3 overrides of Type
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor (1)
ApplicationParts\RazorCompiledItemFeatureProvider.cs (1)
85public override Type Type { get; }
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Views.TestCommon (1)
TestRazorCompiledItem.cs (1)
45public override Type Type { get; }
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime (1)
Hosting\DefaultRazorCompiledItem.cs (1)
38public override Type Type { get; }
12 references to Type
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor (1)
Compilation\CompiledViewDescriptor.cs (1)
98public Type? Type => Item?.Type;
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Test (9)
ApplicationParts\RazorCompiledItemFeatureProviderTest.cs (9)
17var item1 = Mock.Of<RazorCompiledItem>(i => i.Identifier == "Item1" && i.Type == typeof(TestView)); 18var item2 = Mock.Of<RazorCompiledItem>(i => i.Identifier == "Item2" && i.Type == typeof(TestPage)); 38var item1 = Mock.Of<RazorCompiledItem>(i => i.Identifier == "Item1" && i.Type == typeof(TestView)); 39var item2 = Mock.Of<RazorCompiledItem>(i => i.Identifier == "Item2" && i.Type == typeof(TestPage)); 67var item1 = Mock.Of<RazorCompiledItem>(i => i.Identifier == "Item" && i.Type == typeof(TestView)); 68var item2 = Mock.Of<RazorCompiledItem>(i => i.Identifier == "Item" && i.Type == typeof(TestPage)); 115var item1 = Mock.Of<RazorCompiledItem>(i => i.Identifier == "Item1" && i.Type == typeof(TestView)); 116var item2 = Mock.Of<RazorCompiledItem>(i => i.Identifier == "Item2" && i.Type == typeof(TestPage) && i.Kind == "mvc.1.0.razor-page"); 145Assert.Same(typeof(TestReloadedPage), item.Item.Type);
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime (2)
Hosting\RazorCompiledItem.cs (2)
28/// metadata collection will return all attributes defined on the <see cref="Type"/>. 33/// Gets the <see cref="Type"/> of the compiled item.