File: ApplicationModels\PageConventionCollectionTest.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Mvc\Mvc.RazorPages\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Test.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.Test)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.InternalTesting;
using Moq;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationModels;
public class PageConventionCollectionTest
    [InlineData(null, "Value cannot be null.")]
    [InlineData("", "The value cannot be an empty string.")]
    public void EnsureValidPageName_ThrowsIfPageNameIsNullOrEmpty(string pageName, string expectedMessage)
        // Act & Assert
            () => PageConventionCollection.EnsureValidPageName(pageName),
    public void EnsureValidPageName_ThrowsIfPageNameDoesNotStartWithLeadingSlash(string pageName)
        // Arrange
        var expected = $"'{pageName}' is not a valid page name. A page name is path relative to the Razor Pages root directory that starts with a leading forward slash ('/') and does not contain the file extension e.g \"/Users/Edit\".";
        // Act & Assert
        var ex = ExceptionAssert.ThrowsArgument(
            () => PageConventionCollection.EnsureValidPageName(pageName),
    public void EnsureValidPageName_ThrowsIfPageNameHasExtension()
        // Arrange
        var pageName = "/Page.cshtml";
        var expected = $"'{pageName}' is not a valid page name. A page name is path relative to the Razor Pages root directory that starts with a leading forward slash ('/') and does not contain the file extension e.g \"/Users/Edit\".";
        // Act & Assert
        var ex = ExceptionAssert.ThrowsArgument(
            () => PageConventionCollection.EnsureValidPageName(pageName),
    [InlineData(null, "Value cannot be null.")]
    [InlineData("", "The value cannot be an empty string.")]
    public void EnsureValidFolderPath_ThrowsIfPathIsNullOrEmpty(string folderPath, string expectedMessage)
        // Act & Assert
            () => PageConventionCollection.EnsureValidFolderPath(folderPath),
    public void EnsureValidFolderPath_ThrowsIfPageNameDoesNotStartWithLeadingSlash(string folderPath)
        // Arrange
        // Act & Assert
        var ex = ExceptionAssert.ThrowsArgument(
            () => PageConventionCollection.EnsureValidFolderPath(folderPath),
            "Path must be a root relative path that starts with a forward slash '/'.");
    public void RemoveType_RemovesAllOfType()
        // Arrange
        var collection = new PageConventionCollection(Mock.Of<IServiceProvider>())
                new FooPageConvention(),
                new BarPageConvention(),
                new FooPageConvention()
        // Act
        // Assert
            convention => Assert.IsType<BarPageConvention>(convention));
    public void GenericRemoveType_RemovesAllOfType()
        // Arrange
        var collection = new PageConventionCollection(Mock.Of<IServiceProvider>())
                new FooPageConvention(),
                new BarPageConvention(),
                new FooPageConvention()
        // Act
        // Assert
           convention => Assert.IsType<BarPageConvention>(convention));
    private class FooPageConvention : IPageConvention { }
    private class BarPageConvention : IPageConvention { }