6 instantiations of DfaNode
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (6)
Matching\DfaMatcherBuilder.cs (6)
74var root = new DfaNode() { PathDepth = 0, Label = includeLabel ? "/" : null }; 287parent.CatchAll = new DfaNode() 312parent.Parameters = new DfaNode() 349parent.Parameters = new DfaNode() 500next = new DfaNode() 926var next = new DfaNode()
99 references to DfaNode
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (45)
Internal\DfaGraphWriter.cs (3)
54var visited = new Dictionary<DfaNode, int>(); 56var tree = builder.BuildDfaTree(includeLabel: true); 62void WriteNode(DfaNode node)
Matching\DfaMatcherBuilder.cs (32)
67public DfaNode BuildDfaTree(bool includeLabel = false) 74var root = new DfaNode() { PathDepth = 0, Label = includeLabel ? "/" : null }; 83work.Add(new DfaBuilderWorkerWorkItem(endpoint, precedenceDigit, new List<DfaNode>() { root, })); 206var parent = parents[j]; 212List<DfaNode> nextParents; 223nextParents = new List<DfaNode>(); 253List<DfaNode> parents, 254List<DfaNode> nextParents, 259var parent = parents[i]; 372private void AddParentsMatchingComplexSegment(RouteEndpoint endpoint, List<DfaNode> nextParents, RoutePatternPathSegment segment, DfaNode parent, RoutePatternParameterPart parameterPart) 425private void AddParentsWithMatchingLiteralConstraints(List<DfaNode> nextParents, DfaNode parent, RoutePatternParameterPart parameterPart, IReadOnlyList<RoutePatternParameterPolicyReference> parameterPolicyReferences) 463foreach (var literal in parent.Literals.Values) 473private void AddRequiredLiteralValue(RouteEndpoint endpoint, List<DfaNode> nextParents, DfaNode parent, RoutePatternParameterPart parameterPart, object requiredValue) 495private static void AddLiteralNode(bool includeLabel, List<DfaNode> nextParents, DfaNode parent, string literal) 498!parent.Literals.TryGetValue(literal, out var next)) 552var root = BuildDfaTree(includeLabel); 583DfaNode node, 678int Transition(DfaNode next) 877private void ApplyPolicies(DfaNode node) 889var work = new List<DfaNode>() { node, }; 890List<DfaNode> previousWork = null; 896List<DfaNode> nextWork; 899nextWork = new List<DfaNode>(); 910var parent = work[j]; 926var next = new DfaNode() 996public List<DfaNode> Parents { get; } 998public DfaBuilderWorkerWorkItem(RouteEndpoint endpoint, int precedenceDigit, List<DfaNode> parents) 1005public void Deconstruct(out RouteEndpoint endpoint, out int precedenceDigit, out List<DfaNode> parents)
Matching\DfaNode.cs (10)
28public Dictionary<string, DfaNode> Literals { get; private set; } 30public DfaNode Parameters { get; set; } 32public DfaNode CatchAll { get; set; } 36public Dictionary<object, DfaNode> PolicyEdges { get; private set; } 38public void AddPolicyEdge(object state, DfaNode node) 42PolicyEdges = new Dictionary<object, DfaNode>(); 48public void AddLiteral(string literal, DfaNode node) 52Literals = new Dictionary<string, DfaNode>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); 80public void Visit(Action<DfaNode> visitor) 129string FormatNode(DfaNode other)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Tests (54)
Matching\DfaMatcherBuilderTest.cs (54)
27var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 45var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 84var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 90var a = root.Parameters; 94var b = a.Parameters; 98var c = b.Parameters; 114var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 120var a = root.Parameters; 129var catchAll = a.CatchAll; 146var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 154var catchAll = root.CatchAll; 173var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 225var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 277var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 333var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 375var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 424var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 471var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 518var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 563var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 626var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 686var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 731var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 791var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 836var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 896var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 959var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 1011var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 1641var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2161var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2379var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2406var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2449var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2492var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2519var a2 = root.Parameters; 2523var b2 = a2.Parameters; 2546var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2573var a2 = root.Parameters; 2577var b2 = a2.Parameters; 2596var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2614var a2 = root.Parameters; 2618var b2 = a2.Parameters; 2637var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2682var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2746var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2790var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2834var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2882var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2951var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 2985var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 3019var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 3065var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 3125var root = builder.BuildDfaTree(); 3158var root = builder.BuildDfaTree();