File: Matching\HttpMethodMatcherPolicyIntegrationTestBase.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Http\Routing\test\UnitTests\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Patterns;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers;
using static Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching.HttpMethodMatcherPolicy;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching;
// End-to-end tests for the HTTP method matching functionality
public abstract class HttpMethodMatcherPolicyIntegrationTestBase
    protected abstract bool HasDynamicMetadata { get; }
    public async Task Match_HttpMethod()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", });
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "GET");
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint);
    public async Task Match_HttpMethod_CORS()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", }, acceptCorsPreflight: true);
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "GET");
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint);
    public async Task Match_HttpMethod_CORS_Preflight()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", }, acceptCorsPreflight: true);
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "GET", corsPreflight: true);
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint);
    [Fact] // Nothing here supports OPTIONS, so it goes to a 405.
    public async Task NotMatch_HttpMethod_CORS_Preflight()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", }, acceptCorsPreflight: false);
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "GET", corsPreflight: true);
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.NotSame(endpoint, httpContext.GetEndpoint());
        Assert.Same(HttpMethodMatcherPolicy.Http405EndpointDisplayName, httpContext.GetEndpoint().DisplayName);
    [InlineData("GeT", "GET")]
    [InlineData("unKNOWN", "UNKNOWN")]
    public async Task Match_HttpMethod_CaseInsensitive(string endpointMethod, string requestMethod)
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { endpointMethod, });
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", requestMethod);
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint);
    [InlineData("GeT", "GET")]
    [InlineData("unKNOWN", "UNKNOWN")]
    public async Task Match_HttpMethod_CaseInsensitive_CORS_Preflight(string endpointMethod, string requestMethod)
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { endpointMethod, }, acceptCorsPreflight: true);
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", requestMethod, corsPreflight: true);
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint);
    public async Task Match_NoMetadata_MatchesAnyHttpMethod()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint("/hello");
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "GET");
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint);
    public async Task Match_NoMetadata_MatchesAnyHttpMethod_CORS_Preflight()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint("/hello", acceptCorsPreflight: true);
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "GET", corsPreflight: true);
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint);
    [Fact] // This matches because the endpoint accepts OPTIONS
    public async Task Match_NoMetadata_MatchesAnyHttpMethod_CORS_Preflight_DoesNotSupportPreflight()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint("/hello", acceptCorsPreflight: false);
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "GET", corsPreflight: true);
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint);
    public async Task Match_EmptyMethodList_MatchesAnyHttpMethod()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { });
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "GET");
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint);
    [Fact] // When all of the candidates handles specific verbs, use a 405 endpoint
    public async Task NotMatch_HttpMethod_Returns405Endpoint()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", "PUT" });
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "DELETE" });
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint1, endpoint2);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "POST");
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.NotSame(endpoint1, httpContext.GetEndpoint());
        Assert.NotSame(endpoint2, httpContext.GetEndpoint());
        Assert.Same(HttpMethodMatcherPolicy.Http405EndpointDisplayName, httpContext.GetEndpoint().DisplayName);
        // Invoke the endpoint
        await httpContext.GetEndpoint().RequestDelegate(httpContext);
        Assert.Equal(405, httpContext.Response.StatusCode);
        Assert.Equal("DELETE, GET, PUT", httpContext.Response.Headers["Allow"]);
    public async Task NotMatch_HttpMethod_CORS_DoesNotReturn405()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", "PUT" }, acceptCorsPreflight: true);
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "DELETE" });
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint1, endpoint2);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "POST", corsPreflight: true);
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
    [Fact] // When one of the candidates handles all verbs, dont use a 405 endpoint
    public async Task NotMatch_HttpMethod_WithAllMethodEndpoint_DoesNotReturn405()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint("/{x:int}", httpMethods: new string[] { });
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint("/{hello:regex(hello)}", httpMethods: new string[] { "DELETE" });
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint1, endpoint2);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "POST");
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
    public async Task Match_EndpointWithHttpMethodPreferred()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", });
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint("/bar");
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint1, endpoint2);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "GET");
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint1);
    public async Task Match_EndpointWithHttpMethodPreferred_EmptyList()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", });
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint("/bar", httpMethods: new string[] { });
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint1, endpoint2);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "GET");
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint1);
    [Fact] // The non-http-method-specific endpoint is part of the same candidate set
    public async Task Match_EndpointWithHttpMethodPreferred_FallsBackToNonSpecific()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint("/{x}", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", });
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint("/{x}", httpMethods: new string[] { });
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint1, endpoint2);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "POST");
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext, endpoint2, ignoreValues: true);
    [Fact] // See
    public async Task NotMatch_HttpMethod_Returns405Endpoint_ReExecute()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", "PUT" });
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "DELETE" });
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint1, endpoint2);
        var httpContext = CreateContext("/hello", "POST");
        // Act
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext);
        // Assert
        Assert.NotSame(endpoint1, httpContext.GetEndpoint());
        Assert.NotSame(endpoint2, httpContext.GetEndpoint());
        Assert.Same(HttpMethodMatcherPolicy.Http405EndpointDisplayName, httpContext.GetEndpoint().DisplayName);
        // Invoke the endpoint
        await httpContext.GetEndpoint().RequestDelegate(httpContext);
        Assert.Equal(405, httpContext.Response.StatusCode);
        Assert.Equal("DELETE, GET, PUT", httpContext.Response.Headers["Allow"]);
        // Invoke the endpoint again to verify headers not duplicated
        await httpContext.GetEndpoint().RequestDelegate(httpContext);
        Assert.Equal(405, httpContext.Response.StatusCode);
        Assert.Equal("DELETE, GET, PUT", httpContext.Response.Headers["Allow"]);
    public async Task Match_Custom_HttpMethod()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GET", });
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint("/hello", httpMethods: new string[] { "GOT", });
        var matcher = CreateMatcher(endpoint1, endpoint2);
        // Act 1
        var httpContext1 = CreateContext("/hello", "GET");
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext1);
        // Assert 1
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext1, endpoint1);
        // Act 2
        var httpContext2 = CreateContext("/hello", "GOT");
        await matcher.MatchAsync(httpContext2);
        // Assert 2
        MatcherAssert.AssertMatch(httpContext2, endpoint2);
    private static Matcher CreateMatcher(params RouteEndpoint[] endpoints)
        var services = new ServiceCollection()
        var builder = services.GetRequiredService<DfaMatcherBuilder>();
        for (var i = 0; i < endpoints.Length; i++)
        return builder.Build();
    internal static HttpContext CreateContext(
        string path,
        string httpMethod,
        bool corsPreflight = false)
        var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
        httpContext.Request.Method = corsPreflight ? PreflightHttpMethod : httpMethod;
        httpContext.Request.Path = path;
        if (corsPreflight)
            httpContext.Request.Headers[HeaderNames.Origin] = "";
            httpContext.Request.Headers[HeaderNames.AccessControlRequestMethod] = httpMethod;
        return httpContext;
    internal RouteEndpoint CreateEndpoint(
        string template,
        object defaults = null,
        object constraints = null,
        int order = 0,
        string[] httpMethods = null,
        bool acceptCorsPreflight = false)
        var metadata = new List<object>();
        if (httpMethods != null)
            metadata.Add(new HttpMethodMetadata(httpMethods ?? Array.Empty<string>(), acceptCorsPreflight));
        if (HasDynamicMetadata)
            metadata.Add(new DynamicEndpointMetadata());
        var displayName = "endpoint: " + template + " " + string.Join(", ", httpMethods ?? new[] { "(any)" });
        return new RouteEndpoint(
            RoutePatternFactory.Parse(template, defaults, constraints),
            new EndpointMetadataCollection(metadata),
    internal (Matcher matcher, RouteEndpoint endpoint) CreateMatcher(string template)
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint(template);
        return (CreateMatcher(endpoint), endpoint);
    private class DynamicEndpointMetadata : IDynamicEndpointMetadata
        public bool IsDynamic => true;