File: RateLimiterOptionsExtensions.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Middleware\RateLimiting\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.RateLimiting.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.RateLimiting)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Threading.RateLimiting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.RateLimiting;
/// <summary>
/// Extension methods for the RateLimiting middleware options.
/// </summary>
public static class RateLimiterOptionsExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Registers a new <see cref="TokenBucketRateLimiter"/> with the given <see cref="TokenBucketRateLimiterOptions"/> to the application.
    /// The limiter can be added to an endpoint via <see cref="RateLimiterEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions.RequireRateLimiting{TBuilder}(TBuilder, string)"/>,
    /// or via the <see cref="EnableRateLimitingAttribute"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="options">The <see cref="RateLimiterOptions"/> to add a limiter to.</param>
    /// <param name="policyName">The name that will be associated with the limiter.</param>
    /// <param name="configureOptions">A callback to configure the <see cref="TokenBucketRateLimiterOptions"/> to be used for the limiter.</param>
    /// <returns>This <see cref="RateLimiterOptions"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Setting <see cref="TokenBucketRateLimiterOptions.AutoReplenishment"/> will have no effect here, as the <see cref="PartitionedRateLimiter"/> that this limiter is added to
    /// will control replenishing it.
    /// </remarks>
    public static RateLimiterOptions AddTokenBucketLimiter(this RateLimiterOptions options, string policyName, Action<TokenBucketRateLimiterOptions> configureOptions)
        var key = new PolicyNameKey() { PolicyName = policyName };
        var tokenBucketRateLimiterOptions = new TokenBucketRateLimiterOptions();
        // Saves an allocation in GetTokenBucketLimiter, which would have created a new set of options if this was true.
        tokenBucketRateLimiterOptions.AutoReplenishment = false;
        return options.AddPolicy(policyName, context =>
            return RateLimitPartition.GetTokenBucketLimiter(key,
                _ => tokenBucketRateLimiterOptions);
    /// <summary>
    /// Registers a new <see cref="FixedWindowRateLimiter"/> with the given <see cref="FixedWindowRateLimiterOptions"/> to the application.
    /// The limiter can be added to an endpoint via <see cref="RateLimiterEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions.RequireRateLimiting{TBuilder}(TBuilder, string)"/>,
    /// or via the <see cref="EnableRateLimitingAttribute"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="options">The <see cref="RateLimiterOptions"/> to add a limiter to.</param>
    /// <param name="policyName">The name that will be associated with the limiter.</param>
    /// <param name="configureOptions">A callback to configure the <see cref="FixedWindowRateLimiterOptions"/> to be used for the limiter.</param>
    /// <returns>This <see cref="RateLimiterOptions"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Setting <see cref="FixedWindowRateLimiterOptions.AutoReplenishment"/> will have no effect here, as the <see cref="PartitionedRateLimiter"/> that this limiter is added to
    /// will control replenishing it.
    /// </remarks>
    public static RateLimiterOptions AddFixedWindowLimiter(this RateLimiterOptions options, string policyName, Action<FixedWindowRateLimiterOptions> configureOptions)
        var key = new PolicyNameKey() { PolicyName = policyName };
        var fixedWindowRateLimiterOptions = new FixedWindowRateLimiterOptions();
        // Saves an allocation in GetFixedWindowLimiter, which would have created a new set of options if this was true.
        fixedWindowRateLimiterOptions.AutoReplenishment = false;
        return options.AddPolicy(policyName, context =>
            return RateLimitPartition.GetFixedWindowLimiter(key,
                _ => fixedWindowRateLimiterOptions);
    /// <summary>
    /// Registers a new <see cref="SlidingWindowRateLimiter"/> with the given <see cref="SlidingWindowRateLimiterOptions"/> to the application.
    /// The limiter can be added to an endpoint via <see cref="RateLimiterEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions.RequireRateLimiting{TBuilder}(TBuilder, string)"/>,
    /// or via the <see cref="EnableRateLimitingAttribute"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="options">The <see cref="RateLimiterOptions"/> to add a limiter to.</param>
    /// <param name="policyName">The name that will be associated with the limiter.</param>
    /// <param name="configureOptions">A callback to configure the <see cref="SlidingWindowRateLimiterOptions"/> to be used for the limiter.</param>
    /// <returns>This <see cref="RateLimiterOptions"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Setting <see cref="SlidingWindowRateLimiterOptions.AutoReplenishment"/> will have no effect here, as the <see cref="PartitionedRateLimiter"/> that this limiter is added to
    /// will control replenishing it.
    /// </remarks>
    public static RateLimiterOptions AddSlidingWindowLimiter(this RateLimiterOptions options, string policyName, Action<SlidingWindowRateLimiterOptions> configureOptions)
        var key = new PolicyNameKey() { PolicyName = policyName };
        var slidingWindowRateLimiterOptions = new SlidingWindowRateLimiterOptions();
        // Saves an allocation in GetSlidingWindowLimiter, which would have created a new set of options if this was true.
        slidingWindowRateLimiterOptions.AutoReplenishment = false;
        return options.AddPolicy(policyName, context =>
            return RateLimitPartition.GetSlidingWindowLimiter(key,
                _ => slidingWindowRateLimiterOptions);
    /// <summary>
    /// Registers a new <see cref="ConcurrencyLimiter"/> with the given <see cref="ConcurrencyLimiterOptions"/> to the application.
    /// The limiter can be added to an endpoint via <see cref="RateLimiterEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions.RequireRateLimiting{TBuilder}(TBuilder, string)"/>,
    /// or via the <see cref="EnableRateLimitingAttribute"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="options">The <see cref="RateLimiterOptions"/> to add a limiter to.</param>
    /// <param name="policyName">The name that will be associated with the limiter.</param>
    /// <param name="configureOptions">A callback to configure the <see cref="ConcurrencyLimiterOptions"/> to be used for the limiter.</param>
    /// <returns>This <see cref="RateLimiterOptions"/>.</returns>
    public static RateLimiterOptions AddConcurrencyLimiter(this RateLimiterOptions options, string policyName, Action<ConcurrencyLimiterOptions> configureOptions)
        var key = new PolicyNameKey() { PolicyName = policyName };
        var concurrencyLimiterOptions = new ConcurrencyLimiterOptions();
        return options.AddPolicy(policyName, context =>
            return RateLimitPartition.GetConcurrencyLimiter(key,
                _ => concurrencyLimiterOptions);