2 overrides of CreateJumpTable
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Tests (2)
Matching\SingleEntryAsciiJumpTableTest.cs (1)
8private protected override JumpTable CreateJumpTable(int defaultDestination, int exitDestination, string text, int destination)
Matching\SingleEntryJumpTableTest.cs (1)
8private protected override JumpTable CreateJumpTable(int defaultDestination, int exitDestination, string text, int destination)
4 references to CreateJumpTable
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Tests (4)
Matching\SingleEntryJumpTableTestBase.cs (4)
18var table = CreateJumpTable(0, 1, "text", 2); 31var table = CreateJumpTable(0, 1, "text", 2); 44var table = CreateJumpTable(0, 1, "text", 2); 57var table = CreateJumpTable(0, 1, "text", 2);