// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.InternalTesting.Tracing;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.InternalTesting.Tests;
// We are verifying here that when event listener tests are spread among multiple classes, they still
// work, even when run in parallel. To do that we have a bunch of tests in different classes (since
// that affects parallelism) and do some Task.Yielding in them.
public class CollectingEventListenerTests
public abstract class CollectingTestBase : EventSourceTestBase
public async Task CollectingEventListenerTest()
await Task.Yield();
await Task.Yield();
TestEventSource.Log.TestWithPayload(42, 4.2);
await Task.Yield();
var events = GetEvents();
EventAssert.Event(1, "Test", EventLevel.Informational),
EventAssert.Event(2, "TestWithPayload", EventLevel.Verbose)
.Payload("payload1", 42)
.Payload("payload2", 4.2));
// These tests are designed to interfere with the collecting ones by running in parallel and writing events
public abstract class NonCollectingTestBase
public async Task CollectingEventListenerTest()
await Task.Yield();
await Task.Yield();
TestEventSource.Log.TestWithPayload(42, 4.2);
await Task.Yield();
public class CollectingTests
public class A : CollectingTestBase { }
public class B : CollectingTestBase { }
public class C : CollectingTestBase { }
public class D : CollectingTestBase { }
public class E : CollectingTestBase { }
public class F : CollectingTestBase { }
public class G : CollectingTestBase { }
public class NonCollectingTests
public class A : NonCollectingTestBase { }
public class B : NonCollectingTestBase { }
public class C : NonCollectingTestBase { }
public class D : NonCollectingTestBase { }
public class E : NonCollectingTestBase { }
public class F : NonCollectingTestBase { }
public class G : NonCollectingTestBase { }
[EventSource(Name = "Microsoft-AspNetCore-Testing-Test")]
public class TestEventSource : EventSource
public static readonly TestEventSource Log = new TestEventSource();
private TestEventSource()
[Event(eventId: 1, Level = EventLevel.Informational, Message = "Test")]
public void Test() => WriteEvent(1);
[Event(eventId: 2, Level = EventLevel.Verbose, Message = "Test")]
public void TestWithPayload(int payload1, double payload2) => WriteEvent(2, payload1, payload2);