File: Matching\RouteMatcherBuilder.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Http\Routing\test\UnitTests\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Constraints;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Patterns;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.TestObjects;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching;
internal class RouteMatcherBuilder : MatcherBuilder
    private readonly IInlineConstraintResolver _constraintResolver;
    private readonly List<RouteEndpoint> _endpoints;
    public RouteMatcherBuilder()
        var routeOptions = new RouteOptions();
        _constraintResolver = new DefaultInlineConstraintResolver(Options.Create(routeOptions), new TestServiceProvider());
        _endpoints = new List<RouteEndpoint>();
    public override void AddEndpoint(RouteEndpoint endpoint)
    public override Matcher Build()
        var selector = new DefaultEndpointSelector();
        var groups = _endpoints
            .GroupBy(e => (e.Order, e.RoutePattern.InboundPrecedence, e.RoutePattern.RawText))
            .OrderBy(g => g.Key.Order)
            .ThenBy(g => g.Key.InboundPrecedence);
        var routes = new RouteCollection();
        foreach (var group in groups)
            var candidates = group.ToArray();
            var endpoint = group.First();
            // RoutePattern.Defaults contains the default values parsed from the template
            // as well as those specified with a literal. We need to separate those
            // for legacy cases.
            // To do this we re-parse the original text and compare.
            var withoutDefaults = RoutePatternFactory.Parse(endpoint.RoutePattern.RawText);
            var defaults = new RouteValueDictionary(endpoint.RoutePattern.Defaults);
            for (var i = 0; i < withoutDefaults.Parameters.Count; i++)
                var parameter = withoutDefaults.Parameters[i];
                if (parameter.Default != null)
            routes.Add(new Route(
                new SelectorRouter(selector, candidates),
                new Dictionary<string, object>(),
                new RouteValueDictionary(),
        return new RouteMatcher(routes);
    private class SelectorRouter : IRouter
        private readonly EndpointSelector _selector;
        private readonly RouteEndpoint[] _candidates;
        private readonly RouteValueDictionary[] _values;
        private readonly int[] _scores;
        public SelectorRouter(EndpointSelector selector, RouteEndpoint[] candidates)
            _selector = selector;
            _candidates = candidates;
            _values = new RouteValueDictionary[_candidates.Length];
            _scores = new int[_candidates.Length];
        public VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(VirtualPathContext context)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        public async Task RouteAsync(RouteContext routeContext)
            // This is needed due to a quirk of our tests - they reuse the endpoint feature.
            await _selector.SelectAsync(routeContext.HttpContext, new CandidateSet(_candidates, _values, _scores));
            if (routeContext.HttpContext.GetEndpoint() != null)
                routeContext.Handler = (_) => Task.CompletedTask;