File: RuntimeViewCompilerTest.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Mvc\Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation.Test.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation.Test)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationParts;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Compilation;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Extensions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Language;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Moq;
using static Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Hosting.TestRazorCompiledItem;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation;
public class RuntimeViewCompilerTest
    public async Task CompileAsync_ReturnsResultWithNullAttribute_IfFileIsNotFoundInFileSystem()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/file/does-not-exist";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider);
        // Act
        var result1 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        var result2 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(result1, result2);
        var token = Assert.Single(result1.ExpirationTokens);
        Assert.Same(fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path), token);
    public async Task CompileAsync_ReturnsResultWithExpirationToken()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/file/does-not-exist";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider);
        // Act
        var result1 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        var result2 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(result1, result2);
            token => Assert.Equal(fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path), token));
    public async Task CompileAsync_AddsChangeTokensForViewStartsIfFileExists()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/file/exists/FilePath.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider);
        // Act
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert
            token => Assert.Same(fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path), token),
            token => Assert.Same(fileProvider.GetChangeToken("/_ViewImports.cshtml"), token),
            token => Assert.Same(fileProvider.GetChangeToken("/file/_ViewImports.cshtml"), token),
            token => Assert.Same(fileProvider.GetChangeToken("/file/exists/_ViewImports.cshtml"), token));
    public async Task CompileAsync_NormalizesPathSeparatorForPaths(string relativePath)
        // Arrange
        var viewPath = "/Areas/Finances/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(viewPath, "some content");
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider);
        // Act - 1
        var result1 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(@"Areas\Finances\Views\Home\Index.cshtml");
        // Act - 2
        viewCompiler.Compile = _ => throw new Exception("Can't call me");
        var result2 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(relativePath);
        // Assert - 2
        Assert.Same(result1, result2);
    public async Task CompileAsync_InvalidatesCache_IfChangeTokenExpires()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        var fileNode = fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider);
        // Act 1
        var result1 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert 1
        // Act 2
        // Simulate deleting the file
        fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path).HasChanged = true;
        viewCompiler.Compile = _ => throw new Exception("Can't call me");
        var result2 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert 2
        Assert.NotSame(result1, result2);
    public async Task CompileAsync_ReturnsNewResultIfFileWasModified()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider);
        var expected2 = new CompiledViewDescriptor();
        // Act 1
        var result1 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert 1
        // Act 2
        fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path).HasChanged = true;
        viewCompiler.Compile = _ => expected2;
        var result2 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert 2
        Assert.NotSame(result1, result2);
        Assert.Same(expected2, result2);
    public async Task CompileAsync_ReturnsNewResult_IfAncestorViewImportsWereModified()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider);
        var expected2 = new CompiledViewDescriptor();
        // Act 1
        var result1 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert 1
        // Act 2
        fileProvider.GetChangeToken("/Views/_ViewImports.cshtml").HasChanged = true;
        viewCompiler.Compile = _ => expected2;
        var result2 = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert 2
        Assert.NotSame(result1, result2);
        Assert.Same(expected2, result2);
    public async Task CompileAsync_ReturnsPrecompiledViews()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        // Act
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(precompiledView, result);
        // This view doesn't have checksums so it can't be recompiled.
    public async Task CompileAsync_PerformsCaseInsensitiveLookupsForPrecompiledViews(string lookupPath)
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        // Act
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(lookupPath);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(precompiledView, result);
    public async Task CompileAsync_PerformsCaseInsensitiveLookupsForPrecompiledViews_WithNonNormalizedPaths()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        // Act
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync("Views\\Home\\Index.cshtml");
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(precompiledView, result);
    public async Task CompileAsync_PrecompiledViewWithoutChecksumForMainSource_DoesNotSupportRecompilation()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
            Item = new TestRazorCompiledItem(typeof(string), "mvc.1.0.view", path, new object[]
                    new RazorSourceChecksumAttribute("sha1", GetChecksum("some content"), "/Views/Some-Other-View"),
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        // Act - 1
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 1
        Assert.Same(precompiledView.Item, result.Item);
        // Act - 2
        fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path).HasChanged = true;
        result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 2
        Assert.Same(precompiledView.Item, result.Item);
        // This view doesn't have checksums so it can't be recompiled.
    public async Task CompileAsync_PrecompiledViewWithoutAnyChecksum_DoesNotSupportRecompilation()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
            Item = new TestRazorCompiledItem(typeof(string), "mvc.1.0.view", path, new object[] { }),
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        // Act - 1
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 1
        Assert.Same(precompiledView, result);
        // Act - 2
        fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path).HasChanged = true;
        result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 2
        Assert.Same(precompiledView, result);
        // This view doesn't have checksums so it can't be recompiled.
    public async Task CompileAsync_PrecompiledViewWithChecksum_UsesPrecompiledViewWhenChecksumIsMatch()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
            Item = new TestRazorCompiledItem(typeof(string), "mvc.1.0.view", path, new object[]
                    new RazorSourceChecksumAttribute("SHA1", GetChecksum("some content"), path),
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        // Act
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(precompiledView.Item, result.Item);
        // This view has checksums so it should also have tokens
             token => Assert.Same(fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path), token));
    public async Task CompileAsync_PrecompiledViewWithChecksum_CanRejectWhenChecksumFails()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var expected = new CompiledViewDescriptor();
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
            Item = new TestRazorCompiledItem(typeof(string), "mvc.1.0.view", path, new object[]
                    new RazorSourceChecksumAttribute("SHA1", GetChecksum("some other content"), path),
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        viewCompiler.Compile = _ => expected;
        // Act
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(expected, result);
    public async Task CompileAsync_PrecompiledViewWithChecksum_AddsExpirationTokensForFilesInChecksumAttributes()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
            Item = new TestRazorCompiledItem(typeof(string), "mvc.1.0.view", path, new object[]
                    new RazorSourceChecksumAttribute("SHA1", GetChecksum("some content"), path),
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        // Act
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(precompiledView.Item, result.Item);
        var token = Assert.Single(result.ExpirationTokens);
        Assert.Same(fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path), token);
    public async Task CompileAsync_PrecompiledViewWithChecksum_CanRecompile()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        var file = fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var expected2 = new CompiledViewDescriptor();
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
            Item = new TestRazorCompiledItem(typeof(string), "mvc.1.0.view", path, new object[]
                    new RazorSourceChecksumAttribute("SHA1", GetChecksum("some content"), path),
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        // Act - 1
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 1
        Assert.Same(precompiledView.Item, result.Item);
        // Act - 2
        file.Content = "different";
        fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path).HasChanged = true;
        viewCompiler.Compile = _ => expected2;
        result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 2
        Assert.Same(expected2, result);
    public async Task CompileAsync_PrecompiledViewWithChecksum_DoesNotRecompiledWithoutContentChange()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
            Item = new TestRazorCompiledItem(typeof(string), "mvc.1.0.view", path, new object[]
                    new RazorSourceChecksumAttribute("SHA1", GetChecksum("some content"), path),
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        // Act - 1
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 1
        Assert.Same(precompiledView.Item, result.Item);
        // Act - 2
        fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path).HasChanged = true;
        result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 2
        Assert.Same(precompiledView.Item, result.Item);
    public async Task CompileAsync_PrecompiledViewWithChecksum_CanReusePrecompiledViewIfContentChangesToMatch()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        var file = fileProvider.AddFile(path, "different content");
        var expected1 = new CompiledViewDescriptor();
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
            Item = new TestRazorCompiledItem(typeof(string), "mvc.1.0.view", path, new object[]
                    new RazorSourceChecksumAttribute("SHA1", GetChecksum("some content"), path),
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        viewCompiler.Compile = _ => expected1;
        // Act - 1
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 1
        Assert.Same(expected1, result);
        // Act - 2
        file.Content = "some content";
        fileProvider.GetChangeToken(path).HasChanged = true;
        result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 2
        Assert.Same(precompiledView.Item, result.Item);
    public async Task CompileAsync_PrecompiledViewWithChecksum_CanRecompileWhenViewImportChanges()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var importPath = "/Views/_ViewImports.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var importFile = fileProvider.AddFile(importPath, "some import");
        var expected2 = new CompiledViewDescriptor();
        var precompiledView = new CompiledViewDescriptor
            RelativePath = path,
            Item = new TestRazorCompiledItem(typeof(string), "mvc.1.0.view", path, new object[]
                    new RazorSourceChecksumAttribute("SHA1", GetChecksum("some content"), path),
                    new RazorSourceChecksumAttribute("SHA1", GetChecksum("some import"), importPath),
        var viewCompiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider, precompiledViews: new[] { precompiledView });
        // Act - 1
        var result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 1
        Assert.Same(precompiledView.Item, result.Item);
        // Act - 2
        importFile.Content = "different content";
        fileProvider.GetChangeToken(importPath).HasChanged = true;
        viewCompiler.Compile = _ => expected2;
        result = await viewCompiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Assert - 2
        Assert.Same(expected2, result);
    public async Task GetOrAdd_AllowsConcurrentCompilationOfMultipleRazorPages()
        // Arrange
        var path1 = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var path2 = "/Views/Home/About.cshtml";
        var waitDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path1, "some content");
        fileProvider.AddFile(path2, "some content");
        var resetEvent1 = new AutoResetEvent(initialState: false);
        var resetEvent2 = new ManualResetEvent(initialState: false);
        var compilingOne = false;
        var compilingTwo = false;
        var result1 = new CompiledViewDescriptor();
        var result2 = new CompiledViewDescriptor();
        var compiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider);
        compiler.Compile = path =>
            if (path == path1)
                compilingOne = true;
                // Event 2
                // Event 3
                // Event 6
                return result1;
            else if (path == path2)
                compilingTwo = true;
                // Event 4
                // Event 5
                return result2;
                throw new Exception();
        // Act
        var task1 = Task.Run(() => compiler.CompileAsync(path1));
        var task2 = Task.Run(() => compiler.CompileAsync(path2));
        // Event 1
        await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2);
        // Assert
        Assert.Same(result1, task1.Result);
        Assert.Same(result2, task2.Result);
    public async Task CompileAsync_DoesNotCreateMultipleCompilationResults_ForConcurrentInvocations()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var waitDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var resetEvent1 = new ManualResetEvent(initialState: false);
        var resetEvent2 = new ManualResetEvent(initialState: false);
        var compiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider);
        compiler.Compile = _ =>
            // Event 2
            // Event 3
            return new CompiledViewDescriptor();
        // Act
        var task1 = Task.Run(() => compiler.CompileAsync(path));
        var task2 = Task.Run(() =>
            // Event 4
            return compiler.CompileAsync(path);
        // Event 1
        await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2);
        // Assert
        var result1 = task1.Result;
        var result2 = task2.Result;
        Assert.Same(result1, result2);
    public async Task GetOrAdd_CachesCompilationExceptions()
        // Arrange
        var path = "/Views/Home/Index.cshtml";
        var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();
        fileProvider.AddFile(path, "some content");
        var exception = new InvalidTimeZoneException();
        var compiler = GetViewCompiler(fileProvider);
        compiler.Compile = _ => throw exception;
        // Act and Assert - 1
        var actual = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<InvalidTimeZoneException>(
            () => compiler.CompileAsync(path));
        Assert.Same(exception, actual);
        // Act and Assert - 2
        compiler.Compile = _ => throw new Exception("Shouldn't be called");
        actual = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<InvalidTimeZoneException>(
            () => compiler.CompileAsync(path));
        Assert.Same(exception, actual);
    public void Compile_SucceedsForCSharp7()
        // Arrange
        var content = @"
public class MyTestType
    private string _name;
    public string Name
        get => _name;
        set => _name = value ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
        var compiler = GetViewCompiler(new TestFileProvider());
        var codeDocument = RazorCodeDocument.Create(RazorSourceDocument.Create("razor-content", "filename"));
        // Act
        var result = compiler.CompileAndEmit(codeDocument, content);
        // Assert
        var exportedType = Assert.Single(result.ExportedTypes);
        Assert.Equal("MyTestType", exportedType.Name);
    public void Compile_ReturnsCompilationFailureWithPathsFromLinePragmas()
        // Arrange
        var viewPath = "some-relative-path";
        var fileContent = "test file content";
        var content = $@"
#line 1 ""{viewPath}""
this should fail";
        var compiler = GetViewCompiler(new TestFileProvider());
        var codeDocument = RazorCodeDocument.Create(RazorSourceDocument.Create(fileContent, viewPath));
        // Act & Assert
        var ex = Assert.Throws<CompilationFailedException>(() => compiler.CompileAndEmit(codeDocument, content));
        var compilationFailure = Assert.Single(ex.CompilationFailures);
        Assert.Equal(viewPath, compilationFailure.SourceFilePath);
        Assert.Equal(fileContent, compilationFailure.SourceFileContent);
    public void Compile_ReturnsGeneratedCodePath_IfLinePragmaIsNotAvailable()
        // Arrange
        var viewPath = "some-relative-path";
        var fileContent = "file content";
        var content = "public class Bad { this should fail }";
        var compiler = GetViewCompiler(new TestFileProvider());
        var codeDocument = RazorCodeDocument.Create(RazorSourceDocument.Create(fileContent, viewPath));
        // Act & Assert
        var ex = Assert.Throws<CompilationFailedException>(() => compiler.CompileAndEmit(codeDocument, content));
        var compilationFailure = Assert.Single(ex.CompilationFailures);
        Assert.Equal("Generated Code", compilationFailure.SourceFilePath);
        Assert.Equal(content, compilationFailure.SourceFileContent);
    public void CompileAndEmit_DoesNotThrowIfDebugTypeIsEmbedded()
        // Arrange
        var referenceManager = CreateReferenceManager();
        var csharpCompiler = new TestCSharpCompiler(referenceManager, Mock.Of<IWebHostEnvironment>())
            EmitOptionsSettable = new EmitOptions(debugInformationFormat: DebugInformationFormat.Embedded),
        var compiler = GetViewCompiler(csharpCompiler: csharpCompiler);
        var codeDocument = RazorCodeDocument.Create(RazorSourceDocument.Create("Hello world", "some-relative-path.cshtml"));
        // Act
        var result = compiler.CompileAndEmit(codeDocument, "public class Test{}");
        // Assert
    public void CompileAndEmit_WorksIfEmitPdbIsNotSet()
        // Arrange
        var referenceManager = CreateReferenceManager();
        var csharpCompiler = new TestCSharpCompiler(referenceManager, Mock.Of<IWebHostEnvironment>())
            EmitPdbSettable = false,
        var compiler = GetViewCompiler(csharpCompiler: csharpCompiler);
        var codeDocument = RazorCodeDocument.Create(RazorSourceDocument.Create("Hello world", "some-relative-path.cshtml"));
        // Act
        var result = compiler.CompileAndEmit(codeDocument, "public class Test{}");
        // Assert
    private static TestRazorViewCompiler GetViewCompiler(
        TestFileProvider fileProvider = null,
        RazorReferenceManager referenceManager = null,
        IList<CompiledViewDescriptor> precompiledViews = null,
        CSharpCompiler csharpCompiler = null)
        fileProvider = fileProvider ?? new TestFileProvider();
        var options = Options.Create(new MvcRazorRuntimeCompilationOptions
            FileProviders = { fileProvider }
        var compilationFileProvider = new RuntimeCompilationFileProvider(options);
        referenceManager = referenceManager ?? CreateReferenceManager();
        precompiledViews = precompiledViews ?? Array.Empty<CompiledViewDescriptor>();
        var hostingEnvironment = Mock.Of<IWebHostEnvironment>(e => e.ContentRootPath == "BasePath");
        var fileSystem = new FileProviderRazorProjectFileSystem(compilationFileProvider, hostingEnvironment);
        var projectEngine = RazorProjectEngine.Create(RazorConfiguration.Default, fileSystem, builder =>
        csharpCompiler = csharpCompiler ?? new CSharpCompiler(referenceManager, hostingEnvironment);
        return new TestRazorViewCompiler(
    private static RazorReferenceManager CreateReferenceManager()
        var applicationPartManager = new ApplicationPartManager();
        var assembly = typeof(RuntimeViewCompilerTest).Assembly;
        applicationPartManager.ApplicationParts.Add(new AssemblyPart(assembly));
        return new RazorReferenceManager(applicationPartManager, Options.Create(new MvcRazorRuntimeCompilationOptions()));
    private class TestRazorViewCompiler : RuntimeViewCompiler
        public TestRazorViewCompiler(
            TestFileProvider fileProvider,
            RazorProjectEngine projectEngine,
            CSharpCompiler csharpCompiler,
            IList<CompiledViewDescriptor> precompiledViews,
            Func<string, CompiledViewDescriptor> compile = null)
            : base(fileProvider, projectEngine, csharpCompiler, precompiledViews, NullLogger.Instance)
            Compile = compile;
            if (Compile == null)
                Compile = path => new CompiledViewDescriptor
                    RelativePath = path,
                    Item = CreateForView(path),
        public Func<string, CompiledViewDescriptor> Compile { get; set; }
        protected override CompiledViewDescriptor CompileAndEmit(string relativePath)
            return Compile(relativePath);
    private class TestCSharpCompiler : CSharpCompiler
        public TestCSharpCompiler(RazorReferenceManager manager, IWebHostEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
            : base(manager, hostingEnvironment)
        public EmitOptions EmitOptionsSettable { get; set; }
        public bool EmitPdbSettable { get; set; }
        public override EmitOptions EmitOptions => EmitOptionsSettable;
        public override bool EmitPdb => EmitPdbSettable;