8 references to OutputCacheMiddleware
Microsoft.AspNetCore.OutputCaching (8)
OutputCacheApplicationBuilderExtensions.cs (3)
9/// Extension methods for adding the <see cref="OutputCacheMiddleware"/> to an application. 14/// Adds the <see cref="OutputCacheMiddleware"/> for caching HTTP responses. 21return app.UseMiddleware<OutputCacheMiddleware>();
OutputCacheMiddleware.cs (3)
31/// Creates a new <see cref="OutputCacheMiddleware"/>. 69_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<OutputCacheMiddleware>(); 486throw new InvalidOperationException($"Another instance of {nameof(OutputCacheFeature)} already exists. Only one instance of {nameof(OutputCacheMiddleware)} can be configured for an application.");
OutputCacheOptions.cs (2)
7/// Options for configuring the <see cref="OutputCacheMiddleware"/>. 20/// If the response body exceeds this limit, it will not be cached by the <see cref="OutputCacheMiddleware"/>.