6 instantiations of EdgeKey
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (6)
Matching\HttpMethodMatcherPolicy.cs (6)
194var key = new EdgeKey(httpMethod, acceptCorsPreFlight); 204key = new EdgeKey(httpMethod, false); 249var key = new EdgeKey(httpMethod, acceptCorsPreFlight); 257key = new EdgeKey(httpMethod, false); 281if (!edges.TryGetValue(new EdgeKey(AnyMethod, false), out _)) 286edges[new EdgeKey(AnyMethod, false)] = matches;
11 references to EdgeKey
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (11)
Matching\HttpMethodMatcherPolicy.cs (11)
175var edges = new Dictionary<EdgeKey, List<Endpoint>>(); 194var key = new EdgeKey(httpMethod, acceptCorsPreFlight); 249var key = new EdgeKey(httpMethod, acceptCorsPreFlight); 320var key = (EdgeKey)edges[i].State; 441internal readonly struct EdgeKey : IEquatable<EdgeKey>, IComparable<EdgeKey>, IComparable 456public int CompareTo(EdgeKey other) 469return CompareTo((EdgeKey)obj!); 472public bool Equals(EdgeKey other) 481var other = obj as EdgeKey?;