// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Analyzers.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegateGenerator.StaticRouteHandlerModel;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Operations;
* This class contains the logic for suppressing diagnostics that are
* emitted by the linker analyzers when encountering the framework-provided
* `Map` invocations. Pending the completion of https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/68669,
* this workaround is necessary to apply these suppressions for `Map` invocations that the RDG
* is able to generate code at compile time for that the analyzer is not able to resolve.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegateGenerator;
public sealed class RequestDelegateGeneratorSuppressor : DiagnosticSuppressor
private static readonly SuppressionDescriptor SuppressRUCDiagnostic = new(
id: "RDGS001",
suppressedDiagnosticId: "IL2026",
justification: "The target method has been intercepted by a statically generated variant.");
private static readonly SuppressionDescriptor SuppressRDCDiagnostic = new(
id: "RDGS002",
suppressedDiagnosticId: "IL3050",
justification: "The target method has been intercepted by a statically generated variant.");
public override void ReportSuppressions(SuppressionAnalysisContext context)
foreach (var diagnostic in context.ReportedDiagnostics)
if (diagnostic.Id != SuppressRDCDiagnostic.SuppressedDiagnosticId && diagnostic.Id != SuppressRUCDiagnostic.SuppressedDiagnosticId)
var location = diagnostic.AdditionalLocations.Count > 0
? diagnostic.AdditionalLocations[0]
: diagnostic.Location;
if (location.SourceTree is not { } sourceTree)
// The trim analyzer changed from warning on the InvocationExpression to the MemberAccessExpression in https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/pull/110086.
// To account for this, we need to check if the location is an InvocationExpression or a child of an InvocationExpression.
var node = sourceTree.GetRoot().FindNode(location.SourceSpan) switch
InvocationExpressionSyntax s => s,
{ Parent: InvocationExpressionSyntax s } => s,
_ => null,
if (node is null
|| !node.TryGetMapMethodName(out var method)
|| !InvocationOperationExtensions.KnownMethods.Contains(method))
var semanticModel = context.GetSemanticModel(sourceTree);
var operation = semanticModel.GetOperation(node, context.CancellationToken);
var wellKnownTypes = WellKnownTypes.GetOrCreate(semanticModel.Compilation);
if (operation.IsValidOperation(wellKnownTypes, out var invocationOperation))
var endpoint = new Endpoint(invocationOperation, wellKnownTypes, semanticModel);
if (endpoint.Diagnostics.Count == 0)
var targetSuppression = diagnostic.Id == SuppressRUCDiagnostic.SuppressedDiagnosticId
? SuppressRUCDiagnostic
: SuppressRDCDiagnostic;
context.ReportSuppression(Suppression.Create(targetSuppression, diagnostic));
public override ImmutableArray<SuppressionDescriptor> SupportedSuppressions => ImmutableArray.Create(SuppressRUCDiagnostic, SuppressRDCDiagnostic);