1 write to ChildNodes
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions (1)
ModelBinding\ModelStateDictionary.cs (1)
904ChildNodes = new List<ModelStateNode>(1);
18 references to ChildNodes
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions (18)
ModelBinding\ModelStateDictionary.cs (18)
644if (node.ChildNodes != null) 648for (var i = 0; i < node.ChildNodes.Count; i++) 650var entryState = GetValidity(node.ChildNodes[i], currentDepth); 697_root.ChildNodes?.Clear(); 839public override IReadOnlyList<ModelStateEntry>? Children => ChildNodes; 882else if (ChildNodes != null) 887modelStateNode = ChildNodes[index]; 902else if (ChildNodes == null) 906ChildNodes.Add(modelStateNode); 913modelStateNode = ChildNodes[index]; 918ChildNodes.Insert(~index, modelStateNode); 930Debug.Assert(ChildNodes != null); 933var high = ChildNodes.Count - 1; 937var midKey = ChildNodes[mid].SubKey; 1051if (_rootNode.ChildNodes?.Count > 0) 1071if (_index == node.ChildNodes!.Count - 1) 1083var currentChild = node.ChildNodes[_index]; 1084if (currentChild.ChildNodes?.Count > 0)