File: Routing\EndpointRoutingUrlHelperTest.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Mvc\Mvc.Core\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.Test.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.Test)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Patterns;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Routing;
public class EndpointRoutingUrlHelperTest : UrlHelperTestBase
    public void RouteUrl_WithRouteName_GeneratesUrl_UsingDefaults()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint(
            defaults: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetById" },
            requiredValues: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetById" },
            routeName: "OrdersApi");
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint(
            defaults: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetAll" },
            requiredValues: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetAll" },
            routeName: "OrdersApi");
        var urlHelper = CreateUrlHelper(new[] { endpoint1, endpoint2 });
        // Act
        var url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(
            routeName: "OrdersApi",
            values: new { });
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal("/" + endpoint2.RoutePattern.RawText, url);
    public void RouteUrl_WithRouteName_UsesAmbientValues()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint(
            defaults: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetById" },
            requiredValues: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetById" },
            routeName: "OrdersApi");
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint(
            defaults: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetAll" },
            requiredValues: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetAll" },
            routeName: "OrdersApi");
        var urlHelper = CreateUrlHelper(new[] { endpoint1, endpoint2 });
        urlHelper.ActionContext.HttpContext.Request.RouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary
            ["controller"] = "Orders",
            ["action"] = "GetById",
            ["id"] = "500"
        // Act
        var url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(
            routeName: "OrdersApi",
            values: new { });
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal("/api/orders/500", url);
    public void RouteUrl_WithRouteName_UsesSuppliedValue_OverridingAmbientValue()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint1 = CreateEndpoint(
            defaults: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetById" },
            requiredValues: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetById" },
            routeName: "OrdersApi");
        var endpoint2 = CreateEndpoint(
            defaults: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetAll" },
            requiredValues: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetAll" },
            routeName: "OrdersApi");
        var urlHelper = CreateUrlHelper(new[] { endpoint1, endpoint2 });
        urlHelper.ActionContext.RouteData.Values["id"] = "500";
        // Act
        var url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(
            routeName: "OrdersApi",
            values: new { id = "10" });
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal("/api/orders/10", url);
    public void RouteUrl_DoesNotGenerateLink_ToEndpointsWithSuppressLinkGeneration()
        // Arrange
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint(
            defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" },
            requiredValues: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" },
            metadata: new[] { new SuppressLinkGenerationMetadata() });
        var urlHelper = CreateUrlHelper(new[] { endpoint });
        // Act
        var url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
        // Assert
    protected override IUrlHelper CreateUrlHelper(string appRoot, string host, string protocol)
        return CreateUrlHelper(Enumerable.Empty<RouteEndpoint>(), appRoot, host, protocol);
    protected override IUrlHelper CreateUrlHelperWithDefaultRoutes(string appRoot, string host, string protocol)
        return CreateUrlHelper(GetDefaultEndpoints(), appRoot, host, protocol);
    protected override IUrlHelper CreateUrlHelperWithDefaultRoutes(
        string appRoot,
        string host,
        string protocol,
        string routeName,
        string template)
        var endpoints = GetDefaultEndpoints();
        endpoints.Add(CreateEndpoint(template, routeName: routeName));
        return CreateUrlHelper(endpoints, appRoot, host, protocol);
    protected override IUrlHelper CreateUrlHelper(ActionContext actionContext)
        var httpContext = actionContext.HttpContext;
        httpContext.SetEndpoint(new Endpoint(context => Task.CompletedTask, EndpointMetadataCollection.Empty, null));
        var urlHelperFactory = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IUrlHelperFactory>();
        var urlHelper = urlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(actionContext);
        return urlHelper;
    protected override IServiceProvider CreateServices()
        return CreateServices(Enumerable.Empty<Endpoint>());
    protected override IUrlHelper CreateUrlHelper(
        string appRoot,
        string host,
        string protocol,
        string routeName,
        string template,
        object defaults,
        object requiredValues)
        var endpoint = CreateEndpoint(template, new RouteValueDictionary(defaults), requiredValues, routeName: routeName);
        var services = CreateServices(new[] { endpoint });
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext(services, appRoot: "", host: null, protocol: null);
        var actionContext = CreateActionContext(httpContext);
        return CreateUrlHelper(actionContext);
    private IUrlHelper CreateUrlHelper(IEnumerable<RouteEndpoint> endpoints, ActionContext actionContext = null)
        var serviceProvider = CreateServices(endpoints);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext(serviceProvider, null, null, "http");
        actionContext = actionContext ?? CreateActionContext(httpContext);
        return CreateUrlHelper(actionContext);
    private IUrlHelper CreateUrlHelper(
        IEnumerable<RouteEndpoint> endpoints,
        string appRoot,
        string host,
        string protocol)
        var serviceProvider = CreateServices(endpoints);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext(serviceProvider, appRoot, host, protocol);
        var actionContext = CreateActionContext(httpContext);
        return CreateUrlHelper(actionContext);
    private List<RouteEndpoint> GetDefaultEndpoints()
        var endpoints = new List<RouteEndpoint>();
                defaults: new { id = "defaultid", controller = "home", action = "newaction" },
                requiredValues: new { controller = "home", action = "newaction" },
                order: 1));
                defaults: new { id = "defaultid", controller = "home", action = "contact" },
                requiredValues: new { controller = "home", action = "contact" },
                order: 2));
                defaults: new { id = "defaultid", controller = "home2", action = "newaction" },
                requiredValues: new { controller = "home2", action = "newaction" },
                order: 3));
                defaults: new { id = "defaultid", controller = "home2", action = "contact" },
                requiredValues: new { controller = "home2", action = "contact" },
                order: 4));
                defaults: new { id = "defaultid", controller = "home3", action = "contact" },
                requiredValues: new { controller = "home3", action = "contact" },
                order: 5));
                defaults: new { id = "defaultid", controller = "home", action = "newaction" },
                requiredValues: new { controller = "home", action = "newaction" },
                order: 6,
                routeName: "namedroute"));
                defaults: new { id = "defaultid", controller = "home2", action = "newaction" },
                requiredValues: new { controller = "home2", action = "newaction" },
                order: 7,
                routeName: "namedroute"));
                defaults: new { id = "defaultid", controller = "home", action = "contact" },
                requiredValues: new { controller = "home", action = "contact" },
                order: 8,
                routeName: "namedroute"));
                defaults: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetById" },
                requiredValues: new { controller = "Orders", action = "GetById" },
                order: 10,
                routeName: "OrdersApi"));
        return endpoints;
    private RouteEndpoint CreateEndpoint(
        string template,
        object defaults = null,
        object requiredValues = null,
        int order = 0,
        string routeName = null,
        IList<object> metadata = null)
        metadata = metadata ?? new List<object>();
        if (routeName != null)
            metadata.Add(new RouteNameMetadata(routeName));
        return new RouteEndpoint(
            (httpContext) => Task.CompletedTask,
            RoutePatternFactory.Parse(template, defaults, parameterPolicies: null, requiredValues),
            new EndpointMetadataCollection(metadata),
    private IServiceProvider CreateServices(IEnumerable<Endpoint> endpoints)
        if (endpoints == null)
            endpoints = Enumerable.Empty<Endpoint>();
        var services = GetCommonServices();
            ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<EndpointDataSource>(new DefaultEndpointDataSource(endpoints)));
        services.TryAddSingleton<IUrlHelperFactory, UrlHelperFactory>();
        return services.BuildServiceProvider();