23 types derived from ActionResult
BasicWebSite (1)
Controllers\TestingController.cs (1)
95public class RedirectUsingStatusCode : ActionResult
GenericHostWebSite (1)
Controllers\TestingController.cs (1)
81public class RedirectUsingStatusCode : ActionResult
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (16)
ChallengeResult.cs (1)
14public partial class ChallengeResult : ActionResult
ContentResult.cs (1)
12public class ContentResult : ActionResult, IStatusCodeActionResult
EmptyResult.cs (1)
10public class EmptyResult : ActionResult
FileResult.cs (1)
13public abstract class FileResult : ActionResult
ForbidResult.cs (1)
14public partial class ForbidResult : ActionResult
HttpActionResult.cs (1)
11internal sealed class HttpActionResult : ActionResult
JsonResult.cs (1)
13public class JsonResult : ActionResult, IStatusCodeActionResult
LocalRedirectResult.cs (1)
14public class LocalRedirectResult : ActionResult
ObjectResult.cs (1)
14public class ObjectResult : ActionResult, IStatusCodeActionResult
RedirectResult.cs (1)
15public class RedirectResult : ActionResult, IKeepTempDataResult
RedirectToActionResult.cs (1)
16public class RedirectToActionResult : ActionResult, IKeepTempDataResult
RedirectToPageResult.cs (1)
16public class RedirectToPageResult : ActionResult, IKeepTempDataResult
RedirectToRouteResult.cs (1)
16public class RedirectToRouteResult : ActionResult, IKeepTempDataResult
SignInResult.cs (1)
14public partial class SignInResult : ActionResult
SignOutResult.cs (1)
16public partial class SignOutResult : ActionResult, IResult
StatusCodeResult.cs (1)
14public partial class StatusCodeResult : ActionResult, IClientErrorActionResult
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.TestCommon (1)
CommonResourceInvokerTest.cs (1)
2073public class TestResult : ActionResult
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages (1)
PageResult.cs (1)
13public class PageResult : ActionResult
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures (3)
PartialViewResult.cs (1)
17public class PartialViewResult : ActionResult, IStatusCodeActionResult
ViewComponentResult.cs (1)
15public class ViewComponentResult : ActionResult, IStatusCodeActionResult
ViewResult.cs (1)
17public class ViewResult : ActionResult, IStatusCodeActionResult
121 references to ActionResult
BasicWebSite (6)
Controllers\AntiforgeryController.cs (3)
21public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl = null) 55public ActionResult FlushAsyncLogin(string returnUrl = null) 74public ActionResult AntiforgeryTokenAndResponseCaching()
Controllers\NonNullableController.cs (2)
11public ActionResult Index() 17public ActionResult Index(NonNullablePerson person, string description)
src\Mvc\test\WebSites\Common\TestResponseGenerator.cs (1)
24public ActionResult Generate(params string[] expectedUrls)
GenericHostWebSite (1)
src\Mvc\test\WebSites\Common\TestResponseGenerator.cs (1)
24public ActionResult Generate(params string[] expectedUrls)
IdentitySample.Mvc (2)
Controllers\AccountController.cs (1)
347public async Task<ActionResult> SendCode(string returnUrl = null, bool rememberMe = false)
Controllers\ManageController.cs (1)
332public async Task<ActionResult> LinkLoginCallback()
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (47)
AcceptedAtActionResult.cs (1)
14/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns a Accepted (202) response with a Location header.
AcceptedAtRouteResult.cs (1)
14/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns a Accepted (202) response with a Location header.
AcceptedResult.cs (1)
10/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns an Accepted (202) response with a Location header.
ActionResultOfT.cs (8)
11/// A type that wraps either an <typeparamref name="TValue"/> instance or an <see cref="ActionResult"/>. 35/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="ActionResult{TValue}"/> using the specified <see cref="ActionResult"/>. 37/// <param name="result">The <see cref="ActionResult"/>.</param> 38public ActionResult(ActionResult result) 51/// Gets the <see cref="ActionResult"/>. 53public ActionResult? Result { get; } 72/// <param name="result">The <see cref="ActionResult"/>.</param> 73public static implicit operator ActionResult<TValue>(ActionResult result)
ChallengeResult.cs (1)
12/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that on execution invokes <see cref="M:HttpContext.ChallengeAsync"/>.
ContentResult.cs (1)
10/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that when executed will produce a response with content.
ControllerBase.cs (12)
1910public virtual ActionResult ValidationProblem([ActionResultObjectValue] ValidationProblemDetails descriptor) 1918/// Creates an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that produces a <see cref="StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest"/> response 1925public virtual ActionResult ValidationProblem([ActionResultObjectValue] ModelStateDictionary modelStateDictionary) 1929/// Creates an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that produces a <see cref="StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest"/> response 1932/// <returns>The created <see cref="ActionResult"/> for the response.</returns> 1935public virtual ActionResult ValidationProblem() 1939/// Creates an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that produces a <see cref="StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest"/> response 1949/// <returns>The created <see cref="ActionResult"/> for the response.</returns> 1953public virtual ActionResult ValidationProblem( 1963/// Creates an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that produces a <see cref="StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest"/> response 1974/// <returns>The created <see cref="ActionResult"/> for the response.</returns> 1977public virtual ActionResult ValidationProblem(
CreatedAtActionResult.cs (1)
14/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns a Created (201) response with a Location header.
CreatedAtRouteResult.cs (1)
14/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns a Created (201) response with a Location header.
CreatedResult.cs (1)
10/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns a Created (201) response with a Location header.
EmptyResult.cs (1)
7/// Represents an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that when executed will
FileContentResult.cs (1)
12/// Represents an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that when executed will
FileResult.cs (1)
10/// Represents an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that when executed will
FileStreamResult.cs (1)
12/// Represents an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that when executed will
ForbidResult.cs (1)
12/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that on execution invokes <see cref="M:HttpContext.ForbidAsync"/>.
HttpActionResult.cs (1)
9/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that when executed will produce a response based on the <see cref="IResult"/> provided.
Infrastructure\DefaultStatusCodeAttribute.cs (4)
9/// Specifies the default status code associated with an <see cref="ActionResult"/>. 13/// Applying the attribute on a class indicates that the <see cref="ActionResult"/> 15/// attribute to a method indicates that the <see cref="ActionResult"/> returned by the 17/// need to specify that a method modifies the status code that an <see cref="ActionResult"/>
LocalRedirectResult.cs (1)
11/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns a Found (302), Moved Permanently (301), Temporary Redirect (307),
ObjectResult.cs (1)
11/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that on execution will write an object to the response
RedirectResult.cs (1)
12/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns a Found (302), Moved Permanently (301), Temporary Redirect (307),
RedirectToActionResult.cs (1)
12/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns a Found (302), Moved Permanently (301), Temporary Redirect (307),
RedirectToPageResult.cs (1)
12/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns a Found (302)
RedirectToRouteResult.cs (1)
12/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that returns a Found (302), Moved Permanently (301), Temporary Redirect (307),
SignInResult.cs (1)
12/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that on execution invokes <see cref="M:HttpContext.SignInAsync"/>.
SignOutResult.cs (1)
14/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that on execution invokes <see cref="M:HttpContext.SignOutAsync"/>.
StatusCodeResult.cs (1)
11/// Represents an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that when executed will
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.Test (10)
ApplicationModels\EndpointMetadataProviderTest.cs (5)
302public ActionResult ActionWithParameterMetadata(AddsCustomParameterMetadata param1) => null; 303public ActionResult ActionWithRemovalFromParameterMetadata(RemovesAcceptsParameterMetadata param1) => null; 304public ActionResult ActionWithRemovalFromParameterEndpointMetadata(RemovesAcceptsParameterEndpointMetadata param1) => null; 308public ActionResult MultipleSelectorsActionWithParameterMetadata(AddsCustomParameterMetadata param1) => null; 312public ActionResult MultipleSelectorsActionWithRoutePatternMetadata(AddsRoutePatternMetadata param1) => null;
ControllerBaseTest.cs (5)
2352var actionResult = controller.ValidationProblem(); 2380var actionResult = controller.ValidationProblem(detail: detail, title: title, type: type); 2402var actionResult = controller.ValidationProblem(statusCode: 405); 2423var actionResult = controller.ValidationProblem(statusCode: 400); 2444var actionResult = controller.ValidationProblem(extensions: new Dictionary<string, object> { { "ext1", 1 }, { "ext2", 2 } });
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.FunctionalTests (5)
AntiforgeryMiddlewareTest.cs (5)
208public ActionResult PostWithRequireAntiforgeryToken([FromForm] Todo todo) 214public ActionResult PostWithRequireAntiforgeryTokenAndSizeLimit([FromForm] Todo todo) 220public ActionResult PostWithRequireAntiforgeryTokenAndFormLimit([FromForm] Todo todo) 231public ActionResult PostWithRequireAntiforgeryTokenAndFilterAttribute([FromForm] Todo todo) 242public ActionResult PostWithRequireAntiforgeryTokenAndDisableSizeLimit([FromForm] Todo todo)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages (1)
PageResult.cs (1)
11/// An <see cref="ActionResult"/> that renders a Razor Page.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures (14)
Diagnostics\MvcDiagnostics.cs (8)
327/// <param name="result">The <see cref="ActionResult"/>.</param> 330public ViewFoundEventData(ActionContext actionContext, bool isMainPage, ActionResult result, string viewName, IView view) 350/// The <see cref="ActionResult"/>. 352public ActionResult Result { get; } 398/// <param name="result">The <see cref="ActionResult"/>.</param> 401public ViewNotFoundEventData(ActionContext actionContext, bool isMainPage, ActionResult result, string viewName, IEnumerable<string> searchedLocations) 421/// The <see cref="ActionResult"/>. 423public ActionResult Result { get; }
MvcViewFeaturesDiagnosticListenerExtensions.cs (4)
168ActionResult viewResult, 179private static void ViewFoundImpl(DiagnosticListener diagnosticListener, ActionContext actionContext, bool isMainPage, ActionResult viewResult, string viewName, IView view) 199ActionResult viewResult, 210private static void ViewNotFoundImpl(DiagnosticListener diagnosticListener, ActionContext actionContext, bool isMainPage, ActionResult viewResult, string viewName, IEnumerable<string> searchedLocations)
PartialViewResult.cs (1)
15/// Represents an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that renders a partial view to the response.
ViewResult.cs (1)
15/// Represents an <see cref="ActionResult"/> that renders a view to the response.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Test (1)
ControllerUnitTestabilityTests.cs (1)
707var result = controller.ValidationProblem(detail);
Mvc.RoutingWebSite (28)
Areas\Admin\DynamicController.cs (2)
11public ActionResult Index() 17public ActionResult Index(int x = 0)
Areas\Admin\FallbackController.cs (2)
11public ActionResult Index() 17public ActionResult Index(int x = 0)
Controllers\BanksController.cs (4)
19public ActionResult Get(int id) 30public ActionResult UpdateBank() 40public ActionResult Deposit() 47public ActionResult Withdraw(int id)
Controllers\CompanyController.cs (5)
23public ActionResult Get(int id) 33public ActionResult Put(int id) 42public ActionResult Delete(int id) 50public ActionResult GetEmployees(int id) 58public ActionResult GetDepartments(int id)
Controllers\MapsController.cs (3)
20public ActionResult Get() 32public ActionResult Post() 41public ActionResult Update(int id)
Controllers\PageParameterController.cs (2)
12public ActionResult PageParameter(string page) 18public ActionResult LinkToPageParameter()
Controllers\TeamController.cs (9)
19public ActionResult GetTeam(int teamId) 25public ActionResult GetOrganization(int teamId) 31public ActionResult GetTeams() 37public ActionResult GetOrganizations() 43public ActionResult GetClub() 49public ActionResult GetClub(int clubId) 55public ActionResult GetAllTeams() 61public ActionResult GetAllTeams(int notRelevant) 67public ActionResult GetTeam(string name)
src\Mvc\test\WebSites\Common\TestResponseGenerator.cs (1)
24public ActionResult Generate(params string[] expectedUrls)
MvcFormSample (2)
Controllers\HomeController.cs (2)
33public ActionResult Index(Todo todo) 40public ActionResult Index2(Todo todo)
RazorBuildWebSite (3)
Controllers\CommonController.cs (1)
10public new ActionResult View()
Controllers\PrecompilationController.cs (1)
10public new ActionResult View()
Controllers\RzcController.cs (1)
10public new ActionResult View()
VersioningWebSite (1)
src\Mvc\test\WebSites\Common\TestResponseGenerator.cs (1)
24public ActionResult Generate(params string[] expectedUrls)