// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionConstraints;
public class HttpMethodActionConstraintTest
public static TheoryData<IEnumerable<string>, string> AcceptCaseInsensitiveData =
new TheoryData<IEnumerable<string>, string>
{ new string[] { "get", "Get", "GET", "GEt"}, "gEt" },
{ new string[] { "POST", "PoSt", "GEt"}, "GET" },
{ new string[] { "get" }, "get" },
{ new string[] { "post" }, "POST" },
{ new string[] { "gEt" }, "get" },
{ new string[] { "get", "PoST" }, "pOSt" }
public void HttpMethodActionConstraint_IgnoresPreflightRequests(IEnumerable<string> httpMethods, string accessControlMethod)
// Arrange
var constraint = new HttpMethodActionConstraint(httpMethods);
var context = CreateActionConstraintContext(constraint);
context.RouteContext = CreateRouteContext("oPtIoNs", accessControlMethod);
// Act
var result = constraint.Accept(context);
// Assert
Assert.False(result, "Request should have been rejected.");
public void HttpMethodActionConstraint_Accept_CaseInsensitive(IEnumerable<string> httpMethods, string expectedMethod)
// Arrange
var constraint = new HttpMethodActionConstraint(httpMethods);
var context = CreateActionConstraintContext(constraint);
context.RouteContext = CreateRouteContext(expectedMethod);
// Act
var result = constraint.Accept(context);
// Assert
Assert.True(result, "Request should have been accepted.");
private static ActionConstraintContext CreateActionConstraintContext(HttpMethodActionConstraint constraint)
var context = new ActionConstraintContext();
var actionSelectorCandidate = new ActionSelectorCandidate(new ActionDescriptor(), new List<IActionConstraint> { constraint });
context.Candidates = new List<ActionSelectorCandidate> { actionSelectorCandidate };
context.CurrentCandidate = context.Candidates[0];
return context;
private static RouteContext CreateRouteContext(string requestedMethod, string accessControlMethod = null)
var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
httpContext.Request.Method = requestedMethod;
if (accessControlMethod != null)
httpContext.Request.Headers.Add("Origin", StringValues.Empty);
httpContext.Request.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Request-Method", accessControlMethod);
var routeContext = new RouteContext(httpContext);
routeContext.RouteData = new RouteData();
return routeContext;