File: Routing\ActionConstraintMatcherPolicyTest.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Mvc\Mvc\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Test.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Test)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionConstraints;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
using Moq;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Routing;
// These tests are intentionally in Mvc.Test so we can also test the CORS action constraint.
public class ActionConstraintMatcherPolicyTest
    public async Task Apply_CanBeAmbiguous()
        // Arrange
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor() { DisplayName = "A1" },
                new ActionDescriptor() { DisplayName = "A2" },
        var candidateSet = CreateCandidateSet(actions);
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        // Act
        await selector.ApplyAsync(new DefaultHttpContext(), candidateSet);
        // Assert
    public async Task Apply_PrefersActionWithConstraints()
        // Arrange
        var actionWithConstraints = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, },
            Parameters = new List<ParameterDescriptor>(),
        var actionWithoutConstraints = new ActionDescriptor()
            Parameters = new List<ParameterDescriptor>(),
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { actionWithConstraints, actionWithoutConstraints };
        var candidateSet = CreateCandidateSet(actions);
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext("POST");
        // Act
        await selector.ApplyAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
        // Assert
    public async Task Apply_ConstraintsRejectAll()
        // Arrange
        var action1 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, },
        var action2 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, },
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { action1, action2 };
        var candidateSet = CreateCandidateSet(actions);
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext("POST");
        // Act
        await selector.ApplyAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
        // Assert
    public async Task Apply_ConstraintsRejectAll_DifferentStages()
        // Arrange
        var action1 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, Order = 0 },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1 },
        var action2 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0 },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, Order = 1 },
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { action1, action2 };
        var candidateSet = CreateCandidateSet(actions);
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext("POST");
        // Act
        await selector.ApplyAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
        // Assert
    // Due to ordering of stages, the first action will be better.
    public async Task Apply_ConstraintsInOrder()
        // Arrange
        var best = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
        var worst = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { best, worst };
        var candidateSet = CreateCandidateSet(actions);
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext("POST");
        // Act
        await selector.ApplyAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
        // Assert
    public async Task Apply_SkipsOverInvalidEndpoints()
        // Arrange
        var best = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
        var another = new ActionDescriptor();
        var worst = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { best, another, worst };
        var candidateSet = CreateCandidateSet(actions);
        candidateSet.SetValidity(0, false);
        candidateSet.SetValidity(1, false);
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext("POST");
        // Act
        await selector.ApplyAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
        // Assert
    public async Task Apply_IncludesNonMvcEndpoints()
        // Arrange
        var action1 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, Order = 0, },
        var action2 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, Order = 1, },
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { action1, null, action2 };
        var candidateSet = CreateCandidateSet(actions);
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext("POST");
        // Act
        await selector.ApplyAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
        // Assert
    // Due to ordering of stages, the first action will be better.
    public async Task Apply_ConstraintsInOrder_MultipleStages()
        // Arrange
        var best = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 2, },
        var worst = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 3, },
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { best, worst };
        var candidateSet = CreateCandidateSet(actions);
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext("POST");
        // Act
        await selector.ApplyAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
        // Assert
    public async Task Apply_Fallback_ToActionWithoutConstraints()
        // Arrange
        var nomatch1 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, Order = 2, },
        var nomatch2 = new ActionDescriptor()
            ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 0, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = true, Order = 1, },
                    new BooleanConstraint() { Pass = false, Order = 3, },
        var best = new ActionDescriptor();
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[] { best, nomatch1, nomatch2 };
        var candidateSet = CreateCandidateSet(actions);
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext("POST");
        // Act
        await selector.ApplyAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
        // Assert
    public async Task DataTokens_RoundTrip()
        // Arrange
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                        new ConstraintWithTokens(),
                    EndpointMetadata = new List<object>()
                        new DataTokensMetadata(new Dictionary<string, object>
                            ["DataTokens"] = true
        var endpoints = actions.Select(CreateEndpoint).ToArray();
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext("POST");
        // Act
        var candidateSet = CreateCandidateSet(actions);
        await selector.ApplyAsync(httpContext, candidateSet);
        // Assert
    public void AppliesToEndpoints_IgnoresIgnorableConstraints()
        // Arrange
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                        new HttpMethodActionConstraint(new[]{ "GET", }),
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                        new ConsumesAttribute("text/json"),
        var endpoints = actions.Select(CreateEndpoint).ToArray();
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        // Act
        var result = selector.AppliesToEndpoints(endpoints);
        // Assert
    public void ShouldRunActionConstraints_RunsForArbitraryActionConstraint()
        // Arrange
        var actions = new ActionDescriptor[]
                new ActionDescriptor()
                new ActionDescriptor()
                    ActionConstraints = new List<IActionConstraintMetadata>()
                        new BooleanConstraint(),
        var endpoints = actions.Select(CreateEndpoint).ToArray();
        var selector = CreateSelector(actions);
        // Act
        var result = selector.AppliesToEndpoints(endpoints);
        // Assert
    private ActionConstraintMatcherPolicy CreateSelector(ActionDescriptor[] actions)
        // We need to actually provide some actions with some action constraints metadata
        // or else the policy will No-op.
        var actionDescriptorProvider = new Mock<IActionDescriptorProvider>();
            .Setup(a => a.OnProvidersExecuted(It.IsAny<ActionDescriptorProviderContext>()))
            .Callback<ActionDescriptorProviderContext>(c =>
                for (var i = 0; i < actions.Length; i++)
        var actionDescriptorCollectionProvider = new DefaultActionDescriptorCollectionProvider(
            new IActionDescriptorProvider[] { actionDescriptorProvider.Object, },
        var cache = new ActionConstraintCache(actionDescriptorCollectionProvider, new[]
                new DefaultActionConstraintProvider(),
        return new ActionConstraintMatcherPolicy(cache);
    private static HttpContext CreateHttpContext(string httpMethod)
        var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
        httpContext.Request.Method = httpMethod;
        return httpContext;
    private static Endpoint CreateEndpoint(ActionDescriptor action)
        var metadata = new List<object>() { action, };
        if (action?.EndpointMetadata != null)
        return new Endpoint(
            (context) => Task.CompletedTask,
            new EndpointMetadataCollection(metadata),
            $"test: {action?.DisplayName}");
    private static CandidateSet CreateCandidateSet(ActionDescriptor[] actions)
        var values = new RouteValueDictionary[actions.Length];
        for (var i = 0; i < actions.Length; i++)
            values[i] = new RouteValueDictionary();
        var candidateSet = new CandidateSet(
            new int[actions.Length]);
        return candidateSet;
    private class ConstraintWithTokens : IActionConstraint
        public int Order => 1;
        public bool Accept(ActionConstraintContext context)
            return context.RouteContext.RouteData.DataTokens.ContainsKey("DataTokens");
    private class BooleanConstraint : IActionConstraint
        public bool Pass { get; set; }
        public int Order { get; set; }
        public bool Accept(ActionConstraintContext context)
            return Pass;