14 references to SuccessfulModel
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.IntegrationTests (14)
ArrayModelBinderIntegrationTest.cs (2)
378$"'{typeof(SuccessfulModel)}'. For example, this type may have a property with a model binder that " + 384ParameterType = typeof(SuccessfulModel[]),
CollectionModelBinderIntegrationTest.cs (8)
975$"'{typeof(SuccessfulModel)}'. For example, this type may have a property with a model binder that " + 981ParameterType = typeof(IList<SuccessfulModel>), 1009ParameterType = typeof(IList<SuccessfulModel>), 1032var locations = Assert.IsType<List<SuccessfulModel>>(result.Model); 1060$"'{typeof(SuccessfulModel)}'. For example, this type may have a property with a model binder that " + 1066ParameterType = typeof(IList<SuccessfulModel>), 1089public IList<SuccessfulModel> Successes { get; set; } 1099$"'{typeof(SuccessfulModel)}'. For example, this type may have a property with a model binder that " +
DictionaryModelBinderIntegrationTest.cs (4)
1203$"'{typeof(KeyValuePair<SuccessfulModel, SuccessfulModel>)}'. For example, this type may have a " + 1210ParameterType = typeof(Dictionary<SuccessfulModel, SuccessfulModel>),