// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Sources;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys;
internal sealed unsafe partial class AsyncAcceptContext : IValueTaskSource<RequestContext>, IDisposable
private static readonly IOCompletionCallback IOCallback = IOWaitCallback;
private readonly PreAllocatedOverlapped _preallocatedOverlapped;
private readonly IRequestContextFactory _requestContextFactory;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private int _expectedCompletionCount;
private NativeOverlapped* _overlapped;
private readonly bool _logExpectationFailures = AppContext.TryGetSwitch(
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys.LogAcceptExpectationFailure", out var enabled) && enabled;
// mutable struct; do not make this readonly
private ManualResetValueTaskSourceCore<RequestContext> _mrvts = new()
// We want to run continuations on the IO threads
RunContinuationsAsynchronously = false
private RequestContext? _requestContext;
internal AsyncAcceptContext(HttpSysListener server, IRequestContextFactory requestContextFactory, ILogger logger)
Server = server;
_requestContextFactory = requestContextFactory;
_preallocatedOverlapped = new(IOCallback, state: this, pinData: null);
_logger = logger;
internal HttpSysListener Server { get; }
internal ValueTask<RequestContext> AcceptAsync()
var statusCode = QueueBeginGetContext();
if (statusCode != ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS &&
statusCode != ErrorCodes.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
// some other bad error, possible(?) return values are:
return ValueTask.FromException<RequestContext>(new HttpSysException((int)statusCode));
return new ValueTask<RequestContext>(this, _mrvts.Version);
private void IOCompleted(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, bool managed)
ObserveCompletion(managed); // expectation tracking
if (errorCode != ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS &&
errorCode != ErrorCodes.ERROR_MORE_DATA)
// (keep all the error handling in one place)
throw new HttpSysException((int)errorCode);
Debug.Assert(_requestContext != null);
if (errorCode == ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS)
var requestContext = _requestContext;
// It's important that we clear the request context before we set the result
// we want to reuse the acceptContext object for future accepts.
_requestContext = null;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.AcceptSetResultFailed(_logger, ex);
// (uint)backingBuffer.Length - AlignmentPadding
AllocateNativeRequest(numBytes, _requestContext.RequestId);
// We need to issue a new request, either because auth failed, or because our buffer was too small the first time.
var statusCode = QueueBeginGetContext();
if (statusCode != ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS &&
statusCode != ErrorCodes.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
// some other bad error, possible(?) return values are:
// (keep all the error handling in one place)
throw new HttpSysException((int)statusCode);
catch (Exception exception)
catch (Exception ex)
Log.AcceptSetResultFailed(_logger, ex);
private static unsafe void IOWaitCallback(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped)
var acceptContext = (AsyncAcceptContext)ThreadPoolBoundHandle.GetNativeOverlappedState(nativeOverlapped)!;
acceptContext.IOCompleted(errorCode, numBytes, false);
private void SetExpectCompletion() // we anticipate a completion *might* occur
// note this is intentionally a "reset and check" rather than Increment, so that we don't spam
// the logs forever if a glitch occurs
var value = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _expectedCompletionCount, 1); // should have been 0
if (value != 0)
if (_logExpectationFailures)
Log.AcceptSetExpectationMismatch(_logger, value);
Debug.Assert(false, nameof(SetExpectCompletion)); // fail hard in debug
private void CancelExpectCompletion() // due to error-code etc, we no longer anticipate a completion
var value = Interlocked.Decrement(ref _expectedCompletionCount); // should have been 1, so now 0
if (value != 0)
if (_logExpectationFailures)
Log.AcceptCancelExpectationMismatch(_logger, value);
Debug.Assert(false, nameof(CancelExpectCompletion)); // fail hard in debug
private void ObserveCompletion(bool managed) // a completion was invoked
var value = Interlocked.Decrement(ref _expectedCompletionCount); // should have been 1, so now 0
if (value != 0)
if (_logExpectationFailures)
Log.AcceptObserveExpectationMismatch(_logger, managed ? "managed" : "unmanaged", value);
Debug.Assert(false, nameof(ObserveCompletion)); // fail hard in debug
private uint QueueBeginGetContext()
uint statusCode;
bool retry;
Debug.Assert(_requestContext != null);
retry = false;
uint bytesTransferred = 0;
SetExpectCompletion(); // track this *before*, because of timing vs IOCP (could even be effectively synchronous)
statusCode = HttpApi.HttpReceiveHttpRequest(
// Small perf impact by not using HTTP_RECEIVE_REQUEST_FLAG_COPY_BODY
// if the request sends header+body in a single TCP packet
switch (statusCode)
case (ErrorCodes.ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID or ErrorCodes.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) when _requestContext.RequestId != 0:
// The client reset the connection between the time we got the MORE_DATA error and when we called HttpReceiveHttpRequest
// with the new buffer. We can clear the request id and move on to the next request.
// ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: Historical check from HttpListener.
// https://referencesource.microsoft.com/#System/net/System/Net/_ListenerAsyncResult.cs,137
// we might get this if somebody stole our RequestId,
// set RequestId to 0 and start all over again with the buffer we just allocated
// BUGBUG: how can someone steal our request ID? seems really bad and in need of fix.
_requestContext.RequestId = 0;
retry = true;
case ErrorCodes.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
// the buffer was not big enough to fit the headers, we need
// to read the RequestId returned, allocate a new buffer of the required size
// (uint)backingBuffer.Length - AlignmentPadding
CancelExpectCompletion(); // we'll "expect" again when we retry
retry = true;
case ErrorCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS:
if (HttpSysListener.SkipIOCPCallbackOnSuccess)
// IO operation completed synchronously - callback won't be called to signal completion.
IOCompleted(statusCode, bytesTransferred, true); // marks completion
// else: callback fired by IOCP (at some point), which marks completion
case ErrorCodes.ERROR_IO_PENDING:
break; // no change to state - callback will occur at some point
// fault code, not expecting an IOCP callback
while (retry);
return statusCode;
private void AllocateNativeRequest(uint? size = null, ulong requestId = 0)
var boundHandle = Server.RequestQueue.BoundHandle;
if (_overlapped != null)
_requestContext = _requestContextFactory.CreateRequestContext(size, requestId);
_overlapped = boundHandle.AllocateNativeOverlapped(_preallocatedOverlapped);
public void Dispose()
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (_requestContext != null)
_requestContext = null;
var boundHandle = Server.RequestQueue.BoundHandle;
if (_overlapped != null)
_overlapped = null;
public RequestContext GetResult(short token)
return _mrvts.GetResult(token);
public ValueTaskSourceStatus GetStatus(short token)
return _mrvts.GetStatus(token);
public void OnCompleted(Action<object?> continuation, object? state, short token, ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags flags)
_mrvts.OnCompleted(continuation, state, token, flags);