File: src\Shared\RequestDelegateCreationMessages.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Http\Http.Extensions\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
internal static class RequestDelegateCreationLogging
    public const int RequestBodyIOExceptionEventId = 1;
    public const string RequestBodyIOExceptionEventName = "RequestBodyIOException";
    public const string RequestBodyIOExceptionMessage = "Reading the request body failed with an IOException.";
    public const int InvalidJsonRequestBodyEventId = 2;
    public const string InvalidJsonRequestBodyEventName = "InvalidJsonRequestBody";
    public const string InvalidJsonRequestBodyLogMessage = @"Failed to read parameter ""{ParameterType} {ParameterName}"" from the request body as JSON.";
    public const string InvalidJsonRequestBodyExceptionMessage = @"Failed to read parameter ""{0} {1}"" from the request body as JSON.";
    public const int ParameterBindingFailedEventId = 3;
    public const string ParameterBindingFailedEventName = "ParameterBindingFailed";
    public const string ParameterBindingFailedLogMessage = @"Failed to bind parameter ""{ParameterType} {ParameterName}"" from ""{SourceValue}"".";
    public const string ParameterBindingFailedExceptionMessage = @"Failed to bind parameter ""{0} {1}"" from ""{2}"".";
    public const int RequiredParameterNotProvidedEventId = 4;
    public const string RequiredParameterNotProvidedEventName = "RequiredParameterNotProvided";
    public const string RequiredParameterNotProvidedLogMessage = @"Required parameter ""{ParameterType} {ParameterName}"" was not provided from {Source}.";
    public const string RequiredParameterNotProvidedExceptionMessage = @"Required parameter ""{0} {1}"" was not provided from {2}.";
    public const int ImplicitBodyNotProvidedEventId = 5;
    public const string ImplicitBodyNotProvidedEventName = "ImplicitBodyNotProvided";
    public const string ImplicitBodyNotProvidedLogMessage = @"Implicit body inferred for parameter ""{ParameterName}"" but no body was provided. Did you mean to use a Service instead?";
    public const string ImplicitBodyNotProvidedExceptionMessage = @"Implicit body inferred for parameter ""{0}"" but no body was provided. Did you mean to use a Service instead?";
    public const int UnexpectedJsonContentTypeEventId = 6;
    public const string UnexpectedJsonContentTypeEventName = "UnexpectedContentType";
    public const string UnexpectedJsonContentTypeLogMessage = @"Expected a supported JSON media type but got ""{ContentType}"".";
    public const string UnexpectedJsonContentTypeExceptionMessage = @"Expected a supported JSON media type but got ""{0}"".";
    public const int UnexpectedFormContentTypeEventId = 7;
    public const string UnexpectedFormContentTypeLogEventName = "UnexpectedNonFormContentType";
    public const string UnexpectedFormContentTypeLogMessage = @"Expected a supported form media type but got ""{ContentType}"".";
    public const string UnexpectedFormContentTypeExceptionMessage = @"Expected a supported form media type but got ""{0}"".";
    public const int InvalidFormRequestBodyEventId = 8;
    public const string InvalidFormRequestBodyEventName = "InvalidFormRequestBody";
    public const string InvalidFormRequestBodyLogMessage = @"Failed to read parameter ""{ParameterType} {ParameterName}"" from the request body as form.";
    public const string InvalidFormRequestBodyExceptionMessage = @"Failed to read parameter ""{0} {1}"" from the request body as form.";
    public const int InvalidAntiforgeryTokenEventId = 9;
    public const string InvalidAntiforgeryTokenEventName = "InvalidAntiforgeryToken";
    public const string InvalidAntiforgeryTokenLogMessage = @"Invalid anti-forgery token found when reading parameter ""{ParameterType} {ParameterName}"" from the request body as form.";
    public const string InvalidAntiforgeryTokenExceptionMessage = @"Invalid anti-forgery token found when reading parameter ""{0} {1}"" from the request body as form.";
    public const int FormDataMappingFailedEventId = 10;
    public const string FormDataMappingFailedEventName = "FormDataMappingFailed";
    public const string FormDataMappingFailedLogMessage = @"Failed to bind parameter ""{ParameterType} {ParameterName}"" from the request body as form.";
    public const string FormDataMappingFailedExceptionMessage = @"Failed to bind parameter ""{0} {1}"" from the request body as form.";
    public const int UnexpectedRequestWithoutBodyEventId = 11;
    public const string UnexpectedRequestWithoutBodyEventName = "UnexpectedRequestWithoutBody";
    public const string UnexpectedRequestWithoutBodyLogMessage = @"Unexpected request without body, failed to bind parameter ""{ParameterType} {ParameterName}"" from the request body as form.";
    public const string UnexpectedRequestWithoutBodyExceptionMessage = @"Unexpected request without body, failed to bind parameter ""{0} {1}"" from the request body as form.";