// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCaching;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
public class ResponseCacheFilterExecutorTest
public void Execute_DoesNotThrow_WhenNoStoreIsTrue()
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(
new CacheProfile
NoStore = true,
Duration = null
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("no-store", context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Cache-control"]);
public void Execute_DoesNotThrowIfDurationIsNotSet_WhenNoStoreIsFalse()
// Arrange, Act
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(
new CacheProfile
Duration = null
// Assert
public void Execute_ThrowsIfDurationIsNotSet_WhenNoStoreIsFalse()
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(
new CacheProfile()
Duration = null
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act & Assert
var ex = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => executor.Execute(context));
Assert.Equal("If the 'NoStore' property is not set to true, 'Duration' property must be specified.",
public static TheoryData<CacheProfile, string> CacheControlData
return new TheoryData<CacheProfile, string>
new CacheProfile
Duration = 0,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = null
// If no-store is set, then location is ignored.
new CacheProfile
Duration = 0,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Client,
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = null
new CacheProfile
Duration = 0,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = null
// If no-store is set, then duration is ignored.
new CacheProfile
Duration = 100,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = null
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Client,
NoStore = false,
VaryByHeader = null
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = false,
VaryByHeader = null
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None,
NoStore = false,
VaryByHeader = null
new CacheProfile
Duration = null,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None,
NoStore = false,
VaryByHeader = null
new CacheProfile
Duration = 31536000,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = false,
VaryByHeader = null
new CacheProfile
Duration = 20,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = false,
VaryByHeader = null
public void Execute_CanSetCacheControlHeaders(CacheProfile cacheProfile, string output)
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(cacheProfile);
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal(output, context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Cache-control"]);
public static TheoryData<CacheProfile, string> NoStoreData
return new TheoryData<CacheProfile, string>
// If no-store is set, then location is ignored.
new CacheProfile
Duration = 0,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Client,
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = null
new CacheProfile
Duration = 0,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = null
// If no-store is set, then duration is ignored.
new CacheProfile
Duration = 100,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = null
public void Execute_DoesNotSetLocationOrDuration_IfNoStoreIsSet(CacheProfile cacheProfile, string output)
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(cacheProfile);
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal(output, context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Cache-control"]);
public static TheoryData<CacheProfile, string, string> VaryByHeaderData
return new TheoryData<CacheProfile, string, string>
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = false,
VaryByHeader = "Accept"
new CacheProfile
Duration = 0,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = "Accept"
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Client,
NoStore = false,
VaryByHeader = "Accept"
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Client,
NoStore = false,
VaryByHeader = "Test"
new CacheProfile
Duration = 31536000,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = false,
VaryByHeader = "Test"
public void ResponseCacheCanSetVaryByHeader(CacheProfile cacheProfile, string varyOutput, string cacheControlOutput)
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(cacheProfile);
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal(varyOutput, context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Vary"]);
Assert.Equal(cacheControlOutput, context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Cache-control"]);
public static TheoryData<CacheProfile, string[], string> VaryByQueryKeyData
return new TheoryData<CacheProfile, string[], string>
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = false,
VaryByQueryKeys = new[] { "Accept" }
new[] { "Accept" },
new CacheProfile
Duration = 0,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = true,
VaryByQueryKeys = new[] { "Accept" }
new[] { "Accept" },
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Client,
NoStore = false,
VaryByQueryKeys = new[] { "Accept" }
new[] { "Accept" },
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Client,
NoStore = false,
VaryByQueryKeys = new[] { "Accept", "Test" }
new[] { "Accept", "Test" },
new CacheProfile
Duration = 31536000,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any,
NoStore = false,
VaryByQueryKeys = new[] { "Accept", "Test" }
new[] { "Accept", "Test" },
public void ResponseCacheCanSetVaryByQueryKeys(CacheProfile cacheProfile, string[] varyOutput, string cacheControlOutput)
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(cacheProfile);
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
context.HttpContext.Features.Set<IResponseCachingFeature>(new ResponseCachingFeature());
// Acts
// Assert
Assert.Equal(varyOutput, context.HttpContext.Features.Get<IResponseCachingFeature>().VaryByQueryKeys);
Assert.Equal(cacheControlOutput, context.HttpContext.Response.Headers.CacheControl);
public void NonEmptyVaryByQueryKeys_WithoutConfiguringMiddleware_Throws()
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(
new CacheProfile
Duration = 0,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None,
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = null,
VaryByQueryKeys = new[] { "Test" }
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act & Assert
var exception = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => executor.Execute(context));
Assert.Equal("'VaryByQueryKeys' requires the response cache middleware.", exception.Message);
public void SetsPragmaOnNoCache()
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(
new CacheProfile
Duration = 0,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None,
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = null
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("no-store,no-cache", context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Cache-control"]);
Assert.Equal("no-cache", context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Pragma"]);
public void FilterDurationProperty_OverridesCachePolicySetting()
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10
executor.Duration = 20;
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("public,max-age=20", context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Cache-control"]);
public void FilterLocationProperty_OverridesCachePolicySetting()
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(
new CacheProfile
Duration = 10,
Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None
executor.Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Client;
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("private,max-age=10", context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Cache-control"]);
public void FilterNoStoreProperty_OverridesCachePolicySetting()
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(
new CacheProfile
NoStore = true
executor.NoStore = false;
executor.Duration = 10;
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("public,max-age=10", context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Cache-control"]);
public void FilterVaryByProperty_OverridesCachePolicySetting()
// Arrange
var executor = new ResponseCacheFilterExecutor(
new CacheProfile
NoStore = true,
VaryByHeader = "Accept"
executor.VaryByHeader = "Test";
var context = GetActionExecutingContext();
// Act
// Assert
Assert.Equal("Test", context.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Vary"]);
private ActionExecutingContext GetActionExecutingContext(List<IFilterMetadata> filters = null)
return new ActionExecutingContext(
new ActionContext(new DefaultHttpContext(), new RouteData(), new ActionDescriptor()),
filters ?? new List<IFilterMetadata>(),
new Dictionary<string, object>(),
new object());