File: DefaultLinkGenerator.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Http\Routing\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable enable
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Template;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
[DebuggerDisplay("Endpoints = {Endpoints.Count}")]
internal sealed partial class DefaultLinkGenerator : LinkGenerator, IDisposable
    private readonly TemplateBinderFactory _binderFactory;
    private readonly ILogger<DefaultLinkGenerator> _logger;
    private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
    // A LinkOptions object initialized with the values from RouteOptions
    // Used when the user didn't specify something more global.
    private readonly LinkOptions _globalLinkOptions;
    // Caches TemplateBinder instances
    private readonly DataSourceDependentCache<ConcurrentDictionary<RouteEndpoint, TemplateBinder>> _cache;
    // Used to initialize TemplateBinder instances
    private readonly Func<RouteEndpoint, TemplateBinder> _createTemplateBinder;
    public DefaultLinkGenerator(
        TemplateBinderFactory binderFactory,
        EndpointDataSource dataSource,
        IOptions<RouteOptions> routeOptions,
        ILogger<DefaultLinkGenerator> logger,
        IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        _binderFactory = binderFactory;
        _logger = logger;
        _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
        // We cache TemplateBinder instances per-Endpoint for performance, but we want to wipe out
        // that cache is the endpoints change so that we don't allow unbounded memory growth.
        _cache = new DataSourceDependentCache<ConcurrentDictionary<RouteEndpoint, TemplateBinder>>(dataSource, (_) =>
            // We don't eagerly fill this cache because there's no real reason to. Unlike URL matching, we don't
            // need to build a big data structure up front to be correct.
            return new ConcurrentDictionary<RouteEndpoint, TemplateBinder>();
        // Cached to avoid per-call allocation of a delegate on lookup.
        _createTemplateBinder = CreateTemplateBinder;
        _globalLinkOptions = new LinkOptions()
            AppendTrailingSlash = routeOptions.Value.AppendTrailingSlash,
            LowercaseQueryStrings = routeOptions.Value.LowercaseQueryStrings,
            LowercaseUrls = routeOptions.Value.LowercaseUrls,
    public override string? GetPathByAddress<TAddress>(
        HttpContext httpContext,
        TAddress address,
        RouteValueDictionary values,
        RouteValueDictionary? ambientValues = default,
        PathString? pathBase = default,
        FragmentString fragment = default,
        LinkOptions? options = null)
        var endpoints = GetEndpoints(address);
        if (endpoints.Count == 0)
            return null;
        return GetPathByEndpoints(
            pathBase ?? httpContext.Request.PathBase,
    public override string? GetPathByAddress<TAddress>(
        TAddress address,
        RouteValueDictionary values,
        PathString pathBase = default,
        FragmentString fragment = default,
        LinkOptions? options = null)
        var endpoints = GetEndpoints(address);
        if (endpoints.Count == 0)
            return null;
        return GetPathByEndpoints(
            httpContext: null,
            ambientValues: null,
            pathBase: pathBase,
            fragment: fragment,
            options: options);
    public override string? GetUriByAddress<TAddress>(
        HttpContext httpContext,
        TAddress address,
        RouteValueDictionary values,
        RouteValueDictionary? ambientValues = default,
        string? scheme = default,
        HostString? host = default,
        PathString? pathBase = default,
        FragmentString fragment = default,
        LinkOptions? options = null)
        var endpoints = GetEndpoints(address);
        if (endpoints.Count == 0)
            return null;
        return GetUriByEndpoints(
            scheme ?? httpContext.Request.Scheme,
            host ?? httpContext.Request.Host,
            pathBase ?? httpContext.Request.PathBase,
    public override string? GetUriByAddress<TAddress>(
        TAddress address,
        RouteValueDictionary values,
        string scheme,
        HostString host,
        PathString pathBase = default,
        FragmentString fragment = default,
        LinkOptions? options = null)
        if (!host.HasValue)
            throw new ArgumentException("A host must be provided.", nameof(host));
        var endpoints = GetEndpoints(address);
        if (endpoints.Count == 0)
            return null;
        return GetUriByEndpoints(
            ambientValues: null,
            scheme: scheme,
            host: host,
            pathBase: pathBase,
            fragment: fragment,
            options: options);
    private List<RouteEndpoint> GetEndpoints<TAddress>(TAddress address)
        var addressingScheme = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IEndpointAddressScheme<TAddress>>();
        var endpoints = addressingScheme.FindEndpoints(address).OfType<RouteEndpoint>().ToList();
        if (endpoints.Count == 0)
            Log.EndpointsNotFound(_logger, address);
            Log.EndpointsFound(_logger, address, endpoints);
        return endpoints;
    private string? GetPathByEndpoints(
        HttpContext? httpContext,
        List<RouteEndpoint> endpoints,
        RouteValueDictionary values,
        RouteValueDictionary? ambientValues,
        PathString pathBase,
        FragmentString fragment,
        LinkOptions? options)
        for (var i = 0; i < endpoints.Count; i++)
            var endpoint = endpoints[i];
            if (TryProcessTemplate(
                httpContext: httpContext,
                endpoint: endpoint,
                values: values,
                ambientValues: ambientValues,
                options: options,
                result: out var result))
                var uri = UriHelper.BuildRelative(
                Log.LinkGenerationSucceeded(_logger, endpoints, uri);
                return uri;
        Log.LinkGenerationFailed(_logger, endpoints);
        return null;
    // Also called from DefaultLinkGenerationTemplate
    public string? GetUriByEndpoints(
        List<RouteEndpoint> endpoints,
        RouteValueDictionary values,
        RouteValueDictionary? ambientValues,
        string scheme,
        HostString host,
        PathString pathBase,
        FragmentString fragment,
        LinkOptions? options)
        for (var i = 0; i < endpoints.Count; i++)
            var endpoint = endpoints[i];
            if (TryProcessTemplate(
                httpContext: null,
                endpoint: endpoint,
                values: values,
                ambientValues: ambientValues,
                options: options,
                result: out var result))
                var uri = UriHelper.BuildAbsolute(
                Log.LinkGenerationSucceeded(_logger, endpoints, uri);
                return uri;
        Log.LinkGenerationFailed(_logger, endpoints);
        return null;
    private TemplateBinder CreateTemplateBinder(RouteEndpoint endpoint)
        return _binderFactory.Create(endpoint.RoutePattern);
    // Internal for testing
    internal TemplateBinder GetTemplateBinder(RouteEndpoint endpoint) => _cache.EnsureInitialized().GetOrAdd(endpoint, _createTemplateBinder);
    // Internal for testing
    internal bool TryProcessTemplate(
        HttpContext? httpContext,
        RouteEndpoint endpoint,
        RouteValueDictionary values,
        RouteValueDictionary? ambientValues,
        LinkOptions? options,
        out (PathString path, QueryString query) result)
        var templateBinder = GetTemplateBinder(endpoint);
        var templateValuesResult = templateBinder.GetValues(ambientValues, values);
        if (templateValuesResult == null)
            // We're missing one of the required values for this route.
            result = default;
            Log.TemplateFailedRequiredValues(_logger, endpoint, ambientValues, values);
            return false;
        if (!templateBinder.TryProcessConstraints(httpContext, templateValuesResult.CombinedValues, out var parameterName, out var constraint))
            result = default;
            Log.TemplateFailedConstraint(_logger, endpoint, parameterName, constraint, templateValuesResult.CombinedValues);
            return false;
        if (!templateBinder.TryBindValues(templateValuesResult.AcceptedValues, options, _globalLinkOptions, out result))
            Log.TemplateFailedExpansion(_logger, endpoint, templateValuesResult.AcceptedValues);
            return false;
        Log.TemplateSucceeded(_logger, endpoint, result.path, result.query);
        return true;
    // Also called from DefaultLinkGenerationTemplate
    public static RouteValueDictionary? GetAmbientValues(HttpContext? httpContext)
        return httpContext?.Features.Get<IRouteValuesFeature>()?.RouteValues;
    public void Dispose()
    private IReadOnlyList<Endpoint> Endpoints => _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<EndpointDataSource>().Endpoints;
    private sealed class DefaultLinkGeneratorDebugView(DefaultLinkGenerator generator)
        private readonly DefaultLinkGenerator _generator = generator;
        public Endpoint[] Items => _generator.Endpoints.ToArray();
    private static partial class Log
        public static void EndpointsFound(ILogger logger, object? address, IEnumerable<Endpoint> endpoints)
            // Checking level again to avoid allocation on the common path
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                EndpointsFound(logger, endpoints.Select(e => e.DisplayName), address);
        [LoggerMessage(100, LogLevel.Debug, "Found the endpoints {Endpoints} for address {Address}", EventName = "EndpointsFound", SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void EndpointsFound(ILogger logger, IEnumerable<string?> endpoints, object? address);
        [LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Debug, "No endpoints found for address {Address}", EventName = "EndpointsNotFound")]
        public static partial void EndpointsNotFound(ILogger logger, object? address);
        public static void TemplateSucceeded(ILogger logger, RouteEndpoint endpoint, PathString path, QueryString query)
            => TemplateSucceeded(logger, endpoint.RoutePattern.RawText, endpoint.DisplayName, path.Value, query.Value);
        [LoggerMessage(102, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Successfully processed template {Template} for {Endpoint} resulting in {Path} and {Query}",
            EventName = "TemplateSucceeded")]
        private static partial void TemplateSucceeded(ILogger logger, string? template, string? endpoint, string? path, string? query);
        public static void TemplateFailedRequiredValues(ILogger logger, RouteEndpoint endpoint, RouteValueDictionary? ambientValues, RouteValueDictionary values)
            // Checking level again to avoid allocation on the common path
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                TemplateFailedRequiredValues(logger, endpoint.RoutePattern.RawText, endpoint.DisplayName, FormatRouteValues(ambientValues), FormatRouteValues(values), FormatRouteValues(endpoint.RoutePattern.Defaults));
        [LoggerMessage(103, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Failed to process the template {Template} for {Endpoint}. " +
            "A required route value is missing, or has a different value from the required default values. " +
            "Supplied ambient values {AmbientValues} and {Values} with default values {Defaults}",
            EventName = "TemplateFailedRequiredValues",
            SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void TemplateFailedRequiredValues(ILogger logger, string? template, string? endpoint, string ambientValues, string values, string defaults);
        public static void TemplateFailedConstraint(ILogger logger, RouteEndpoint endpoint, string? parameterName, IRouteConstraint? constraint, RouteValueDictionary values)
            // Checking level again to avoid allocation on the common path
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                TemplateFailedConstraint(logger, endpoint.RoutePattern.RawText, endpoint.DisplayName, constraint, parameterName, FormatRouteValues(values));
        [LoggerMessage(107, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Failed to process the template {Template} for {Endpoint}. " +
            "The constraint {Constraint} for parameter {ParameterName} failed with values {Values}",
            EventName = "TemplateFailedConstraint",
            SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void TemplateFailedConstraint(ILogger logger, string? template, string? endpoint, IRouteConstraint? constraint, string? parameterName, string values);
        public static void TemplateFailedExpansion(ILogger logger, RouteEndpoint endpoint, RouteValueDictionary values)
            // Checking level again to avoid allocation on the common path
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                TemplateFailedExpansion(logger, endpoint.RoutePattern.RawText, endpoint.DisplayName, FormatRouteValues(values));
        [LoggerMessage(104, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Failed to process the template {Template} for {Endpoint}. " +
            "The failure occurred while expanding the template with values {Values} " +
            "This is usually due to a missing or empty value in a complex segment",
            EventName = "TemplateFailedExpansion",
            SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void TemplateFailedExpansion(ILogger logger, string? template, string? endpoint, string values);
        public static void LinkGenerationSucceeded(ILogger logger, IEnumerable<Endpoint> endpoints, string uri)
            // Checking level again to avoid allocation on the common path
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                LinkGenerationSucceeded(logger, endpoints.Select(e => e.DisplayName), uri);
        [LoggerMessage(105, LogLevel.Debug,
           "Link generation succeeded for endpoints {Endpoints} with result {URI}",
            EventName = "LinkGenerationSucceeded",
           SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void LinkGenerationSucceeded(ILogger logger, IEnumerable<string?> endpoints, string uri);
        public static void LinkGenerationFailed(ILogger logger, IEnumerable<Endpoint> endpoints)
            // Checking level again to avoid allocation on the common path
            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                LinkGenerationFailed(logger, endpoints.Select(e => e.DisplayName));
        [LoggerMessage(106, LogLevel.Debug, "Link generation failed for endpoints {Endpoints}", EventName = "LinkGenerationFailed", SkipEnabledCheck = true)]
        private static partial void LinkGenerationFailed(ILogger logger, IEnumerable<string?> endpoints);
        // EXPENSIVE: should only be used at Debug and higher levels of logging.
        private static string FormatRouteValues(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object?>? values)
            if (values == null || values.Count == 0)
                return "{ }";
            var builder = new StringBuilder();
            builder.Append("{ ");
            foreach (var kvp in values.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key))
                builder.Append(' ');
                builder.Append(", ");
            // Trim trailing ", "
            builder.Remove(builder.Length - 2, 2);
            builder.Append(" }");
            return builder.ToString();