File: RequestProcessing\HttpReasonPhrase.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Servers\HttpSys\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys;
internal static class HttpReasonPhrase
    private static readonly string?[]?[] HttpReasonPhrases = new string?[]?[]
            new string?[]
                /* 100 */ "Continue",
                /* 101 */ "Switching Protocols",
                /* 102 */ "Processing"
            new string?[]
                /* 200 */ "OK",
                /* 201 */ "Created",
                /* 202 */ "Accepted",
                /* 203 */ "Non-Authoritative Information",
                /* 204 */ "No Content",
                /* 205 */ "Reset Content",
                /* 206 */ "Partial Content",
                /* 207 */ "Multi-Status"
            new string?[]
                /* 300 */ "Multiple Choices",
                /* 301 */ "Moved Permanently",
                /* 302 */ "Found",
                /* 303 */ "See Other",
                /* 304 */ "Not Modified",
                /* 305 */ "Use Proxy",
                /* 306 */ null,
                /* 307 */ "Temporary Redirect"
            new string?[]
                /* 400 */ "Bad Request",
                /* 401 */ "Unauthorized",
                /* 402 */ "Payment Required",
                /* 403 */ "Forbidden",
                /* 404 */ "Not Found",
                /* 405 */ "Method Not Allowed",
                /* 406 */ "Not Acceptable",
                /* 407 */ "Proxy Authentication Required",
                /* 408 */ "Request Timeout",
                /* 409 */ "Conflict",
                /* 410 */ "Gone",
                /* 411 */ "Length Required",
                /* 412 */ "Precondition Failed",
                /* 413 */ "Request Entity Too Large",
                /* 414 */ "Request-Uri Too Long",
                /* 415 */ "Unsupported Media Type",
                /* 416 */ "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
                /* 417 */ "Expectation Failed",
                /* 418 */ null,
                /* 419 */ null,
                /* 420 */ null,
                /* 421 */ null,
                /* 422 */ "Unprocessable Entity",
                /* 423 */ "Locked",
                /* 424 */ "Failed Dependency",
                /* 425 */ null,
                /* 426 */ "Upgrade Required", // RFC 2817
            new string?[]
                /* 500 */ "Internal Server Error",
                /* 501 */ "Not Implemented",
                /* 502 */ "Bad Gateway",
                /* 503 */ "Service Unavailable",
                /* 504 */ "Gateway Timeout",
                /* 505 */ "Http Version Not Supported",
                /* 506 */ null,
                /* 507 */ "Insufficient Storage"
    internal static string? Get(int code)
        if (code >= 100 && code < 600)
            int i = code / 100;
            int j = code % 100;
            if (j < HttpReasonPhrases[i]!.Length)
                return HttpReasonPhrases[i]![j];
        return null;