30 references to To
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.FunctionalTests (30)
RoutingEndpointRoutingTest.cs (7)
121var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/endpoint-routing/ParameterTransformer").To(new { }); 141var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/endpoint-routing/ParameterTransformer").To(new { action = "Get", id = 5 }); 161var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/endpoint-routing/ParameterTransformer").To(new { action = "ShowPosts", controller = "Blog" }); 181var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/endpoint-routing/ParameterTransformer").To(new { action = "Index", controller = "Home" }); 318var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/ConventionalTransformerRoute/conventional-transformer/Index").To(new { action = "Index", controller = "Home" }); 337var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/ConventionalTransformerRoute/conventional-transformer/Index").To(new { action = "Param", controller = "ConventionalTransformer", param = "MyValue" }); 356var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/ConventionalTransformerRoute/conventional-transformer/Index").To(new { });
RoutingTestsBase.cs (23)
108.To(new { action = "Contact", controller = "Home", }); 128var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/Travel/Flight").To(new { action = "Contact", controller = "Home", }); 980var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/api/Employee").To(new { }); 1000var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/api/Employee").To(new { action = "Get", id = 5 }); 1020var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/api/Employee").To(new { action = "ShowPosts", controller = "Blog" }); 1040var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/api/Employee").To(new { action = "Index", controller = "Home" }); 1104.To(new { id = 5 }); 1144.To(new { }); 1165.To(new { id = "123" }); 1186.To(new { }); 1208.To(new { catchAll = "CatchAll" }); 1230.To(new { id = "123" }); 1252.To(new { id = "17" }); 1274.To(new { action = "BuyTickets", controller = "Flight", area = "Travel" }); 1294var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/Travel/Flight").To(new { action = "BuyTickets" }); 1315.To(new { action = "Index", controller = "Home", area = "" }); 1336.To(new { action = "Schedule", controller = "Rail", area = "Travel" }); 1356var url = LinkFrom("http://localhost/ContosoCorp/Trains/CheckSchedule").To(new { action = "Index" }); 1377.To(new { action = "Index", controller = "Home", area = "" }); 1398.To(new { action = "Index", controller = "Flight", }); 1419.To(new { action = "Index", controller = "Rail", }); 1440.To(new { action = "ListUsers", controller = "UserManagement", area = "Admin" }); 1461.To(new { action = "ListUsers", controller = "UserManagement", area = "Admin" });