File: Schemas\JsonSchemaMapper\JsonSchemaMapper.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\OpenApi\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata;
namespace JsonSchemaMapper;
/// <summary>
/// Maps .NET types to JSON schema objects using contract metadata from <see cref="JsonTypeInfo"/> instances.
/// </summary>
    static partial class JsonSchemaMapper
    /// <summary>
    /// The JSON schema draft version used by the generated schemas.
    /// </summary>
    public const string SchemaVersion = "";
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a JSON schema corresponding to the contract metadata of the specified type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="options">The options instance from which to resolve the contract metadata.</param>
    /// <param name="type">The root type for which to generate the JSON schema.</param>
    /// <param name="configuration">The configuration object controlling the schema generation.</param>
    /// <returns>A new <see cref="JsonObject"/> instance defining the JSON schema for <paramref name="type"/>.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">One of the specified parameters is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The <paramref name="options"/> parameter contains unsupported configuration.</exception>
    public static JsonObject GetJsonSchema(this JsonSerializerOptions options, Type type, JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration? configuration = null)
        if (options is null)
        if (type is null)
        configuration ??= JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration.Default;
        JsonTypeInfo typeInfo = options.GetTypeInfo(type);
        var state = new GenerationState(configuration);
        return MapJsonSchemaCore(ref state, typeInfo);
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a JSON object schema with properties corresponding to the specified method parameters.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="options">The options instance from which to resolve the contract metadata.</param>
    /// <param name="method">The method from whose parameters to generate the JSON schema.</param>
    /// <param name="configuration">The configuration object controlling the schema generation.</param>
    /// <returns>A new <see cref="JsonObject"/> instance defining the JSON schema for <paramref name="method"/>.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">One of the specified parameters is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The <paramref name="options"/> parameter contains unsupported configuration.</exception>
    public static JsonObject GetJsonSchema(this JsonSerializerOptions options, MethodBase method, JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration? configuration = null)
        if (options is null)
        if (method is null)
        configuration ??= JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration.Default;
        var state = new GenerationState(configuration);
        string title = method.Name;
        string? description = configuration.ResolveDescriptionAttributes
            ? method.GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>()?.Description
            : null;
        JsonSchemaType type = JsonSchemaType.Object;
        JsonObject? paramSchemas = null;
        JsonArray? requiredParams = null;
        foreach (ParameterInfo parameterInfo in method.GetParameters())
            if (parameterInfo.Name is null)
            JsonTypeInfo jsonParameterInfo = options.GetTypeInfo(parameterInfo.ParameterType);
            bool isNullableReferenceType = false;
            string? parameterDescription = null;
            bool hasDefaultValue = false;
            JsonNode? defaultValue = null;
            bool isRequired = false;
            ResolveParameterInfo(ref state, parameterInfo, jsonParameterInfo, ref parameterDescription, ref hasDefaultValue, ref defaultValue, ref isNullableReferenceType, ref isRequired);
            JsonObject paramSchema = MapJsonSchemaCore(
                ref state,
                description: parameterDescription,
                isNullableReferenceType: isNullableReferenceType,
                hasDefaultValue: hasDefaultValue,
                defaultValue: defaultValue);
            (paramSchemas ??= new()).Add(parameterInfo.Name, paramSchema);
            if (isRequired)
                (requiredParams ??= new()).Add((JsonNode)parameterInfo.Name);
        return CreateSchemaDocument(ref state, title: title, description: description, schemaType: type, properties: paramSchemas, requiredProperties: requiredParams);
    public static JsonObject GetJsonSchema(this JsonSerializerOptions options, ParameterInfo parameterInfo, JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration? configuration = null)
        if (options is null)
        if (parameterInfo is null)
        configuration ??= JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration.Default;
        var state = new GenerationState(configuration);
        if (parameterInfo.Name is null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected parameter info.");
        JsonTypeInfo jsonParameterInfo = options.GetTypeInfo(parameterInfo.ParameterType);
        bool isNullableReferenceType = false;
        string? parameterDescription = null;
        bool hasDefaultValue = false;
        JsonNode? defaultValue = null;
        bool isRequired = false;
        ResolveParameterInfo(ref state, parameterInfo, jsonParameterInfo, ref parameterDescription, ref hasDefaultValue, ref defaultValue, ref isNullableReferenceType, ref isRequired);
        return MapJsonSchemaCore(
            ref state,
            description: parameterDescription,
            isNullableReferenceType: isNullableReferenceType,
            hasDefaultValue: hasDefaultValue,
            parentParameterInfo: parameterInfo,
            defaultValue: defaultValue);
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a JSON schema corresponding to the specified contract metadata.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="typeInfo">The contract metadata for which to generate the schema.</param>
    /// <param name="configuration">The configuration object controlling the schema generation.</param>
    /// <returns>A new <see cref="JsonObject"/> instance defining the JSON schema for <paramref name="typeInfo"/>.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">One of the specified parameters is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">The <paramref name="typeInfo"/> parameter contains unsupported configuration.</exception>
    public static JsonObject GetJsonSchema(this JsonTypeInfo typeInfo, JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration? configuration = null)
        if (typeInfo is null)
        var state = new GenerationState(configuration ?? JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration.Default);
        return MapJsonSchemaCore(ref state, typeInfo);
    /// <summary>
    /// Renders the specified <see cref="JsonNode"/> instance as a JSON string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="node">The node to serialize.</param>
    /// <param name="writeIndented">Whether to indent the resultant JSON text.</param>
    /// <returns>The JSON node rendered as a JSON string.</returns>
    public static string ToJsonString(this JsonNode? node, bool writeIndented = false)
        return node is null
            ? "null"
            : node.ToJsonString(writeIndented ? new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true } : null);
    private static JsonObject MapJsonSchemaCore(
        ref GenerationState state,
        JsonTypeInfo typeInfo,
        Type? parentType = null,
        JsonPropertyInfo? parentPropertyInfo = null,
        ParameterInfo? parentParameterInfo = null,
        string? description = null,
        bool isNullableReferenceType = false,
        bool isNullableOfTElement = false,
        JsonConverter? customConverter = null,
        JsonNumberHandling? customNumberHandling = null,
        bool hasDefaultValue = false,
        JsonNode? defaultValue = null,
        Type? parentPolymorphicType = null,
        KeyValuePair<string, JsonNode?>? typeDiscriminator = null)
        Type type = typeInfo.Type;
        JsonConverter effectiveConverter = customConverter ?? typeInfo.Converter;
        JsonNumberHandling? effectiveNumberHandling = customNumberHandling ?? typeInfo.NumberHandling;
        bool canCacheResult =
            description is null &&
            !hasDefaultValue &&
            !isNullableOfTElement &&
            parentPolymorphicType != type &&
            typeDiscriminator is null &&
            typeInfo.Kind != JsonTypeInfoKind.None;
        if (canCacheResult && state.GetOrAddSchemaPointer(type, customConverter, isNullableReferenceType, effectiveNumberHandling) is string existingPointer)
            // Schema for type has already been generated, return a reference to it.
            // For derived types using discriminators, the schema is generated inline.
            return new JsonObject { [RefPropertyName] = existingPointer };
        if (state.Configuration.ResolveDescriptionAttributes)
            description ??= type.GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>()?.Description;
        JsonObject schema;
        JsonSchemaType schemaType = JsonSchemaType.Any;
        string? format = null;
        string? pattern = null;
        JsonObject? properties = null;
        JsonArray? requiredProperties = null;
        JsonObject? arrayItems = null;
        JsonNode? additionalProperties = null;
        JsonArray? enumValues = null;
        JsonArray? anyOfSchema = null;
        if (!IsBuiltInConverter(effectiveConverter))
            // We can't make any schema determinations if a custom converter is used.
            goto ConstructSchemaDocument;
        if (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) is Type nullableElementType)
            JsonTypeInfo? nullableElementTypeInfo = typeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(nullableElementType);
            customConverter = ExtractCustomNullableConverter(customConverter);
            schema = MapJsonSchemaCore(
                ref state,
                description: description,
                hasDefaultValue: hasDefaultValue,
                defaultValue: defaultValue,
                customNumberHandling: effectiveNumberHandling,
                customConverter: customConverter,
                isNullableOfTElement: true);
            state.HandleGenerationCallback(schema, typeInfo, parentType, parentPropertyInfo, parentParameterInfo);
            return schema;
        if (parentPolymorphicType is null && typeInfo.PolymorphismOptions is { DerivedTypes.Count: > 0 } polyOptions)
            // This is the base type of a polymorphic type hierarchy. The schema for this type
            // will include an "anyOf" property with the schemas for all derived types.
            string typeDiscriminatorKey = polyOptions.TypeDiscriminatorPropertyName;
            List<JsonDerivedType> derivedTypes = polyOptions.DerivedTypes.ToList();
            if (!type.IsAbstract && !derivedTypes.Any(derived => derived.DerivedType == type))
                // For non-abstract base types that haven't been explicitly configured,
                // add a trivial schema to the derived types since we should support it.
                derivedTypes.Add(new JsonDerivedType(type));
            anyOfSchema = new JsonArray();
            int i = 0;
            foreach (JsonDerivedType derivedType in derivedTypes)
                Debug.Assert(derivedType.TypeDiscriminator is null or int or string);
                KeyValuePair<string, JsonNode?>? derivedTypeDiscriminator = null;
                if (derivedType.TypeDiscriminator is { } discriminatorValue)
                    JsonNode discriminatorNodeValue = discriminatorValue is string stringId
                        ? (JsonNode)stringId
                        : (JsonNode)(int)discriminatorValue;
                    var typeDiscriminatorPropertySchema = new JsonObject { [ConstPropertyName] = discriminatorNodeValue };
                    derivedTypeDiscriminator = new(typeDiscriminatorKey, typeDiscriminatorPropertySchema);
                JsonTypeInfo derivedTypeInfo = typeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(derivedType.DerivedType);
                JsonObject derivedSchema = MapJsonSchemaCore(
                    ref state,
                    parentPolymorphicType: type,
                    typeDiscriminator: derivedTypeDiscriminator);
            goto ConstructSchemaDocument;
        switch (typeInfo.Kind)
            case JsonTypeInfoKind.None:
                if (s_simpleTypeInfo.TryGetValue(type, out SimpleTypeJsonSchema simpleTypeInfo))
                    schemaType = simpleTypeInfo.SchemaType;
                    format = simpleTypeInfo.Format;
                    pattern = simpleTypeInfo.Pattern;
                    if (effectiveNumberHandling is JsonNumberHandling numberHandling &&
                        schemaType is JsonSchemaType.Integer or JsonSchemaType.Number)
                        if ((numberHandling & (JsonNumberHandling.AllowReadingFromString | JsonNumberHandling.WriteAsString)) != 0)
                            schemaType |= JsonSchemaType.String;
                        else if (numberHandling is JsonNumberHandling.AllowNamedFloatingPointLiterals && simpleTypeInfo.IsIeeeFloatingPoint)
                            anyOfSchema = new JsonArray
                                (JsonNode)new JsonObject { [TypePropertyName] = MapSchemaType(schemaType) },
                                (JsonNode)new JsonObject
                                    [EnumPropertyName] = new JsonArray { (JsonNode)"NaN", (JsonNode)"Infinity", (JsonNode)"-Infinity" },
                            schemaType = JsonSchemaType.Any; // reset the parent setting
                else if (type.IsEnum)
                    if (TryGetStringEnumConverterValues(typeInfo, effectiveConverter, out JsonArray? values))
                        if (values is null)
                            // enum declared with the flags attribute -- do not surface enum values in the JSON schema.
                            schemaType = JsonSchemaType.String;
                            if (isNullableOfTElement)
                                // We're generating the schema for a nullable
                                // enum type. Append null to the "enum" array.
                            enumValues = values;
                        schemaType = JsonSchemaType.Integer;
            case JsonTypeInfoKind.Object:
                schemaType = JsonSchemaType.Object;
                if (typeInfo.UnmappedMemberHandling is JsonUnmappedMemberHandling.Disallow)
                    // Disallow unspecified properties.
                    additionalProperties = false;
                if (typeDiscriminator.HasValue)
                    (properties ??= new()).Add(typeDiscriminator.Value);
                    (requiredProperties ??= new()).Add((JsonNode)typeDiscriminator.Value.Key);
                Func<JsonPropertyInfo, ParameterInfo?> parameterInfoMapper = ResolveJsonConstructorParameterMapper(typeInfo);
                foreach (JsonPropertyInfo property in typeInfo.Properties)
                    if (property is { Get: null, Set: null }
                                 or { IsExtensionData: true })
                        continue; // Skip [JsonIgnore] property or extension data properties.
                    JsonNumberHandling? propertyNumberHandling = property.NumberHandling ?? effectiveNumberHandling;
                    JsonTypeInfo propertyTypeInfo = typeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(property.PropertyType);
                    // Only resolve nullability metadata for reference types.
                    NullabilityInfoContext? nullabilityCtx = !property.PropertyType.IsValueType ? state.NullabilityInfoContext : null;
                    // Only resolve the attribute provider if needed.
                    ICustomAttributeProvider? attributeProvider = state.Configuration.ResolveDescriptionAttributes || nullabilityCtx != null
                        ? ResolveAttributeProvider(typeInfo.Type, property)
                        : null;
                    // Resolve property-level description attributes.
                    string? propertyDescription = state.Configuration.ResolveDescriptionAttributes
                        ? attributeProvider?.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: true).OfType<DescriptionAttribute>().FirstOrDefault()?.Description
                        : null;
                    // Declare the property as nullable if either getter or setter are nullable.
                    bool isPropertyNullableReferenceType = nullabilityCtx != null && attributeProvider is MemberInfo memberInfo
                        ? nullabilityCtx.GetMemberNullability(memberInfo) is { WriteState: NullabilityState.Nullable } or { ReadState: NullabilityState.Nullable }
                        : false;
                    bool isRequired = property.IsRequired;
                    bool propertyHasDefaultValue = false;
                    JsonNode? propertyDefaultValue = null;
                    ParameterInfo? ctorParameterInfo = parameterInfoMapper(property);
                    if (ctorParameterInfo != null)
                            ref state,
                            ref propertyDescription,
                            ref propertyHasDefaultValue,
                            ref propertyDefaultValue,
                            ref isPropertyNullableReferenceType,
                            ref isRequired);
                    JsonObject propertySchema = MapJsonSchemaCore(
                        ref state,
                        parentType: type,
                        description: propertyDescription,
                        isNullableReferenceType: isPropertyNullableReferenceType,
                        customConverter: property.CustomConverter,
                        hasDefaultValue: propertyHasDefaultValue,
                        defaultValue: propertyDefaultValue,
                        customNumberHandling: propertyNumberHandling);
                    (properties ??= new()).Add(property.Name, propertySchema);
                    if (isRequired)
                        (requiredProperties ??= new()).Add((JsonNode)property.Name);
            case JsonTypeInfoKind.Enumerable:
                Type elementType = GetElementType(typeInfo);
                JsonTypeInfo elementTypeInfo = typeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(elementType);
                if (typeDiscriminator is null)
                    schemaType = JsonSchemaType.Array;
                    arrayItems = MapJsonSchemaCore(ref state, elementTypeInfo);
                    // Polymorphic enumerable types are represented using a wrapping object:
                    // { "$type" : "discriminator", "$values" : [element1, element2, ...] }
                    // Which corresponds to the schema
                    // { "properties" : { "$type" : { "const" : "discriminator" }, "$values" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { ... } } } }
                    schemaType = JsonSchemaType.Object;
                    (properties ??= new()).Add(typeDiscriminator.Value);
                    (requiredProperties ??= new()).Add((JsonNode)typeDiscriminator.Value.Key);
                    JsonObject elementSchema = MapJsonSchemaCore(ref state, elementTypeInfo, parentType, parentPropertyInfo, parentParameterInfo);
                        new JsonObject
                            [TypePropertyName] = MapSchemaType(JsonSchemaType.Array),
                            [ItemsPropertyName] = elementSchema,
            case JsonTypeInfoKind.Dictionary:
                schemaType = JsonSchemaType.Object;
                Type valueType = GetElementType(typeInfo);
                JsonTypeInfo valueTypeInfo = typeInfo.Options.GetTypeInfo(valueType);
                if (typeDiscriminator.HasValue)
                    (properties ??= new()).Add(typeDiscriminator.Value);
                    (requiredProperties ??= new()).Add((JsonNode)typeDiscriminator.Value.Key);
                additionalProperties = MapJsonSchemaCore(ref state, valueTypeInfo, parentType, parentPropertyInfo, parentParameterInfo);
                Debug.Fail("Unreachable code");
        if (schemaType != JsonSchemaType.Any &&
             ? isNullableOfTElement
             : (isNullableReferenceType || state.Configuration.ReferenceTypeNullability is ReferenceTypeNullability.AlwaysNullable)))
            // Append "null" to the type array in the following cases:
            // 1. The type is a nullable value type or
            // 2. The type has been inferred to be a nullable reference type annotation or
            // 3. The schema generator has been configured to always emit null for reference types (default STJ semantics).
            schemaType |= JsonSchemaType.Null;
        schema = CreateSchemaDocument(
            ref state,
            description: description,
            schemaType: schemaType,
            format: format,
            pattern: pattern,
            properties: properties,
            requiredProperties: requiredProperties,
            arrayItems: arrayItems,
            additionalProperties: additionalProperties,
            enumValues: enumValues,
            anyOfSchema: anyOfSchema,
            hasDefaultValue: hasDefaultValue,
            defaultValue: defaultValue);
        state.HandleGenerationCallback(schema, typeInfo, parentType, parentPropertyInfo, parentParameterInfo);
        return schema;
    private static void ResolveParameterInfo(
        ref GenerationState state,
        ParameterInfo parameter,
        JsonTypeInfo parameterTypeInfo,
        ref string? description,
        ref bool hasDefaultValue,
        ref JsonNode? defaultValue,
        ref bool isNullableReferenceType,
        ref bool isRequired)
        Debug.Assert(parameterTypeInfo.Type == parameter.ParameterType);
        if (state.Configuration.ResolveDescriptionAttributes)
            // Resolve parameter-level description attributes.
            description ??= parameter.GetCustomAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>()?.Description;
        if (!isNullableReferenceType && state.NullabilityInfoContext is { } ctx)
            // Consult the nullability annotation of the constructor parameter if available.
            isNullableReferenceType = ctx.GetParameterNullability(parameter) is NullabilityState.Nullable;
        if (parameter.HasDefaultValue)
            // Append the default value to the description.
            object? defaultVal = parameter.GetNormalizedDefaultValue();
            defaultValue = JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(defaultVal, parameterTypeInfo);
            hasDefaultValue = true;
        else if (state.Configuration.RequireConstructorParameters)
            // Parameter is not optional, mark as required.
            isRequired = true;
    private ref struct GenerationState
        private readonly JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration _configuration;
        private readonly NullabilityInfoContext? _nullabilityInfoContext;
        private readonly Dictionary<(Type, JsonConverter? CustomConverter, bool IsNullableReferenceType, JsonNumberHandling? CustomNumberHandling), string>? _generatedTypePaths;
        private readonly List<string>? _currentPath;
        private int _currentDepth;
        public GenerationState(JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration configuration)
            _configuration = configuration;
            _nullabilityInfoContext = configuration.ReferenceTypeNullability is ReferenceTypeNullability.Annotated ? new() : null;
            _generatedTypePaths = configuration.AllowSchemaReferences ? new() : null;
            _currentPath = configuration.AllowSchemaReferences ? new() : null;
            _currentDepth = 0;
        public readonly JsonSchemaMapperConfiguration Configuration => _configuration;
        public readonly NullabilityInfoContext? NullabilityInfoContext => _nullabilityInfoContext;
        public readonly int CurrentDepth => _currentDepth;
        public void Push(string nodeId)
            if (_currentDepth == Configuration.MaxDepth)
            if (Configuration.AllowSchemaReferences)
                Debug.Assert(_currentPath != null);
        public void Pop()
            Debug.Assert(_currentDepth > 0);
            if (Configuration.AllowSchemaReferences)
                Debug.Assert(_currentPath != null);
                _currentPath!.RemoveAt(_currentPath.Count - 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// For a type with a given configuration, either return a JSON pointer value
        /// if already generated or register the current path for later reference.
        /// </summary>
        public readonly string? GetOrAddSchemaPointer(Type type, JsonConverter? converter, bool isNullableReferenceType, JsonNumberHandling? numberHandling)
            if (Configuration.AllowSchemaReferences)
                Debug.Assert(_currentPath != null);
                Debug.Assert(_generatedTypePaths != null);
                var key = (type, converter, isNullableReferenceType, numberHandling);
                ref string? pointer = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(_generatedTypePaths, key, out bool exists);
                bool exists = _generatedTypePaths!.TryGetValue(key, out string? pointer);
                if (exists)
                    return pointer;
                    pointer = _currentDepth == 0 ? "#" : "#/" + string.Join("/", _currentPath);
                    _generatedTypePaths.Add(key, pointer);
            return null;
        public readonly void HandleGenerationCallback(JsonObject schema, JsonTypeInfo typeInfo, Type? parentType, JsonPropertyInfo? propertyInfo, ParameterInfo? parameterInfo)
            if (Configuration.OnSchemaGenerated is { } callback)
                var ctx = new JsonSchemaGenerationContext(typeInfo, parentType, propertyInfo, parameterInfo);
                callback(ctx, schema);
    private static JsonObject CreateSchemaDocument(
        ref GenerationState state,
        string? title = null,
        string? description = null,
        JsonSchemaType schemaType = JsonSchemaType.Any,
        string? format = null,
        string? pattern = null,
        JsonObject? properties = null,
        JsonArray? requiredProperties = null,
        JsonObject? arrayItems = null,
        JsonNode? additionalProperties = null,
        JsonArray? enumValues = null,
        JsonArray? anyOfSchema = null,
        bool hasDefaultValue = false,
        JsonNode? defaultValue = null)
        var schema = new JsonObject();
        if (state.CurrentDepth == 0 && state.Configuration.IncludeSchemaVersion)
            schema.Add(SchemaPropertyName, SchemaVersion);
        if (title is not null)
            schema.Add(TitlePropertyName, title);
        if (description is not null)
            schema.Add(DescriptionPropertyName, description);
        if (MapSchemaType(schemaType) is JsonNode type)
            schema.Add(TypePropertyName, type);
        if (format is not null)
            schema.Add(FormatPropertyName, format);
        if (pattern is not null)
            schema.Add(PatternPropertyName, pattern);
        if (properties is not null)
            schema.Add(PropertiesPropertyName, properties);
        if (requiredProperties is not null)
            schema.Add(RequiredPropertyName, requiredProperties);
        if (arrayItems is not null)
            schema.Add(ItemsPropertyName, arrayItems);
        if (additionalProperties is not null)
            schema.Add(AdditionalPropertiesPropertyName, additionalProperties);
        if (enumValues is not null)
            schema.Add(EnumPropertyName, enumValues);
        if (anyOfSchema is not null)
            schema.Add(AnyOfPropertyName, anyOfSchema);
        if (hasDefaultValue)
            schema.Add(DefaultPropertyName, defaultValue);
        return schema;
    private enum JsonSchemaType
        Any = 0, // No type declared on the schema
        Null = 1,
        Boolean = 2,
        Integer = 4,
        Number = 8,
        String = 16,
        Array = 32,
        Object = 64,
    private static readonly JsonSchemaType[] s_schemaValues = new[]
        // NB the order of these values influences order of types in the rendered schema
    private static JsonNode? MapSchemaType(JsonSchemaType schemaType)
        return schemaType switch
            JsonSchemaType.Any => null,
            JsonSchemaType.Null => "null",
            JsonSchemaType.Boolean => "boolean",
            JsonSchemaType.Integer => "integer",
            JsonSchemaType.Number => "number",
            JsonSchemaType.String => "string",
            JsonSchemaType.Array => "array",
            JsonSchemaType.Object => "object",
            _ => MapCompositeSchemaType(schemaType),
        static JsonArray MapCompositeSchemaType(JsonSchemaType schemaType)
            var array = new JsonArray();
            foreach (JsonSchemaType type in s_schemaValues)
                if ((schemaType & type) != 0)
            return array;
    private const string SchemaPropertyName = "$schema";
    private const string RefPropertyName = "$ref";
    private const string TitlePropertyName = "title";
    private const string DescriptionPropertyName = "description";
    private const string TypePropertyName = "type";
    private const string FormatPropertyName = "format";
    private const string PatternPropertyName = "pattern";
    private const string PropertiesPropertyName = "properties";
    private const string RequiredPropertyName = "required";
    private const string ItemsPropertyName = "items";
    private const string AdditionalPropertiesPropertyName = "additionalProperties";
    private const string EnumPropertyName = "enum";
    private const string AnyOfPropertyName = "anyOf";
    private const string ConstPropertyName = "const";
    private const string DefaultPropertyName = "default";
    private const string StjValuesMetadataProperty = "$values";
    private readonly struct SimpleTypeJsonSchema
        public SimpleTypeJsonSchema(JsonSchemaType schemaType, string? format = null, string? pattern = null, bool isIeeeFloatingPoint = false)
            SchemaType = schemaType;
            Format = format;
            Pattern = pattern;
            IsIeeeFloatingPoint = isIeeeFloatingPoint;
        public JsonSchemaType SchemaType { get; }
        public string? Format { get; }
        public string? Pattern { get; }
        public bool IsIeeeFloatingPoint { get; }
    private static readonly Dictionary<Type, SimpleTypeJsonSchema> s_simpleTypeInfo = new()
        [typeof(object)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Any),
        [typeof(bool)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Boolean),
        [typeof(byte)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Integer),
        [typeof(ushort)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Integer),
        [typeof(uint)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Integer),
        [typeof(ulong)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Integer),
        [typeof(sbyte)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Integer),
        [typeof(short)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Integer),
        [typeof(int)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Integer),
        [typeof(long)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Integer),
        [typeof(float)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Number, isIeeeFloatingPoint: true),
        [typeof(double)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Number, isIeeeFloatingPoint: true),
        [typeof(decimal)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Number),
        [typeof(Half)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Number, isIeeeFloatingPoint: true),
        [typeof(UInt128)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Integer),
        [typeof(Int128)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Integer),
        [typeof(char)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String),
        [typeof(string)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String),
        [typeof(byte[])] = new(JsonSchemaType.String),
        [typeof(Memory<byte>)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String),
        [typeof(ReadOnlyMemory<byte>)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String),
        [typeof(DateTime)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String, format: "date-time"),
        [typeof(DateTimeOffset)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String, format: "date-time"),
        // TimeSpan is represented as a string in the format "[-][d.]hh:mm:ss[.fffffff]".
        [typeof(TimeSpan)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String, pattern: @"^-?(\d+\.)?\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d{1,7})?$"),
        [typeof(DateOnly)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String, format: "date"),
        [typeof(TimeOnly)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String, format: "time"),
        [typeof(Guid)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String, format: "uuid"),
        [typeof(Uri)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String, format: "uri"),
        [typeof(Version)] = new(JsonSchemaType.String, format: @"^\d+(\.\d+){1,3}$"),
        [typeof(JsonDocument)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Any),
        [typeof(JsonElement)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Any),
        [typeof(JsonNode)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Any),
        [typeof(JsonValue)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Any),
        [typeof(JsonObject)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Object),
        [typeof(JsonArray)] = new(JsonSchemaType.Array),
    private static void ValidateOptions(JsonSerializerOptions options)
        if (options.ReferenceHandler == ReferenceHandler.Preserve)
    private static class ThrowHelpers
        public static void ThrowArgumentNullException(string name) => throw new ArgumentNullException(name);
        public static void ThrowNotSupportedException_ReferenceHandlerPreserveNotSupported() =>
            throw new NotSupportedException("Schema generation not supported with ReferenceHandler.Preserve enabled.");
        public static void ThrowInvalidOperationException_TrimmedMethodParameters(MethodBase method) =>
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"The parameters for method '{method}' have been trimmed away.");
        public static void ThrowInvalidOperationException_MaxDepthReached() =>
            throw new InvalidOperationException("The maximum depth of the schema has been reached.");