File: src\Shared\ResultsHelpers\FileResultHelper.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Http\Http.Results\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Results.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Results)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Headers;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Internal;
internal static partial class FileResultHelper
    private const string AcceptRangeHeaderValue = "bytes";
    internal enum PreconditionState
    internal static async Task WriteFileAsync(HttpContext context, Stream fileStream, RangeItemHeaderValue? range, long rangeLength)
        const int BufferSize = 64 * 1024;
        var outputStream = context.Response.Body;
        await using (fileStream)
                if (range == null)
                    await StreamCopyOperation.CopyToAsync(fileStream, outputStream, count: null, bufferSize: 64 * 1024, cancel: context.RequestAborted);
                    fileStream.Seek(range.From!.Value, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    await StreamCopyOperation.CopyToAsync(fileStream, outputStream, rangeLength, BufferSize, context.RequestAborted);
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                // Don't throw this exception, it's most likely caused by the client disconnecting.
                // However, if it was cancelled for any other reason we need to prevent empty responses.
    internal static async Task WriteFileAsync(HttpContext context, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer, RangeItemHeaderValue? range, long rangeLength)
        var outputStream = context.Response.Body;
            if (range is null)
                await outputStream.WriteAsync(buffer, context.RequestAborted);
                var from = 0;
                var length = 0;
                    // Overflow should throw
                    from = (int)range.From!.Value;
                    length = (int)rangeLength;
                await outputStream.WriteAsync(buffer.Slice(from, length), context.RequestAborted);
        catch (OperationCanceledException)
            // Don't throw this exception, it's most likely caused by the client disconnecting.
            // However, if it was cancelled for any other reason we need to prevent empty responses.
    internal static (RangeItemHeaderValue? range, long rangeLength, bool serveBody) SetHeadersAndLog(
        HttpContext httpContext,
        in FileResultInfo result,
        long? fileLength,
        bool enableRangeProcessing,
        DateTimeOffset? lastModified,
        EntityTagHeaderValue? etag,
        ILogger logger)
        var request = httpContext.Request;
        var httpRequestHeaders = request.GetTypedHeaders();
        // Since the 'Last-Modified' and other similar http date headers are rounded down to whole seconds,
        // round down current file's last modified to whole seconds for correct comparison.
        if (lastModified.HasValue)
            lastModified = RoundDownToWholeSeconds(lastModified.Value);
        var preconditionState = GetPreconditionState(httpRequestHeaders, lastModified, etag, logger);
        var response = httpContext.Response;
        SetLastModifiedAndEtagHeaders(response, lastModified, etag);
        // Short circuit if the preconditional headers process to 304 (NotModified) or 412 (PreconditionFailed)
        if (preconditionState == PreconditionState.NotModified)
            response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status304NotModified;
            return (range: null, rangeLength: 0, serveBody: false);
        else if (preconditionState == PreconditionState.PreconditionFailed)
            response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status412PreconditionFailed;
            return (range: null, rangeLength: 0, serveBody: false);
        response.ContentType = result.ContentType;
        SetContentDispositionHeader(httpContext, in result);
        if (fileLength.HasValue)
            // Assuming the request is not a range request, and the response body is not empty, the Content-Length header is set to
            // the length of the entire file.
            // If the request is a valid range request, this header is overwritten with the length of the range as part of the
            // range processing (see method SetContentLength).
            response.ContentLength = fileLength.Value;
            // Handle range request
            if (enableRangeProcessing)
                // If the request method is HEAD or GET, PreconditionState is Unspecified or ShouldProcess, and IfRange header is valid,
                // range should be processed and Range headers should be set
                if ((HttpMethods.IsHead(request.Method) || HttpMethods.IsGet(request.Method))
                    && (preconditionState == PreconditionState.Unspecified || preconditionState == PreconditionState.ShouldProcess)
                    && (IfRangeValid(httpRequestHeaders, lastModified, etag, logger)))
                    return SetRangeHeaders(httpContext, httpRequestHeaders, fileLength.Value, logger);
        return (range: null, rangeLength: 0, serveBody: !HttpMethods.IsHead(request.Method));
    internal static bool IfRangeValid(
        RequestHeaders httpRequestHeaders,
        DateTimeOffset? lastModified,
        EntityTagHeaderValue? etag,
        ILogger logger)
        // 14.27 If-Range
        var ifRange = httpRequestHeaders.IfRange;
        if (ifRange != null)
            // If the validator given in the If-Range header field matches the
            // current validator for the selected representation of the target
            // resource, then the server SHOULD process the Range header field as
            // requested.  If the validator does not match, the server MUST ignore
            // the Range header field.
            if (ifRange.LastModified.HasValue)
                if (lastModified.HasValue && lastModified > ifRange.LastModified)
                    Log.IfRangeLastModifiedPreconditionFailed(logger, lastModified, ifRange.LastModified);
                    return false;
            else if (etag != null && ifRange.EntityTag != null && !ifRange.EntityTag.Compare(etag, useStrongComparison: true))
                Log.IfRangeETagPreconditionFailed(logger, etag, ifRange.EntityTag);
                return false;
        return true;
    internal static PreconditionState GetPreconditionState(
        RequestHeaders httpRequestHeaders,
        DateTimeOffset? lastModified,
        EntityTagHeaderValue? etag,
        ILogger logger)
        var ifMatchState = PreconditionState.Unspecified;
        var ifNoneMatchState = PreconditionState.Unspecified;
        var ifModifiedSinceState = PreconditionState.Unspecified;
        var ifUnmodifiedSinceState = PreconditionState.Unspecified;
        // 14.24 If-Match
        var ifMatch = httpRequestHeaders.IfMatch;
        if (etag != null)
            ifMatchState = GetEtagMatchState(
                useStrongComparison: true,
                etagHeader: ifMatch,
                etag: etag,
                matchFoundState: PreconditionState.ShouldProcess,
                matchNotFoundState: PreconditionState.PreconditionFailed);
            if (ifMatchState == PreconditionState.PreconditionFailed)
                Log.IfMatchPreconditionFailed(logger, etag);
        // 14.26 If-None-Match
        var ifNoneMatch = httpRequestHeaders.IfNoneMatch;
        if (etag != null)
            ifNoneMatchState = GetEtagMatchState(
                useStrongComparison: false,
                etagHeader: ifNoneMatch,
                etag: etag,
                matchFoundState: PreconditionState.NotModified,
                matchNotFoundState: PreconditionState.ShouldProcess);
        var now = RoundDownToWholeSeconds(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);
        // 14.25 If-Modified-Since
        var ifModifiedSince = httpRequestHeaders.IfModifiedSince;
        if (lastModified.HasValue && ifModifiedSince.HasValue && ifModifiedSince <= now)
            var modified = ifModifiedSince < lastModified;
            ifModifiedSinceState = modified ? PreconditionState.ShouldProcess : PreconditionState.NotModified;
        // 14.28 If-Unmodified-Since
        var ifUnmodifiedSince = httpRequestHeaders.IfUnmodifiedSince;
        if (lastModified.HasValue && ifUnmodifiedSince.HasValue && ifUnmodifiedSince <= now)
            var unmodified = ifUnmodifiedSince >= lastModified;
            ifUnmodifiedSinceState = unmodified ? PreconditionState.ShouldProcess : PreconditionState.PreconditionFailed;
            if (ifUnmodifiedSinceState == PreconditionState.PreconditionFailed)
                Log.IfUnmodifiedSincePreconditionFailed(logger, lastModified, ifUnmodifiedSince);
        var state = GetMaxPreconditionState(ifMatchState, ifNoneMatchState, ifModifiedSinceState, ifUnmodifiedSinceState);
        return state;
    private static PreconditionState GetEtagMatchState(
        bool useStrongComparison,
        IList<EntityTagHeaderValue> etagHeader,
        EntityTagHeaderValue etag,
        PreconditionState matchFoundState,
        PreconditionState matchNotFoundState)
        if (etagHeader?.Count > 0)
            var state = matchNotFoundState;
            foreach (var entityTag in etagHeader)
                if (entityTag.Equals(EntityTagHeaderValue.Any) || entityTag.Compare(etag, useStrongComparison))
                    state = matchFoundState;
            return state;
        return PreconditionState.Unspecified;
    private static (RangeItemHeaderValue? range, long rangeLength, bool serveBody) SetRangeHeaders(
        HttpContext httpContext,
        RequestHeaders httpRequestHeaders,
        long fileLength,
        ILogger logger)
        var response = httpContext.Response;
        var httpResponseHeaders = response.GetTypedHeaders();
        var serveBody = !HttpMethods.IsHead(httpContext.Request.Method);
        // Range may be null for empty range header, invalid ranges, parsing errors, multiple ranges
        // and when the file length is zero.
        var (isRangeRequest, range) = RangeHelper.ParseRange(
        if (!isRangeRequest)
            return (range: null, rangeLength: 0, serveBody);
        // Requested range is not satisfiable
        if (range == null)
            // 14.16 Content-Range - A server sending a response with status code 416 (Requested range not satisfiable)
            // SHOULD include a Content-Range field with a byte-range-resp-spec of "*". The instance-length specifies
            // the current length of the selected resource.  e.g. */length
            response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status416RangeNotSatisfiable;
            httpResponseHeaders.ContentRange = new ContentRangeHeaderValue(fileLength);
            response.ContentLength = 0;
            return (range: null, rangeLength: 0, serveBody: false);
        response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status206PartialContent;
        httpResponseHeaders.ContentRange = new ContentRangeHeaderValue(
        // Overwrite the Content-Length header for valid range requests with the range length.
        var rangeLength = SetContentLength(response, range);
        return (range, rangeLength, serveBody);
    private static long SetContentLength(HttpResponse response, RangeItemHeaderValue range)
        var start = range.From!.Value;
        var end = range.To!.Value;
        var length = end - start + 1;
        response.ContentLength = length;
        return length;
    private static void SetContentDispositionHeader(HttpContext httpContext, in FileResultInfo result)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.FileDownloadName))
            // From RFC 2183, Sec. 2.3:
            // The sender may want to suggest a filename to be used if the entity is
            // detached and stored in a separate file. If the receiving MUA writes
            // the entity to a file, the suggested filename should be used as a
            // basis for the actual filename, where possible.
            var contentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment");
            httpContext.Response.Headers.ContentDisposition = contentDisposition.ToString();
    private static void SetLastModifiedAndEtagHeaders(HttpResponse response, DateTimeOffset? lastModified, EntityTagHeaderValue? etag)
        var httpResponseHeaders = response.GetTypedHeaders();
        if (lastModified.HasValue)
            httpResponseHeaders.LastModified = lastModified;
        if (etag != null)
            httpResponseHeaders.ETag = etag;
    private static void SetAcceptRangeHeader(HttpResponse response)
        response.Headers.AcceptRanges = AcceptRangeHeaderValue;
    private static PreconditionState GetMaxPreconditionState(params PreconditionState[] states)
        var max = PreconditionState.Unspecified;
        for (var i = 0; i < states.Length; i++)
            if (states[i] > max)
                max = states[i];
        return max;
    private static DateTimeOffset RoundDownToWholeSeconds(DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset)
        var ticksToRemove = dateTimeOffset.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
        return dateTimeOffset.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromTicks(ticksToRemove));
    internal static partial class Log
        [LoggerMessage(17, LogLevel.Debug, "Writing the requested range of bytes to the body.", EventName = "WritingRangeToBody")]
        public static partial void WritingRangeToBody(ILogger logger);
        [LoggerMessage(34, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Current request's If-Match header check failed as the file's current etag '{CurrentETag}' does not match with any of the supplied etags.",
            EventName = "IfMatchPreconditionFailed")]
        public static partial void IfMatchPreconditionFailed(ILogger logger, EntityTagHeaderValue currentETag);
        [LoggerMessage(35, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Current request's If-Unmodified-Since header check failed as the file was modified (at '{lastModified}') after the If-Unmodified-Since date '{IfUnmodifiedSinceDate}'.",
            EventName = "IfUnmodifiedSincePreconditionFailed")]
        public static partial void IfUnmodifiedSincePreconditionFailed(
            ILogger logger,
            DateTimeOffset? lastModified,
            DateTimeOffset? ifUnmodifiedSinceDate);
        [LoggerMessage(36, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Could not serve range as the file was modified (at {LastModified}) after the if-Range's last modified date '{IfRangeLastModified}'.",
            EventName = "IfRangeLastModifiedPreconditionFailed")]
        public static partial void IfRangeLastModifiedPreconditionFailed(
            ILogger logger,
            DateTimeOffset? lastModified,
            DateTimeOffset? IfRangeLastModified);
        [LoggerMessage(37, LogLevel.Debug,
            "Could not serve range as the file's current etag '{CurrentETag}' does not match the If-Range etag '{IfRangeETag}'.",
            EventName = "IfRangeETagPreconditionFailed")]
        public static partial void IfRangeETagPreconditionFailed(
            ILogger logger,
            EntityTagHeaderValue currentETag,
            EntityTagHeaderValue IfRangeETag);
        [LoggerMessage(38, LogLevel.Debug,
            "The file result has not been enabled for processing range requests. To enable it, set the EnableRangeProcessing property on the result to 'true'.",
            EventName = "NotEnabledForRangeProcessing")]
        public static partial void NotEnabledForRangeProcessing(ILogger logger);