7 instantiations of UrlMatchingNode
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (7)
Tree\UrlMatchingTree.cs (7)
40public UrlMatchingNode Root { get; } = new UrlMatchingNode(length: 0); 91current.ConstrainedParameters = new UrlMatchingNode(length: i + 1); 105next = new UrlMatchingNode(length: i + 1); 143current.ConstrainedParameters = new UrlMatchingNode(length: i + 1); 154current.Parameters = new UrlMatchingNode(length: i + 1); 165current.ConstrainedCatchAlls = new UrlMatchingNode(length: i + 1) { IsCatchAll = true }; 176current.CatchAlls = new UrlMatchingNode(length: i + 1) { IsCatchAll = true };
30 references to UrlMatchingNode
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (23)
Tree\TreeEnumerator.cs (7)
11internal struct TreeEnumerator : IEnumerator<UrlMatchingNode> 13private readonly Stack<UrlMatchingNode> _stack; 16public TreeEnumerator(UrlMatchingNode root, PathTokenizer tokenizer) 18_stack = new Stack<UrlMatchingNode>(); 25public UrlMatchingNode Current { get; private set; } 42var next = _stack.Pop(); 95if (next.Literals.TryGetValue(_tokenizer[next.Depth].Value, out var node))
Tree\TreeRouter.cs (2)
180var root = tree.Root; 189var node = treeEnumerator.Current;
Tree\UrlMatchingNode.cs (11)
23/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="UrlMatchingNode"/>. 31Literals = new Dictionary<string, UrlMatchingNode>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); 55public Dictionary<string, UrlMatchingNode> Literals { get; } 58/// Gets or sets the <see cref="UrlMatchingNode"/> representing 61public UrlMatchingNode ConstrainedParameters { get; set; } 64/// Gets or sets the <see cref="UrlMatchingNode"/> representing 67public UrlMatchingNode Parameters { get; set; } 70/// Gets or sets the <see cref="UrlMatchingNode"/> representing 73public UrlMatchingNode ConstrainedCatchAlls { get; set; } 76/// Gets or sets the <see cref="UrlMatchingNode"/> representing 79public UrlMatchingNode CatchAlls { get; set; }
Tree\UrlMatchingTree.cs (3)
40public UrlMatchingNode Root { get; } = new UrlMatchingNode(length: 0); 74var current = Root; 103if (!current.Literals.TryGetValue(part.Text, out var next))
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Tests (7)
Tree\TreeRouteBuilderTest.cs (7)
93var secondSegment = firstSegment.Value.Parameters; 125var secondSegment = firstSegment.Value.Parameters; 132var fourthSegment = thirdSegment.Value.Parameters; 140var sixthSegment = fifthSegment.Value.CatchAlls; 169var secondSegment = firstSegment.Value.Parameters; 201var secondSegment = firstSegment.Value.ConstrainedParameters; 233var secondSegment = firstSegment.Value.ConstrainedParameters;