// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Routing;
public class HttpMethodProviderAttributesTests
public void HttpMethodProviderAttributes_ReturnsCorrectHttpMethodSequence(
IActionHttpMethodProvider httpMethodProvider,
IEnumerable<string> expectedHttpMethods)
// Act & Assert
Assert.Equal(expectedHttpMethods, httpMethodProvider.HttpMethods);
public static TheoryData<IActionHttpMethodProvider, IEnumerable<string>> HttpMethodProviderTestData
var data = new TheoryData<IActionHttpMethodProvider, IEnumerable<string>>();
data.Add(new HttpGetAttribute(), new[] { "GET" });
data.Add(new HttpPostAttribute(), new[] { "POST" });
data.Add(new HttpPutAttribute(), new[] { "PUT" });
data.Add(new HttpPatchAttribute(), new[] { "PATCH" });
data.Add(new HttpDeleteAttribute(), new[] { "DELETE" });
data.Add(new HttpHeadAttribute(), new[] { "HEAD" });
data.Add(new HttpOptionsAttribute(), new[] { "OPTIONS" });
data.Add(new AcceptVerbsAttribute("MERGE", "OPTIONS"), new[] { "MERGE", "OPTIONS" });
return data;