File: TemplateRendererTest.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Mvc\Mvc.ViewFeatures\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Test.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Test)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures;
public class TemplateRendererTest
    public static TheoryData<Type, string[]> TypeNameData
            return new TheoryData<Type, string[]>
                    { typeof(string), new string[] { "String" } },
                    { typeof(bool), new string[] { "Boolean", "String" } },
                    { typeof(DateTime), new string[] { "DateTime", "String" } },
                    { typeof(float), new string[] { "Single", "String" } },
                    { typeof(double), new string[] { "Double", "String" } },
                    { typeof(Guid), new string[] { "Guid", "String" } },
                    { typeof(TimeSpan), new string[] { "TimeSpan", "String" } },
                    { typeof(int), new string[] { "Int32", "String" } },
                    { typeof(ulong), new string[] { "UInt64", "String" } },
                    { typeof(Enum), new string[] { "Enum", "String" } },
                    { typeof(HttpStatusCode), new string[] { "HttpStatusCode", "Enum", "String" } },
                    { typeof(FormFile), new string[] { "FormFile", "IFormFile", "Object" } },
                    { typeof(IFormFile), new string[] { "IFormFile", "Object" } },
                    { typeof(FormFileCollection), new string[] { "FormFileCollection", typeof(List<IFormFile>).Name,
                        TemplateRenderer.IEnumerableOfIFormFileName, "Collection", "Object" } },
                    { typeof(IFormFileCollection), new string[] { "IFormFileCollection",
                        TemplateRenderer.IEnumerableOfIFormFileName, "Collection", "Object" } },
                    { typeof(IEnumerable<IFormFile>), new string[] { TemplateRenderer.IEnumerableOfIFormFileName,
                        typeof(IEnumerable<IFormFile>).Name, "Collection", "Object" } },
    public void GetTypeNames_ReturnsExpectedResults(Type fieldType, string[] expectedResult)
        // Arrange
        var metadataProvider = new TestModelMetadataProvider();
        var metadata = metadataProvider.GetMetadataForType(fieldType);
        // Act
        var typeNames = TemplateRenderer.GetTypeNames(metadata, fieldType);
        // Assert
        var collectionAssertions = expectedResult.Select<string, Action<string>>(expected =>
            actual => Assert.Equal(expected, actual));
        Assert.Collection(typeNames, collectionAssertions.ToArray());