File: IISUrlRewrite\InputParser.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Middleware\Rewrite\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Rewrite.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Rewrite)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Rewrite.PatternSegments;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Rewrite.IISUrlRewrite;
internal sealed class InputParser
    private const char Colon = ':';
    private const char OpenBrace = '{';
    private const char CloseBrace = '}';
    private readonly IISRewriteMapCollection? _rewriteMaps;
    private readonly bool _alwaysUseManagedServerVariables;
    public InputParser()
    public InputParser(IISRewriteMapCollection? rewriteMaps, bool alwaysUseManagedServerVariables)
        _rewriteMaps = rewriteMaps;
        _alwaysUseManagedServerVariables = alwaysUseManagedServerVariables;
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a pattern, which is a template to create a new test string to
    /// compare to the condition. Can contain server variables, back references, etc.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="testString"></param>
    /// <returns>A new <see cref="Pattern"/>, containing a list of <see cref="PatternSegment"/></returns>
    public Pattern ParseInputString(string testString)
        return ParseInputString(testString, UriMatchPart.Path);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a pattern, which is a template to create a new test string to
    /// compare to the condition. Can contain server variables, back references, etc.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="testString"></param>
    /// <param name="uriMatchPart">When testString evaluates to a URL segment, specify which part of the URI to evaluate.</param>
    /// <returns>A new <see cref="Pattern"/>, containing a list of <see cref="PatternSegment"/></returns>
    public Pattern ParseInputString(string testString, UriMatchPart uriMatchPart)
        if (testString == null)
            testString = string.Empty;
        var context = new ParserContext(testString);
        return ParseString(context, uriMatchPart);
    private Pattern ParseString(ParserContext context, UriMatchPart uriMatchPart)
        var results = new List<PatternSegment>();
        while (context.Next())
            if (context.Current == OpenBrace)
                // This is a server parameter, parse for a condition variable
                if (!context.Next())
                    // missing {
                    throw new FormatException(Resources.FormatError_InputParserMissingCloseBrace(context.Index));
                ParseParameter(context, results, uriMatchPart);
            else if (context.Current == CloseBrace)
                return new Pattern(results);
                // Parse for literals, which will return on either the end of the test string
                // or when it hits a special character
                ParseLiteral(context, results);
        return new Pattern(results);
    private void ParseParameter(ParserContext context, IList<PatternSegment> results, UriMatchPart uriMatchPart)
        // Four main cases:
        // 1. {NAME} - Server Variable, create lambda to get the part of the context
        // 2. {R:1}  - IRule parameter
        // 3. {C:1}  - Condition Parameter
        // 4. {function:xxx} - String function
        // (unless we support Reload)
        string? parameter;
        while (context.Next())
            if (context.Current == CloseBrace)
                // This is just a server variable, so we do a lookup and verify the server variable exists.
                parameter = context.Capture();
                results.Add(ServerVariables.FindServerVariable(parameter!, context, uriMatchPart, _alwaysUseManagedServerVariables));
            else if (context.Current == Colon)
                parameter = context.Capture();
                // Only 5 strings to expect here. Case sensitive.
                switch (parameter)
                    case "ToLower":
                            var pattern = ParseString(context, uriMatchPart);
                            results.Add(new ToLowerSegment(pattern));
                            // at this point, we expect our context to be on the ending closing brace,
                            // because the ParseString() call will increment the context until it
                            // has processed the new string.
                            if (context.Current != CloseBrace)
                                throw new FormatException(Resources.FormatError_InputParserMissingCloseBrace(context.Index));
                    case "UrlDecode":
                            var pattern = ParseString(context, uriMatchPart);
                            results.Add(new UrlDecodeSegment(pattern));
                            if (context.Current != CloseBrace)
                                throw new FormatException(Resources.FormatError_InputParserMissingCloseBrace(context.Index));
                    case "UrlEncode":
                            var pattern = ParseString(context, uriMatchPart);
                            results.Add(new UrlEncodeSegment(pattern));
                            if (context.Current != CloseBrace)
                                throw new FormatException(Resources.FormatError_InputParserMissingCloseBrace(context.Index));
                    case "R":
                            var index = GetBackReferenceIndex(context);
                            results.Add(new RuleMatchSegment(index));
                    case "C":
                            var index = GetBackReferenceIndex(context);
                            results.Add(new ConditionMatchSegment(index));
                        var rewriteMap = _rewriteMaps?[parameter!];
                        if (rewriteMap != null)
                            var pattern = ParseString(context, uriMatchPart);
                            results.Add(new RewriteMapSegment(rewriteMap, pattern));
                        throw new FormatException(Resources.FormatError_InputParserUnrecognizedParameter(parameter, context.Index));
        throw new FormatException(Resources.FormatError_InputParserMissingCloseBrace(context.Index));
    private static int GetBackReferenceIndex(ParserContext context)
        if (!context.Next())
            throw new FormatException(Resources.FormatError_InputParserNoBackreference(context.Index));
        while (context.Current != CloseBrace)
            if (!context.Next())
                throw new FormatException(Resources.FormatError_InputParserMissingCloseBrace(context.Index));
        var res = context.Capture();
        int index;
        if (!int.TryParse(res, NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out index))
            throw new FormatException(Resources.FormatError_InputParserInvalidInteger(res, context.Index));
        if (index > 9 || index < 0)
            throw new FormatException(Resources.FormatError_InputParserIndexOutOfRange(res, context.Index));
        return index;
    private static void ParseLiteral(ParserContext context, IList<PatternSegment> results)
        string? literal;
        while (true)
            if (context.Current == OpenBrace || context.Current == CloseBrace)
                literal = context.Capture();
            if (!context.Next())
                literal = context.Capture();
        results.Add(new LiteralSegment(literal!));