File: FastGuid.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Middleware\ResponseCaching\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching;
internal sealed class FastGuid
    // Base32 encoding - in ascii sort order for easy text based sorting
    private static readonly char[] s_encode32Chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV".ToCharArray();
    // Global ID
    private static long NextId = InitializeNextId();
    // Instance components
    private string? _idString;
    internal long IdValue { get; }
    internal string IdString
            if (_idString == null)
                _idString = GenerateGuidString(this);
            return _idString;
    // Static constructor to initialize global components
    private static long InitializeNextId()
        var guidBytes = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();
        // Use the first 4 bytes from the Guid to initialize global ID
            guidBytes[0] << 32 |
            guidBytes[1] << 40 |
            guidBytes[2] << 48 |
            guidBytes[3] << 56;
    internal FastGuid(long id)
        IdValue = id;
    internal static FastGuid NewGuid()
        return new FastGuid(Interlocked.Increment(ref NextId));
    private static string GenerateGuidString(FastGuid guid)
        return string.Create(13, guid.IdValue, (buffer, value) =>
            char[] encode32Chars = s_encode32Chars;
            buffer[12] = encode32Chars[value & 31];
            buffer[11] = encode32Chars[(value >> 5) & 31];
            buffer[10] = encode32Chars[(value >> 10) & 31];
            buffer[9] = encode32Chars[(value >> 15) & 31];
            buffer[8] = encode32Chars[(value >> 20) & 31];
            buffer[7] = encode32Chars[(value >> 25) & 31];
            buffer[6] = encode32Chars[(value >> 30) & 31];
            buffer[5] = encode32Chars[(value >> 35) & 31];
            buffer[4] = encode32Chars[(value >> 40) & 31];
            buffer[3] = encode32Chars[(value >> 45) & 31];
            buffer[2] = encode32Chars[(value >> 50) & 31];
            buffer[1] = encode32Chars[(value >> 55) & 31];
            buffer[0] = encode32Chars[(value >> 60) & 31];