6 writes to Property1
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Test (6)
Rendering\HtmlHelperCheckboxTest.cs (6)
327helper.ViewData["Prefix"] = new TestModel { Property1 = true }; 348helper.ViewData["Prefix"] = new TestModel { Property1 = true }; 370helper.ViewData.Model = new TestModel { Property1 = true }; 390helper.ViewData.Model = new TestModel { Property1 = true }; 597Property1 = value, 799helper.ViewData.Model = new TestModel { Property1 = true };
10 references to Property1
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Test (10)
Rendering\HtmlHelperCheckboxTest.cs (10)
304helper.ViewData.Remove(nameof(TestModel.Property1)); 326helper.ViewData.Remove(nameof(TestModel.Property1)); 347helper.ViewData.Remove(nameof(TestModel.Property1)); 574var html = helper.CheckBoxFor(m => m.Property1, htmlAttributes: null); 603var html = helper.CheckBoxFor(m => m.Property1, htmlAttributes: null); 669var html = helper.CheckBoxFor(m => m.Property1, htmlAttributes: null); 689var html = helper.CheckBoxFor(m => m.Property1, htmlAttributes); 714var html = helper.CheckBoxFor(m => m.Property1, attributes); 735var html = helper.CheckBoxFor(m => m.Property1, attributes); 754var html = helper.CheckBoxFor(m => m.ComplexProperty.Property1, htmlAttributes: null);