// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
internal static class ProblemDetailsDefaults
public static readonly Dictionary<int, (string Type, string Title)> Defaults = new()
[400] =
"Bad Request"
[401] =
[403] =
[404] =
"Not Found"
[405] =
"Method Not Allowed"
[406] =
"Not Acceptable"
[407] =
"Proxy Authentication Required"
[408] =
"Request Timeout"
[409] =
[410] =
[411] =
"Length Required"
[412] =
"Precondition Failed"
[413] =
"Content Too Large"
[414] =
"URI Too Long"
[415] =
"Unsupported Media Type"
[416] =
"Range Not Satisfiable"
[417] =
"Expectation Failed"
[421] =
"Misdirected Request"
[422] =
"Unprocessable Entity"
[426] =
"Upgrade Required"
[500] =
"An error occurred while processing your request."
[501] =
"Not Implemented"
[502] =
"Bad Gateway"
[503] =
"Service Unavailable"
[504] =
"Gateway Timeout"
[505] =
"HTTP Version Not Supported"
public static void Apply(ProblemDetails problemDetails, int? statusCode)
// We allow StatusCode to be specified either on ProblemDetails or on the ObjectResult and use it to configure the other.
// This lets users write <c>return Conflict(new Problem("some description"))</c>
// or <c>return Problem("some-problem", 422)</c> and have the response have consistent fields.
if (problemDetails.Status is null)
if (statusCode is not null)
problemDetails.Status = statusCode;
problemDetails.Status = problemDetails is HttpValidationProblemDetails ?
StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest :
var status = problemDetails.Status.GetValueOrDefault();
if (Defaults.TryGetValue(status, out var defaults))
problemDetails.Title ??= defaults.Title;
problemDetails.Type ??= defaults.Type;
else if (problemDetails.Title is null)
var reasonPhrase = ReasonPhrases.GetReasonPhrase(status);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reasonPhrase))
problemDetails.Title = reasonPhrase;