// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controllers;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Infrastructure;
public class PageViewLocationExpanderTest
public void PopulateValues_DoesNothing()
// Arrange
var context = CreateContext();
var expander = new PageViewLocationExpander();
// Act
// Assert
public void ExpandLocations_NoOp_ForNonPage()
// Arrange
var context = CreateContext(pageName: null);
var locations = new string[]
var expander = new PageViewLocationExpander();
// Act
var actual = expander.ExpandViewLocations(context, locations);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(locations, actual);
public void ExpandLocations_NoOp_ForNonPageWithPageName()
// Verifies the fix for https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/issues/6660. This ensures that when PageViewLocationExpander is called
// from a non-Razor Page with a route value for "
// Arrange
var context = CreateContext(pageName: "test");
context.ActionContext.ActionDescriptor = new ControllerActionDescriptor();
var locations = new string[]
var expander = new PageViewLocationExpander();
// Act
var actual = expander.ExpandViewLocations(context, locations);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(locations, actual);
public void ExpandLocations_NoOp_WhenLocationDoesNotContainPageToken()
// Arrange
var context = CreateContext(pageName: null);
var locations = new string[]
var expander = new PageViewLocationExpander();
// Act
var actual = expander.ExpandViewLocations(context, locations);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(locations, actual);
[InlineData("/Index", new string[] { "/{0}.cshtml" })]
[InlineData("/Edit", new string[] { "/{0}.cshtml" })]
[InlineData("/Customers/Add", new string[] { "/Customers/{0}.cshtml", "/{0}.cshtml" })]
public void ExpandLocations_ExpandsDirectories_WhenLocationContainsPage(
string pageName,
string[] expected)
// Arrange
var context = CreateContext(pageName: pageName);
var locations = new string[]
var expander = new PageViewLocationExpander();
// Act
var actual = expander.ExpandViewLocations(context, locations);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(expected, actual.ToArray());
public void ExpandLocations_ExpandsDirectories_MultipleLocations()
// Arrange
var context = CreateContext(pageName: "/Customers/Edit");
var locations = new string[]
var expected = new string[]
var expander = new PageViewLocationExpander();
// Act
var actual = expander.ExpandViewLocations(context, locations);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(expected, actual.ToArray());
[InlineData("/Index", new[] { "/Areas/{2}/Pages/{0}.cshtml" })]
[InlineData("/Manage/User", new[] { "/Areas/{2}/Pages/Manage/{0}.cshtml", "/Areas/{2}/Pages/{0}.cshtml" })]
public void ExpandLocations_ExpandsAreaPaths(string pageName, string[] expected)
// Arrange
var context = CreateContext(pageName: pageName);
var locations = new[]
var expander = new PageViewLocationExpander();
// Act
var actual = expander.ExpandViewLocations(context, locations);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(expected, actual.ToArray());
public void ExpandLocations_ExpandsAreaPaths_MultipleLocations()
// Arrange
var context = CreateContext(pageName: "/Customers/Edit");
var locations = new[]
var expected = new[]
var expander = new PageViewLocationExpander();
// Act
var actual = expander.ExpandViewLocations(context, locations);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(expected, actual.ToArray());
private ViewLocationExpanderContext CreateContext(string viewName = "_LoginPartial.cshtml", string pageName = null)
var actionContext = new ActionContext
ActionDescriptor = new PageActionDescriptor(),
return new ViewLocationExpanderContext(
controllerName: null,
areaName: null,
pageName: pageName,
isMainPage: true)
Values = new Dictionary<string, string>(),