.Throw(RequestRejectionReason.RequestBodyTooLarge, maxRequestBodySize.GetValueOrDefault().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
    public override void CancelPendingRead()
        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _userCanceled, 1);
    private void VerifyIsNotReading()
        if (!_isReading)
        if (_cannotResetInputPipe)
            if (_readResult.IsCompleted)
            if (_context.RequestTimedOut)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Reading is already in progress.");