// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers;
/// <summary>
/// Provides an <see cref="ITagHelper"/>'s target.
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)]
public sealed class HtmlTargetElementAttribute : Attribute
/// <summary>
/// The value for a tag helper that targets all HTML elements.
/// </summary>
public const string ElementCatchAllTarget = "*";
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a new instance of the <see cref="HtmlTargetElementAttribute"/> class that targets all HTML
/// elements with the required <see cref="Attributes"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks><see cref="Tag"/> is set to <c>*</c>.</remarks>
public HtmlTargetElementAttribute()
: this(ElementCatchAllTarget)
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a new instance of the <see cref="HtmlTargetElementAttribute"/> class with the given
/// <paramref name="tag"/> as its <see cref="Tag"/> value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tag">
/// The HTML tag the <see cref="ITagHelper"/> targets.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>A <c>*</c> <paramref name="tag"/> value indicates this <see cref="ITagHelper"/>
/// targets all HTML elements with the required <see cref="Attributes"/>.</remarks>
public HtmlTargetElementAttribute(string tag)
Tag = tag;
/// <summary>
/// The HTML tag the <see cref="ITagHelper"/> targets. A <c>*</c> value indicates this <see cref="ITagHelper"/>
/// targets all HTML elements with the required <see cref="Attributes"/>.
/// </summary>
public string Tag { get; }
/// <summary>
/// A comma-separated <see cref="string"/> of attribute selectors the HTML element must match for the
/// <see cref="ITagHelper"/> to run. <c>*</c> at the end of an attribute name acts as a prefix match. A value
/// surrounded by square brackets is handled as a CSS attribute value selector. Operators <c>^=</c>, <c>$=</c> and
/// <c>=</c> are supported e.g. <c>"name"</c>, <c>"[name]"</c>, <c>"[name=value]"</c>, <c>"[ name ^= 'value' ]"</c>.
/// </summary>
public string Attributes { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The expected tag structure. Defaults to <see cref="TagStructure.Unspecified"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If <see cref="TagStructure.Unspecified"/> and no other tag helpers applying to the same element specify
/// their <see cref="TagStructure"/> the <see cref="TagStructure.NormalOrSelfClosing"/> behavior is used:
/// <para>
/// <code>
/// <my-tag-helper></my-tag-helper>
/// <!-- OR -->
/// <my-tag-helper />
/// </code>
/// Otherwise, if another tag helper applying to the same element does specify their behavior, that behavior
/// is used.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// If <see cref="TagStructure.WithoutEndTag"/> HTML elements can be written in the following formats:
/// <code>
/// <my-tag-helper>
/// <!-- OR -->
/// <my-tag-helper />
/// </code>
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public TagStructure TagStructure { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The required HTML element name of the direct parent. A <c>null</c> value indicates any HTML element name is
/// allowed.
/// </summary>
public string ParentTag { get; set; }