File: Core\IO\AsyncWriteOperationBase.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Servers\IIS\IIS\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IIS.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IIS)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Windows.Win32.Networking.HttpServer;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IIS.Core.IO;
internal abstract class AsyncWriteOperationBase : AsyncIOOperation
    private const int HttpDataChunkStackLimit = 128; // 16 bytes per HTTP_DATA_CHUNK
    private NativeSafeHandle? _requestHandler;
    private ReadOnlySequence<byte> _buffer;
    private MemoryHandle[]? _handles;
    public void Initialize(NativeSafeHandle requestHandler, ReadOnlySequence<byte> buffer)
        _requestHandler = requestHandler;
        _buffer = buffer;
    protected override unsafe bool InvokeOperation(out int hr, out int bytes)
        Debug.Assert(_requestHandler != null, "Must initialize first.");
        if (_buffer.Length > int.MaxValue)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Writes larger then {int.MaxValue} are not supported.");
        bool completionExpected;
        var chunkCount = GetChunkCount();
        var bufferLength = (int)_buffer.Length;
        if (chunkCount < HttpDataChunkStackLimit)
            // To avoid stackoverflows, we will only stackalloc if the write size is less than the StackChunkLimit
            // The stack size is IIS is by default 128/256 KB, so we are generous with this threshold.
            var chunks = stackalloc HTTP_DATA_CHUNK[chunkCount];
            hr = WriteSequence(_requestHandler, chunkCount, _buffer, chunks, out completionExpected);
            // Otherwise allocate the chunks on the heap.
            var chunks = new HTTP_DATA_CHUNK[chunkCount];
            fixed (HTTP_DATA_CHUNK* pDataChunks = chunks)
                hr = WriteSequence(_requestHandler, chunkCount, _buffer, pDataChunks, out completionExpected);
        bytes = bufferLength;
        return !completionExpected;
    public override void FreeOperationResources(int hr, int bytes)
        if (_handles != null)
            // Free the handles
            foreach (var handle in _handles)
    protected override void ResetOperation()
        _requestHandler = default;
        _buffer = default;
    private int GetChunkCount()
        if (_buffer.IsSingleSegment)
            return 1;
        var count = 0;
        foreach (var _ in _buffer)
        return count;
    private unsafe int WriteSequence(NativeSafeHandle requestHandler, int nChunks, ReadOnlySequence<byte> buffer, HTTP_DATA_CHUNK* pDataChunks, out bool fCompletionExpected)
        var currentChunk = 0;
        if (_handles == null || _handles.Length < nChunks)
            _handles = new MemoryHandle[nChunks];
        foreach (var readOnlyMemory in buffer)
            ref var handle = ref _handles[currentChunk];
            ref var chunk = ref pDataChunks[currentChunk];
            handle = readOnlyMemory.Pin();
            chunk.DataChunkType = HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE.HttpDataChunkFromMemory;
            chunk.Anonymous.FromMemory.BufferLength = (uint)readOnlyMemory.Length;
            chunk.Anonymous.FromMemory.pBuffer = handle.Pointer;
        return WriteChunks(requestHandler, nChunks, pDataChunks, out fCompletionExpected);
    protected abstract unsafe int WriteChunks(NativeSafeHandle requestHandler, int chunkCount, HTTP_DATA_CHUNK* dataChunks, out bool completionExpected);