// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Compilation;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation;
#pragma warning disable CA1852 // Seal internal types
internal partial class RuntimeViewCompiler : IViewCompiler
#pragma warning restore CA1852 // Seal internal types
private readonly object _cacheLock = new object();
private readonly Dictionary<string, CompiledViewDescriptor> _precompiledViews;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> _normalizedPathCache;
private readonly IFileProvider _fileProvider;
private readonly RazorProjectEngine _projectEngine;
private readonly IMemoryCache _cache;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly CSharpCompiler _csharpCompiler;
public RuntimeViewCompiler(
IFileProvider fileProvider,
RazorProjectEngine projectEngine,
CSharpCompiler csharpCompiler,
IList<CompiledViewDescriptor> precompiledViews,
ILogger logger)
_fileProvider = fileProvider;
_projectEngine = projectEngine;
_csharpCompiler = csharpCompiler;
_logger = logger;
_normalizedPathCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
// This is our L0 cache, and is a durable store. Views migrate into the cache as they are requested
// from either the set of known precompiled views, or by being compiled.
_cache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions());
// We need to validate that the all of the precompiled views are unique by path (case-insensitive).
// We do this because there's no good way to canonicalize paths on windows, and it will create
// problems when deploying to linux. Rather than deal with these issues, we just don't support
// views that differ only by case.
_precompiledViews = new Dictionary<string, CompiledViewDescriptor>(
foreach (var precompiledView in precompiledViews)
Log.ViewCompilerLocatedCompiledView(_logger, precompiledView.RelativePath);
if (!_precompiledViews.ContainsKey(precompiledView.RelativePath))
// View ordering has precedence semantics, a view with a higher precedence was
// already added to the list.
_precompiledViews.Add(precompiledView.RelativePath, precompiledView);
if (_precompiledViews.Count == 0)
public Task<CompiledViewDescriptor> CompileAsync(string relativePath)
// Attempt to lookup the cache entry using the passed in path. This will succeed if the path is already
// normalized and a cache entry exists.
if (_cache.TryGetValue<Task<CompiledViewDescriptor>>(relativePath, out var cachedResult) && cachedResult is not null)
return cachedResult;
var normalizedPath = GetNormalizedPath(relativePath);
if (_cache.TryGetValue(normalizedPath, out cachedResult) && cachedResult is not null)
return cachedResult;
// Entry does not exist. Attempt to create one.
cachedResult = OnCacheMiss(normalizedPath);
return cachedResult;
private Task<CompiledViewDescriptor> OnCacheMiss(string normalizedPath)
ViewCompilerWorkItem item;
TaskCompletionSource<CompiledViewDescriptor> taskSource;
MemoryCacheEntryOptions cacheEntryOptions;
// Safe races cannot be allowed when compiling Razor pages. To ensure only one compilation request succeeds
// per file, we'll lock the creation of a cache entry. Creating the cache entry should be very quick. The
// actual work for compiling files happens outside the critical section.
lock (_cacheLock)
// Double-checked locking to handle a possible race.
if (_cache.TryGetValue<Task<CompiledViewDescriptor>>(normalizedPath, out var result) && result is not null)
return result;
if (_precompiledViews.TryGetValue(normalizedPath, out var precompiledView))
Log.ViewCompilerLocatedCompiledViewForPath(_logger, normalizedPath);
item = CreatePrecompiledWorkItem(normalizedPath, precompiledView);
item = CreateRuntimeCompilationWorkItem(normalizedPath);
// At this point, we've decided what to do - but we should create the cache entry and
// release the lock first.
cacheEntryOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions();
Debug.Assert(item.ExpirationTokens != null);
for (var i = 0; i < item.ExpirationTokens.Count; i++)
taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<CompiledViewDescriptor>(creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
if (item.SupportsCompilation)
// We'll compile in just a sec, be patient.
// If we can't compile, we should have already created the descriptor
Debug.Assert(item.Descriptor != null);
_cache.Set(normalizedPath, taskSource.Task, cacheEntryOptions);
// Now the lock has been released so we can do more expensive processing.
if (item.SupportsCompilation)
Debug.Assert(taskSource != null);
if (item.Descriptor?.Item != null &&
ChecksumValidator.IsItemValid(_projectEngine.FileSystem, item.Descriptor.Item))
// If the item has checksums to validate, we should also have a precompiled view.
Debug.Assert(item.Descriptor != null);
return taskSource.Task;
Log.ViewCompilerInvalidatingCompiledFile(_logger, item.NormalizedPath);
var descriptor = CompileAndEmit(normalizedPath);
descriptor.ExpirationTokens = cacheEntryOptions.ExpirationTokens;
catch (Exception ex)
return taskSource.Task;
private ViewCompilerWorkItem CreatePrecompiledWorkItem(string normalizedPath, CompiledViewDescriptor precompiledView)
// We have a precompiled view - but we're not sure that we can use it yet.
// We need to determine first if we have enough information to 'recompile' this view. If that's the case
// we'll create change tokens for all of the files.
// Then we'll attempt to validate if any of those files have different content than the original sources
// based on checksums.
if (precompiledView.Item == null || !ChecksumValidator.IsRecompilationSupported(precompiledView.Item))
return new ViewCompilerWorkItem()
// If we don't have a checksum for the primary source file we can't recompile.
SupportsCompilation = false,
ExpirationTokens = Array.Empty<IChangeToken>(), // Never expire because we can't recompile.
Descriptor = precompiledView, // This will be used as-is.
var item = new ViewCompilerWorkItem()
SupportsCompilation = true,
Descriptor = precompiledView, // This might be used, if the checksums match.
// Used to validate and recompile
NormalizedPath = normalizedPath,
ExpirationTokens = GetExpirationTokens(precompiledView),
// We also need to create a new descriptor, because the original one doesn't have expiration tokens on
// it. These will be used by the view location cache, which is like an L1 cache for views (this class is
// the L2 cache).
item.Descriptor = new CompiledViewDescriptor()
ExpirationTokens = item.ExpirationTokens,
Item = precompiledView.Item,
RelativePath = precompiledView.RelativePath,
return item;
private ViewCompilerWorkItem CreateRuntimeCompilationWorkItem(string normalizedPath)
IList<IChangeToken> expirationTokens = new List<IChangeToken>
var projectItem = _projectEngine.FileSystem.GetItem(normalizedPath, fileKind: null);
if (!projectItem.Exists)
Log.ViewCompilerCouldNotFindFileAtPath(_logger, normalizedPath);
// If the file doesn't exist, we can't do compilation right now - we still want to cache
// the fact that we tried. This will allow us to re-trigger compilation if the view file
// is added.
return new ViewCompilerWorkItem()
// We don't have enough information to compile
SupportsCompilation = false,
Descriptor = new CompiledViewDescriptor()
RelativePath = normalizedPath,
ExpirationTokens = expirationTokens,
// We can try again if the file gets created.
ExpirationTokens = expirationTokens,
Log.ViewCompilerFoundFileToCompile(_logger, normalizedPath);
GetChangeTokensFromImports(expirationTokens, projectItem);
return new ViewCompilerWorkItem()
SupportsCompilation = true,
NormalizedPath = normalizedPath,
ExpirationTokens = expirationTokens,
private IList<IChangeToken> GetExpirationTokens(CompiledViewDescriptor precompiledView)
var checksums = precompiledView.Item.GetChecksumMetadata();
var expirationTokens = new List<IChangeToken>(checksums.Count);
for (var i = 0; i < checksums.Count; i++)
// We rely on Razor to provide the right set of checksums. Trust the compiler, it has to do a good job,
// so it probably will.
return expirationTokens;
private void GetChangeTokensFromImports(IList<IChangeToken> expirationTokens, RazorProjectItem projectItem)
// OK this means we can do compilation. For now let's just identify the other files we need to watch
// so we can create the cache entry. Compilation will happen after we release the lock.
var importFeature = _projectEngine.ProjectFeatures.OfType<IImportProjectFeature>().ToArray();
foreach (var feature in importFeature)
foreach (var file in feature.GetImports(projectItem))
if (file.FilePath != null)
protected virtual CompiledViewDescriptor CompileAndEmit(string relativePath)
var projectItem = _projectEngine.FileSystem.GetItem(relativePath, fileKind: null);
var codeDocument = _projectEngine.Process(projectItem);
var cSharpDocument = codeDocument.GetCSharpDocument();
if (cSharpDocument.Diagnostics.Count > 0)
throw CompilationFailedExceptionFactory.Create(
var assembly = CompileAndEmit(codeDocument, cSharpDocument.GeneratedCode);
// Anything we compile from source will use Razor 2.1 and so should have the new metadata.
var loader = new RazorCompiledItemLoader();
var item = loader.LoadItems(assembly).Single();
return new CompiledViewDescriptor(item);
internal Assembly CompileAndEmit(RazorCodeDocument codeDocument, string generatedCode)
Log.GeneratedCodeToAssemblyCompilationStart(_logger, codeDocument.Source.FilePath);
var startTimestamp = _logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug) ? Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() : 0;
var assemblyName = Path.GetRandomFileName();
var compilation = CreateCompilation(generatedCode, assemblyName);
var emitOptions = _csharpCompiler.EmitOptions;
var emitPdbFile = _csharpCompiler.EmitPdb && emitOptions.DebugInformationFormat != DebugInformationFormat.Embedded;
using (var assemblyStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var pdbStream = emitPdbFile ? new MemoryStream() : null)
var result = compilation.Emit(
options: emitOptions);
if (!result.Success)
throw CompilationFailedExceptionFactory.Create(
assemblyStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
pdbStream?.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyStream.ToArray(), pdbStream?.ToArray());
Log.GeneratedCodeToAssemblyCompilationEnd(_logger, codeDocument.Source.FilePath, startTimestamp);
return assembly;
private CSharpCompilation CreateCompilation(string compilationContent, string assemblyName)
var sourceText = SourceText.From(compilationContent, Encoding.UTF8);
var syntaxTree = _csharpCompiler.CreateSyntaxTree(sourceText).WithFilePath(assemblyName);
return _csharpCompiler
private string GetNormalizedPath(string relativePath)
Debug.Assert(relativePath != null);
if (relativePath.Length == 0)
return relativePath;
if (!_normalizedPathCache.TryGetValue(relativePath, out var normalizedPath))
normalizedPath = ViewPath.NormalizePath(relativePath);
_normalizedPathCache[relativePath] = normalizedPath;
return normalizedPath;
private sealed class ViewCompilerWorkItem
public bool SupportsCompilation { get; set; } = default!;
public string NormalizedPath { get; set; } = default!;
public IList<IChangeToken> ExpirationTokens { get; set; } = default!;
public CompiledViewDescriptor Descriptor { get; set; } = default!;
private static partial class Log
[LoggerMessage(1, LogLevel.Debug, "Compilation of the generated code for the Razor file at '{FilePath}' started.")]
public static partial void GeneratedCodeToAssemblyCompilationStart(ILogger logger, string filePath);
[LoggerMessage(2, LogLevel.Debug, "Compilation of the generated code for the Razor file at '{FilePath}' completed in {ElapsedMilliseconds}ms.")]
private static partial void GeneratedCodeToAssemblyCompilationEnd(ILogger logger, string filePath, double elapsedMilliseconds);
public static void GeneratedCodeToAssemblyCompilationEnd(ILogger logger, string filePath, long startTimestamp)
// Don't log if logging wasn't enabled at start of request as time will be wildly wrong.
if (startTimestamp != 0)
var currentTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
var elapsed = Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(startTimestamp, currentTimestamp);
GeneratedCodeToAssemblyCompilationEnd(logger, filePath, elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
[LoggerMessage(3, LogLevel.Debug, "Initializing Razor view compiler with compiled view: '{ViewName}'.")]
public static partial void ViewCompilerLocatedCompiledView(ILogger logger, string viewName);
[LoggerMessage(4, LogLevel.Debug, "Initializing Razor view compiler with no compiled views.")]
public static partial void ViewCompilerNoCompiledViewsFound(ILogger logger);
[LoggerMessage(5, LogLevel.Trace, "Located compiled view for view at path '{Path}'.")]
public static partial void ViewCompilerLocatedCompiledViewForPath(ILogger logger, string path);
[LoggerMessage(6, LogLevel.Trace, "Invalidating compiled view for view at path '{Path}'.")]
public static partial void ViewCompilerRecompilingCompiledView(ILogger logger, string path);
[LoggerMessage(7, LogLevel.Trace, "Could not find a file for view at path '{Path}'.")]
public static partial void ViewCompilerCouldNotFindFileAtPath(ILogger logger, string path);
[LoggerMessage(8, LogLevel.Trace, "Found file at path '{Path}'.")]
public static partial void ViewCompilerFoundFileToCompile(ILogger logger, string path);
[LoggerMessage(9, LogLevel.Trace, "Invalidating compiled view at path '{Path}' with a file since the checksum did not match.")]
public static partial void ViewCompilerInvalidatingCompiledFile(ILogger logger, string path);