6 references to PropertiesCache
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abstractions (6)
src\Shared\PropertyHelper\PropertyHelper.cs (6)
125return GetProperties(type, PropertiesCache); 146return GetVisibleProperties(type, PropertiesCache, VisiblePropertiesCache); 333foreach (var helper in GetProperties(value.GetType(), PropertiesCache)) 405/// <param name="allPropertiesCache">The cache to store results in. Use <see cref="PropertiesCache"/> to use the default cache. Use <see langword="null"/> to avoid caching.</param> 487/// <param name="cache">The cache to store results in. Use <see cref="PropertiesCache"/> to use the default cache. Use <see langword="null"/> to avoid caching.</param> 564PropertiesCache.Clear();