File: UriBuildingContext.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Http\Routing\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Encodings.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
internal sealed class UriBuildingContext
    // Holds the 'accepted' parts of the path.
    private readonly StringBuilder _path;
    private readonly StringBuilder _query;
    // Holds the 'optional' parts of the path. We need a secondary buffer to handle cases where an optional
    // segment is in the middle of the uri. We don't know if we need to write it out - if it's
    // followed by other optional segments than we will just throw it away.
    private readonly List<BufferValue> _buffer;
    private readonly UrlEncoder _urlEncoder;
    private bool _hasEmptySegment;
    private int _lastValueOffset;
    public UriBuildingContext(UrlEncoder urlEncoder)
        _urlEncoder = urlEncoder;
        _path = new StringBuilder();
        _query = new StringBuilder();
        _buffer = new List<BufferValue>();
        PathWriter = new StringWriter(_path);
        QueryWriter = new StringWriter(_query);
        _lastValueOffset = -1;
        BufferState = SegmentState.Beginning;
        UriState = SegmentState.Beginning;
    public bool LowercaseUrls { get; set; }
    public bool LowercaseQueryStrings { get; set; }
    public bool AppendTrailingSlash { get; set; }
    public SegmentState BufferState { get; private set; }
    public SegmentState UriState { get; private set; }
    public TextWriter PathWriter { get; }
    public TextWriter QueryWriter { get; }
    public bool Accept(string? value)
        return Accept(value, encodeSlashes: true);
    public bool Accept(string? value, bool encodeSlashes)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            if (UriState == SegmentState.Inside || BufferState == SegmentState.Inside)
                // We can't write an 'empty' part inside a segment
                return false;
                _hasEmptySegment = true;
                return true;
        else if (_hasEmptySegment)
            // We're trying to write text after an empty segment - this is not allowed.
            return false;
        // NOTE: this needs to be above all 'EncodeValue' and _path.Append calls
        if (LowercaseUrls)
            value = value.ToLowerInvariant();
        var buffer = _buffer;
        for (var i = 0; i < buffer.Count; i++)
            var bufferValue = buffer[i].Value;
            if (LowercaseUrls)
                bufferValue = bufferValue.ToLowerInvariant();
            if (buffer[i].RequiresEncoding)
        if (UriState == SegmentState.Beginning && BufferState == SegmentState.Beginning)
            if (_path.Length != 0)
        BufferState = SegmentState.Inside;
        UriState = SegmentState.Inside;
        _lastValueOffset = _path.Length;
        // Allow the first segment to have a leading slash.
        // This prevents the leading slash from PathString segments from being encoded.
        if (_path.Length == 0 && value.Length > 0 && value[0] == '/')
            EncodeValue(value, 1, value.Length - 1, encodeSlashes);
            EncodeValue(value, encodeSlashes);
        return true;
    public void Remove()
        Debug.Assert(_lastValueOffset != -1, "Cannot invoke Remove more than once.");
        _path.Length = _lastValueOffset;
        _lastValueOffset = -1;
    public bool Buffer(string? value)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            if (BufferState == SegmentState.Inside)
                // We can't write an 'empty' part inside a segment
                return false;
                _hasEmptySegment = true;
                return true;
        else if (_hasEmptySegment)
            // We're trying to write text after an empty segment - this is not allowed.
            return false;
        if (UriState == SegmentState.Inside)
            // We've already written part of this segment so there's no point in buffering, we need to
            // write out the rest or give up.
            var result = Accept(value);
            // We've already checked the conditions that could result in a rejected part, so this should
            // always be true.
            return result;
        if (UriState == SegmentState.Beginning && BufferState == SegmentState.Beginning)
            if (_path.Length != 0 || _buffer.Count != 0)
                _buffer.Add(new BufferValue("/", requiresEncoding: false));
            BufferState = SegmentState.Inside;
        _buffer.Add(new BufferValue(value, requiresEncoding: true));
        return true;
    public void EndSegment()
        BufferState = SegmentState.Beginning;
        UriState = SegmentState.Beginning;
    public void Clear()
        if (_path.Capacity > 128)
            // We don't want to retain too much memory if this is getting pooled.
            _path.Capacity = 128;
        if (_query.Capacity > 128)
            _query.Capacity = 128;
        if (_buffer.Capacity > 8)
            _buffer.Capacity = 8;
        _hasEmptySegment = false;
        _lastValueOffset = -1;
        BufferState = SegmentState.Beginning;
        UriState = SegmentState.Beginning;
        AppendTrailingSlash = false;
        LowercaseQueryStrings = false;
        LowercaseUrls = false;
    // Used by TemplateBinder.BindValues - the legacy code path of IRouter
    public override string ToString()
        // We can ignore any currently buffered segments - they are are guaranteed to be 'defaults'.
        if (_path.Length > 0 && _path[0] != '/')
            // Normalize generated paths so that they always contain a leading slash.
            _path.Insert(0, '/');
        return _path.ToString() + _query.ToString();
    // Used by TemplateBinder.TryBindValues - the new code path of LinkGenerator
    public PathString ToPathString()
        PathString pathString;
        if (_path.Length > 0)
            if (_path[0] != '/')
                // Normalize generated paths so that they always contain a leading slash.
                _path.Insert(0, '/');
            if (AppendTrailingSlash && _path[_path.Length - 1] != '/')
            pathString = new PathString(_path.ToString());
            pathString = PathString.Empty;
        return pathString;
    // Used by TemplateBinder.TryBindValues - the new code path of LinkGenerator
    public QueryString ToQueryString()
        if (_query.Length > 0 && _query[0] != '?')
            // Normalize generated query so that they always contain a leading ?.
            _query.Insert(0, '?');
        return new QueryString(_query.ToString());
    private void EncodeValue(string value)
        EncodeValue(value, encodeSlashes: true);
    private void EncodeValue(string value, bool encodeSlashes)
        EncodeValue(value, start: 0, characterCount: value.Length, encodeSlashes);
    // For testing
    internal void EncodeValue(string value, int start, int characterCount, bool encodeSlashes)
        // Just encode everything if its ok to encode slashes
        if (encodeSlashes)
            _urlEncoder.Encode(PathWriter, value, start, characterCount);
            int end;
            int length = start + characterCount;
            while ((end = value.IndexOf('/', start, characterCount)) >= 0)
                _urlEncoder.Encode(PathWriter, value, start, end - start);
                start = end + 1;
                characterCount = length - start;
            if (end < 0 && characterCount >= 0)
                _urlEncoder.Encode(PathWriter, value, start, length - start);
    private string DebuggerToString()
        return $@"Accepted = ""{_path}"", Buffered = ""{string.Join("", _buffer)}""";
    private readonly struct BufferValue
        public BufferValue(string value, bool requiresEncoding)
            Value = value;
            RequiresEncoding = requiresEncoding;
        public bool RequiresEncoding { get; }
        public string Value { get; }