// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Internal;
using Moq;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures;
public class ViewDataDictionaryTest
public void ConstructorWithOneParameterInitializesMembers()
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
// Act
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider);
// Assert
public void ConstructorInitializesMembers()
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary();
// Act
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider, modelState);
// Assert
Assert.Same(modelState, viewData.ModelState);
public void Constructor_GetsNewModelMetadata()
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new Mock<IModelMetadataProvider>(MockBehavior.Strict);
.Setup(m => m.GetMetadataForType(typeof(object)))
.Returns(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider().GetMetadataForType(typeof(object)))
var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary();
// Act
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider.Object, modelState);
// Assert
metadataProvider.Verify(m => m.GetMetadataForType(typeof(object)), Times.Once());
public void SetModel_DoesNotGetNewModelMetadata_IfTypeCompatible()
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new Mock<IModelMetadataProvider>(MockBehavior.Strict);
.Setup(m => m.GetMetadataForType(typeof(TestModel)))
.Returns(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider().GetMetadataForType(typeof(TestModel)))
var viewData = new TestViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider.Object, typeof(TestModel));
var model = new TestModel();
// Act
// Assert
metadataProvider.Verify(m => m.GetMetadataForType(typeof(TestModel)), Times.Once());
public void SetModel_GetsNewModelMetadata_IfSourceTypeIsObject()
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new Mock<IModelMetadataProvider>(MockBehavior.Strict);
.Setup(m => m.GetMetadataForType(typeof(object)))
.Returns(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider().GetMetadataForType(typeof(object)))
.Setup(m => m.GetMetadataForType(typeof(TestModel)))
.Returns(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider().GetMetadataForType(typeof(TestModel)))
var viewData = new TestViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider.Object);
var model = new TestModel();
// Act
// Assert
// For the constructor.
metadataProvider.Verify(m => m.GetMetadataForType(typeof(object)), Times.Once());
// For SetModel().
metadataProvider.Verify(m => m.GetMetadataForType(typeof(TestModel)), Times.Once());
public static TheoryData<object, Type> IncompatibleModelData
// Small "anything but TestModel" grab bag of instances and expected types.
return new TheoryData<object, Type>
{ true, typeof(bool) },
{ 23, typeof(int) },
{ 43.78, typeof(double) },
{ "test string", typeof(string) },
{ new List<int>(), typeof(List<int>) },
{ new List<string>(), typeof(List<string>) },
{ new List<TestModel>(), typeof(List<TestModel>) },
public void SetModel_Throws_IfModelIncompatibleWithDeclaredType(object model, Type expectedType)
// Arrange
var viewData = new TestViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider(), typeof(TestModel));
// Act & Assert
var exception = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => viewData.SetModelPublic(model));
$"The model item passed into the ViewDataDictionary is of type '{ model.GetType() }', but this " +
$"ViewDataDictionary instance requires a model item of type '{ typeof(TestModel) }'.",
public static TheoryData<object> EnumerableModelData
var model = new List<TestModel>()
new TestModel(),
new TestModel()
return new TheoryData<object>
{ model.Select(t => t) },
{ model.Where(t => t != null) },
{ model.SelectMany(t => t.ToString()) },
{ model.Take(2) },
{ model.TakeWhile(t => t != null) },
{ model.Union(model) }
public void ModelSetter_DoesNotThrowOnEnumerableModel(object model)
// Arrange
var vdd = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
// Act
vdd.Model = model;
// Assert
Assert.Same(model, vdd.Model);
public void CopyConstructorInitializesModelAndModelMetadataBasedOnSource()
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var model = new TestModel();
var source = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider)
ModelExplorer = metadataProvider.GetModelExplorerForType(typeof(TestModel), model),
source["foo"] = "bar";
source.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = "prefix";
// Act
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(source);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("prefix", viewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix);
Assert.NotSame(source.TemplateInfo, viewData.TemplateInfo);
Assert.Same(model, viewData.Model);
Assert.Equal(typeof(TestModel), viewData.ModelMetadata.ModelType);
Assert.Same(source.ModelMetadata, viewData.ModelMetadata);
Assert.Equal(source.Count, viewData.Count);
Assert.Equal("bar", viewData["foo"]);
Assert.IsType<CopyOnWriteDictionary<string, object>>(viewData.Data);
public static TheoryData<Type, object> CopyModelMetadataData
// Instances in this data set must have exactly the same type as the corresponding Type or be null.
// Otherwise the copy constructor ignores the source ModelMetadata.
return new TheoryData<Type, object>
{ typeof(int), 23 },
{ typeof(ulong?), 24ul },
{ typeof(ushort?), null },
{ typeof(string), "hello" },
{ typeof(string), null },
{ typeof(List<string>), new List<string>() },
{ typeof(string[]), new string[0] },
{ typeof(Dictionary<string, object>), new Dictionary<string, object>() },
public void CopyConstructor_CopiesModelMetadata(Type type, object instance)
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var source = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider)
Model = instance,
// Act
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(source);
// Assert
Assert.Same(source.ModelMetadata, viewData.ModelMetadata);
public void CopyConstructor_CopiesModelMetadata_ForTypeObject()
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var source = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider);
// Act
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(source);
// Assert
Assert.Same(source.ModelMetadata, viewData.ModelMetadata);
Assert.Equal(typeof(object), viewData.ModelMetadata.ModelType);
[InlineData(typeof(int), "test string", typeof(string))]
[InlineData(typeof(string), 23, typeof(int))]
[InlineData(typeof(IEnumerable<string>), new object[] { "1", "2", "3" }, typeof(object[]))]
[InlineData(typeof(List<string>), new object[] { 1, 2, 3 }, typeof(object[]))]
public void ModelSetter_UpdatesModelMetadata_IfModelIncompatibleWithSourceMetadata(
Type sourceType,
object model,
Type expectedType)
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var source = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider)
ModelExplorer = metadataProvider.GetModelExplorerForType(sourceType, model: null),
var sourceMetadata = source.ModelMetadata;
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(source);
// Act
viewData.Model = model;
// Assert
Assert.NotSame(source.ModelExplorer, viewData.ModelExplorer);
Assert.NotSame(source.ModelMetadata, viewData.ModelMetadata);
Assert.Equal(expectedType, viewData.ModelMetadata.ModelType);
[InlineData(typeof(int), 23)]
[InlineData(typeof(string), "test string")]
[InlineData(typeof(IEnumerable<string>), new string[] { "1", "2", "3" })]
public void ModelSetter_PreservesSourceMetadata_IfModelCompatible(Type sourceType, object model)
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var source = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider)
ModelExplorer = metadataProvider.GetModelExplorerForType(sourceType, model: null),
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(source);
// Act
viewData.Model = model;
// Assert
Assert.NotSame(source.ModelExplorer, viewData.ModelExplorer);
Assert.Same(source.ModelMetadata, viewData.ModelMetadata);
public void ModelSetter_SameType_UpdatesModelExplorer()
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider)
Model = 3,
var originalMetadata = viewData.ModelMetadata;
var originalExplorer = viewData.ModelExplorer;
// Act
viewData.Model = 5;
// Assert
Assert.Equal(5, viewData.Model);
Assert.Equal(5, viewData.ModelExplorer.Model);
Assert.Same(originalMetadata, viewData.ModelMetadata);
Assert.NotSame(originalExplorer, viewData.ModelExplorer);
public void ModelSetter_DifferentType_UpdatesModelMetadata(Type originalMetadataType)
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var metadata = metadataProvider.GetMetadataForType(originalMetadataType);
var explorer = new ModelExplorer(metadataProvider, metadata, model: null);
var viewData = new TestViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider)
ModelExplorer = explorer,
// Act
viewData.Model = true;
// Assert
Assert.NotSame(explorer, viewData.ModelExplorer);
Assert.Equal(typeof(bool), viewData.ModelMetadata.ModelType);
var model = Assert.IsType<bool>(viewData.Model);
public void ModelSetter_SetNullableNonNull_UpdatesModelExplorer()
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var metadata = metadataProvider.GetMetadataForType(typeof(bool?));
var explorer = new ModelExplorer(metadataProvider, metadata, model: null);
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider)
ModelExplorer = explorer,
// Act
viewData.Model = true;
// Assert
Assert.Same(metadata, viewData.ModelMetadata);
Assert.NotSame(explorer, viewData.ModelExplorer);
Assert.Equal(viewData.Model, viewData.ModelExplorer.Model);
var model = Assert.IsType<bool>(viewData.Model);
public void ModelSetter_SetNonNullableToNull_Throws()
// Arrange
var viewData = new TestViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider(), typeof(int));
// Act & Assert
var exception = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => viewData.SetModelPublic(value: null));
"The model item passed is null, but this ViewDataDictionary instance requires a non-null model item " +
$"of type '{ typeof(int) }'.",
public void ModelSetter_SameType_BoxedValueTypeUpdatesModelExplorer()
// Arrange
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider)
Model = 3,
var originalMetadata = viewData.ModelMetadata;
var originalExplorer = viewData.ModelExplorer;
// Act
viewData.Model = 3; // This is the same value, but it's in a different box.
// Assert
Assert.Equal(3, viewData.Model);
Assert.Equal(3, viewData.ModelExplorer.Model);
Assert.Same(originalMetadata, viewData.ModelMetadata);
Assert.NotSame(originalExplorer, viewData.ModelExplorer);
public void ModelSetter_SameModel_NoChanges()
// Arrange
var model = "Hello";
var metadataProvider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(metadataProvider)
Model = model,
var originalMetadata = viewData.ModelMetadata;
var originalExplorer = viewData.ModelExplorer;
// Act
viewData.Model = model;
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Hello", viewData.Model);
Assert.Same(originalMetadata, viewData.ModelMetadata);
Assert.Same(originalExplorer, viewData.ModelExplorer);
public static TheoryData<object, string, object> Eval_EvaluatesExpressionsData
return new TheoryData<object, string, object>
new { Foo = "Bar" },
new { Foo = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Bar", "Baz" } } },
new { Foo = new { Bar = "Baz" } },
public void Eval_EvaluatesExpressions(object model, string expression, object expected)
// Arrange
var viewData = GetViewDataDictionary(model);
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval(expression);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(expected, result);
public void EvalReturnsNullIfExpressionDoesNotMatch()
// Arrange
var model = new { Foo = new { Biz = "Baz" } };
var viewData = GetViewDataDictionary(model);
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar");
// Assert
public void EvalEvaluatesDictionaryThenModel()
// Arrange
var model = new { Foo = "NotBar" };
var viewData = GetViewDataDictionary(model);
viewData.Add("Foo", "Bar");
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Bar", result);
public void EvalReturnsValueJustAdded()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
viewData.Add("Foo", "Blah");
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Blah", result);
public void EvalWithCompoundExpressionReturnsIndexedValue()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
viewData.Add("Foo.Bar", "Baz");
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Baz", result);
public void EvalWithCompoundExpressionReturnsPropertyOfAddedObject()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
viewData.Add("Foo", new { Bar = "Baz" });
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Baz", result);
public void EvalWithCompoundIndexExpressionReturnsEval()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
viewData.Add("Foo.Bar", new { Baz = "Quux" });
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar.Baz");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Quux", result);
public void EvalWithCompoundIndexAndCompoundExpressionReturnsValue()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
viewData.Add("Foo.Bar", new { Baz = new { Blah = "Quux" } });
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar.Baz.Blah");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Quux", result);
// Make sure that dict["foo.bar"] gets chosen before dict["foo"]["bar"]
public void EvalChoosesValueInDictionaryOverOtherValue()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider())
{ "Foo", new { Bar = "Not Baz" } },
{ "Foo.Bar", "Baz" }
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Baz", result);
// Make sure that dict["foo.bar"]["baz"] gets chosen before dict["foo"]["bar"]["baz"]
public void EvalChoosesCompoundValueInDictionaryOverOtherValues()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider())
{ "Foo", new { Bar = new { Baz = "Not Quux" } } },
{ "Foo.Bar", new { Baz = "Quux" } }
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar.Baz");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Quux", result);
// Make sure that dict["foo.bar"]["baz"] gets chosen before dict["foo"]["bar.baz"]
public void EvalChoosesCompoundValueInDictionaryOverOtherValuesWithCompoundProperty()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider())
{ "Foo", new Person() },
{ "Foo.Bar", new { Baz = "Quux" } }
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar.Baz");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Quux", result);
public void Eval_ReturnsModel_IfExpressionIsNullOrEmpty(string expression)
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
var model = new object();
viewData.Model = model;
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval(expression);
// Assert
Assert.Same(model, result);
public void EvalWithCompoundExpressionAndDictionarySubExpressionChoosesDictionaryValue()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
viewData.Add("Foo", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Bar", "Baz" } });
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Baz", result);
public void EvalWithDictionaryAndNoMatchReturnsNull()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
viewData.Add("Foo", new Dictionary<string, object> { { "NotBar", "Baz" } });
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar");
// Assert
public void EvalWithNestedDictionariesEvalCorrectly()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
var value = new Dictionary<string, object>
["Bar"] = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Baz", "Quux" }
viewData.Add("Foo", value);
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Foo.Bar.Baz");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Quux", result);
public void EvalFormatWithNullValueReturnsEmptyString()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
// Act
var formattedValue = viewData.Eval("foo", "for{0}mat");
// Assert
public void EvalFormatWithEmptyFormatReturnsViewData()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
viewData["foo"] = "value";
// Act
var formattedValue = viewData.Eval("foo", string.Empty);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("value", formattedValue);
public void EvalFormatWithFormatReturnsFormattedViewData()
// Arrange
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider());
viewData["foo"] = "value";
// Act
var formattedValue = viewData.Eval("foo", "for{0}mat");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("forvaluemat", formattedValue);
public void EvalPropertyNamedModel()
// Arrange
var model = new TheQueryStringParam
Name = "The Name",
Value = "The Value",
Model = "The Model",
var viewData = GetViewDataDictionary(model);
viewData["Title"] = "Home Page";
viewData["Message"] = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Model");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("The Model", result);
public void EvalSubPropertyNamedValueInModel()
// Arrange
var model = new TheQueryStringParam
Name = "The Name",
Value = "The Value",
Model = "The Model",
var viewData = GetViewDataDictionary(model);
viewData["Title"] = "Home Page";
viewData["Message"] = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
// Act
var result = viewData.Eval("Value");
// Assert
Assert.Equal("The Value", result);
private static ViewDataDictionary GetViewDataDictionary(object model)
return new ViewDataDictionary(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider())
Model = model
private class TestModel
private class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
private class TestViewDataDictionary : ViewDataDictionary
public TestViewDataDictionary(IModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider)
: base(metadataProvider)
public TestViewDataDictionary(IModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider, Type declaredModelType)
: base(metadataProvider, declaredModelType)
public void SetModelPublic(object value)
private class TheQueryStringParam
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public string Model { get; set; }