File: Shared\SharedTypes.Polymorphism.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\OpenApi\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi.Tests\Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
// Type hierarchy for validating abstract base type with string discriminators.
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Triangle), typeDiscriminator: "triangle")]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Square), typeDiscriminator: "square")]
internal abstract class Shape
    public string Color { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public int Sides { get; set; }
internal class Triangle : Shape
    public double Hypotenuse { get; set; }
internal class Square : Shape
    public double Area { get; set; }
// Type hierarchy for validating abstract base type with integer discriminators.
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(WeatherForecastWithCity), 0)]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(WeatherForecastWithTimeSeries), 1)]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(WeatherForecastWithLocalNews), 2)]
internal abstract class WeatherForecastBase { }
internal class WeatherForecastWithCity : WeatherForecastBase
    public required string City { get; set; }
internal class WeatherForecastWithTimeSeries : WeatherForecastBase
    public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; }
    public int TemperatureC { get; set; }
    public required string Summary { get; set; }
internal class WeatherForecastWithLocalNews : WeatherForecastBase
    public required string News { get; set; }
// Type hierarchy for validating custom discriminator property name.
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Student), typeDiscriminator: "student")]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Teacher), typeDiscriminator: "teacher")]
[JsonPolymorphic(TypeDiscriminatorPropertyName = "discriminator")]
internal abstract class Person { }
internal class Student : Person
    public decimal GPA { get; set; }
internal class Teacher : Person
    public required string Subject { get; set; }
// Type hierarchy for validating non-abstract base-type that is not explicitly
// registered as its own derived type. This should produce an OpenAPI schema with
// `anyOf` set and no `discriminator` property.
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(PaintColor), typeDiscriminator: "paint")]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(FabricColor), typeDiscriminator: "fabric")]
internal class Color
    public required string HexCode { get; set; }
internal class PaintColor : Color
    public bool IsMatte { get; set; }
internal class FabricColor : Color
    public required string Dye { get; set; }
// Type hierarchy for validating non-abstract base type that is
// explicitly defined as its own derived type. This should produce an OpenAPI
// with `discriminator` property.
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Cat), typeDiscriminator: "cat")]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Dog), typeDiscriminator: "dog")]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Pet), typeDiscriminator: "pet")]
internal class Pet
    public required string Name { get; set; }
internal class Cat : Pet
    public bool IsKitten { get; set; }
internal class Dog : Pet
    public required string Breed { get; set; }
// Type hierarchy for validating derived types without discriminators
// set. This should produce an OpenAPI schema with `anyOf` set and no
// `discriminator` mapping.
internal class Organism
    public required string Name { get; set; }
internal class Animal : Organism
    public int Legs { get; set; }
internal class Plant : Organism
    public bool IsEdible { get; set; }
// Type hierarchy for validating polymorphic types with self-references.
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Manager), typeDiscriminator: "manager")]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Employee), typeDiscriminator: "employee")]
internal class Employee
    public required string Name { get; set; }
    public required Employee Manager { get; set; }
internal class Manager : Employee
    public required string Department { get; set; }