File: ModelBinding\Binders\CollectionModelBinderProviderTest.cs
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Project: src\src\Mvc\Mvc.Core\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.Test.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core.Test)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Moq;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding.Binders;
public class CollectionModelBinderProviderTest
    public void Create_ForNonSupportedTypes_ReturnsNull(Type modelType)
        // Arrange
        var provider = new CollectionModelBinderProvider();
        var context = new TestModelBinderProviderContext(modelType);
        // Act
        var result = provider.GetBinder(context);
        // Assert
    // These aren't ICollection<> - we can handle them by creating a List<>
    // These are ICollection<> - we can handle them by adding items to the existing collection or
    // creating a new one.
    public void Create_ForSupportedTypes_ReturnsBinder(Type modelType)
        // Arrange
        var provider = new CollectionModelBinderProvider();
        var context = new TestModelBinderProviderContext(modelType);
        Type elementType = null;
        context.OnCreatingBinder(m =>
            Assert.Equal(typeof(int), m.ModelType);
            elementType = m.ModelType;
            return Mock.Of<IModelBinder>();
        // Act
        var result = provider.GetBinder(context);
        // Assert
    public void Create_ForSupportedType_ReturnsBinder()
        // Arrange
        var provider = new CollectionModelBinderProvider();
        var context = new TestModelBinderProviderContext(typeof(List<int>));
        context.OnCreatingBinder(m =>
            Assert.Equal(typeof(int), m.ModelType);
            return Mock.Of<IModelBinder>();
        // Act
        var result = provider.GetBinder(context);
        // Assert
        var binder = Assert.IsType<CollectionModelBinder<int>>(result);
    private class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }