File: RequestDelegateGenerator\RequestDelegateCreationTests.JsonBodyOrService.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Http\Http.Extensions\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Generators.Tests;
public abstract partial class RequestDelegateCreationTests : RequestDelegateCreationTestBase
    public static object[][] MapAction_JsonBodyOrService_SimpleReturn_Data
            var todo = new Todo()
                Id = 0,
                Name = "Test Item",
                IsComplete = false
            var expectedTodoBody = "Test Item";
            var expectedServiceBody = "Produced from service!";
            var implicitRequiredServiceSource = $"""app.MapPost("/", ({typeof(TestService)} svc) => svc.TestServiceMethod());""";
            var implicitRequiredJsonBodySource = $"""app.MapPost("/", (Todo todo) => todo.Name ?? string.Empty);""";
            var implicitRequiredJsonBodyViaAsParametersSource = $"""app.MapPost("/", ([AsParameters] ParametersListWithImplicitFromBody args) => args.Todo.Name ?? string.Empty);""";
            return new[]
                new object[] { implicitRequiredServiceSource, false, null, true, 200, expectedServiceBody },
                new object[] { implicitRequiredServiceSource, false, null, false, 400, string.Empty },
                new object[] { implicitRequiredJsonBodySource, true, todo, false, 200, expectedTodoBody },
                new object[] { implicitRequiredJsonBodySource, true, null, false, 400, string.Empty },
                new object[] { implicitRequiredJsonBodyViaAsParametersSource, true, todo, false, 200, expectedTodoBody },
                new object[] { implicitRequiredJsonBodyViaAsParametersSource, true, null, false, 400, string.Empty },
    public async Task MapAction_JsonBodyOrService_SimpleReturn(string source, bool hasBody, Todo requestData, bool hasService, int expectedStatusCode, string expectedBody)
        var (_, compilation) = await RunGeneratorAsync(source);
        var serviceProvider = CreateServiceProvider(hasService ?
            (serviceCollection) => serviceCollection.AddSingleton(new TestService())
            : null);
        var endpoint = GetEndpointFromCompilation(compilation, serviceProvider: serviceProvider);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext(serviceProvider);
        if (hasBody)
            httpContext = CreateHttpContextWithBody(requestData);
        await endpoint.RequestDelegate(httpContext);
        await VerifyResponseBodyAsync(httpContext, expectedBody, expectedStatusCode);
    public async Task MapAction_JsonBodyOrService_HandlesBothJsonAndService()
        var source = """
app.MapPost("/", (Todo todo, TestService svc) => $"{svc.TestServiceMethod()}, {todo.Name ?? string.Empty}");
        var expectedBody = "Produced from service!, Test";
        var requestData = new Todo
            Id = 1,
            Name = "Test",
            IsComplete = false
        var (_, compilation) = await RunGeneratorAsync(source);
        var serviceProvider = CreateServiceProvider((serviceCollection) => serviceCollection.AddSingleton(new TestService()));
        var endpoint = GetEndpointFromCompilation(compilation, serviceProvider: serviceProvider);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContextWithBody(requestData, serviceProvider);
        await VerifyAgainstBaselineUsingFile(compilation);
        await endpoint.RequestDelegate(httpContext);
        await VerifyResponseBodyAsync(httpContext, expectedBody);
    public static IEnumerable<object[]> BodyParamOptionalityData
            return new List<object[]>
                new object[] { @"(Todo todo) => $""Todo: {todo.Name}"";", false, true, null },
                new object[] { @"(Todo todo) => $""Todo: {todo.Name}"";", true, false, "Todo: Default Todo"},
                new object[] { @"(Todo? todo = null) => $""Todo: {todo?.Name}"";", false, false, "Todo: "},
                new object[] { @"(Todo? todo = null) => $""Todo: {todo?.Name}"";", true, false, "Todo: Default Todo"},
                new object[] { @"(Todo? todo) => $""Todo: {todo?.Name}"";", false, false, "Todo: " },
                new object[] { @"(Todo? todo) => $""Todo: {todo?.Name}"";", true, false, "Todo: Default Todo" },
                new object[] { @"(TodoStruct todo) => $""Todo: {todo.Name}"";", true, false, "Todo: Default Todo"},
                new object[] { @"(TodoStruct? todo = null) => $""Todo: {todo?.Name}"";", false, false, "Todo: "},
                new object[] { @"(TodoStruct? todo = null) => $""Todo: {todo?.Name}"";", true, false, "Todo: Default Todo"},
                new object[] { @"(TodoStruct? todo) => $""Todo: {todo?.Name}"";", false, false, "Todo: " },
                new object[] { @"(TodoStruct? todo) => $""Todo: {todo?.Name}"";", true, false, "Todo: Default Todo" },
    public async Task RequestDelegateHandlesBodyParamOptionality(string innerSource, bool hasBody, bool isInvalid, string expectedBody)
        var source = $"""
string handler{innerSource};
app.MapPost("/", handler);
        var (_, compilation) = await RunGeneratorAsync(source);
        var serviceProvider = CreateServiceProvider();
        var endpoint = GetEndpointFromCompilation(compilation, serviceProvider: serviceProvider);
        var todo = new Todo() { Name = "Default Todo" };
        var httpContext = hasBody ? CreateHttpContextWithBody(todo) : CreateHttpContextWithBody(null);
        await endpoint.RequestDelegate(httpContext);
        if (isInvalid)
            var logs = TestSink.Writes.ToArray();
            Assert.Equal(400, httpContext.Response.StatusCode);
            var log = Assert.Single(logs);
            Assert.Equal(LogLevel.Debug, log.LogLevel);
            Assert.Equal(new EventId(5, "ImplicitBodyNotProvided"), log.EventId);
            Assert.Equal(@"Implicit body inferred for parameter ""todo"" but no body was provided. Did you mean to use a Service instead?", log.Message);
            await VerifyResponseBodyAsync(httpContext, expectedBody);
    public static object[][] ImplicitFromBodyActions
            var testImpliedFromBody = """
void TestAction(HttpContext httpContext, Todo todo)
    httpContext.Items.Add("body", todo);
            var testImpliedFromBodyInterface = """
void TestAction(HttpContext httpContext, ITodo todo)
    httpContext.Items.Add("body", todo);
            var testImpliedFromBodyStruct = """
void TestAction(HttpContext httpContext, TodoStruct todo)
    httpContext.Items.Add("body", todo);
            var testImpliedFromBodyStructParameterList = """
void TestAction([AsParameters] ParametersListWithImplicitFromBody args)
    args.HttpContext.Items.Add("body", args.Todo);
            return new[]
                new object[] { testImpliedFromBody },
                new object[] { testImpliedFromBodyInterface },
                new object[] { testImpliedFromBodyStruct },
                new object[] { testImpliedFromBodyStructParameterList },
    public async Task RequestDelegateRejectsEmptyBodyGivenImplicitFromBodyParameter(string innerSource)
        var source = $"""
app.MapPost("/", TestAction);
        var (_, compilation) = await RunGeneratorAsync(source);
        var serviceProvider = CreateServiceProvider(serviceCollection =>
            serviceCollection.Configure<RouteHandlerOptions>(options => options.ThrowOnBadRequest = true);
        var endpoint = GetEndpointFromCompilation(compilation, serviceProvider: serviceProvider);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext(serviceProvider);
        httpContext.Request.Headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
        httpContext.Request.Headers["Content-Length"] = "0";
        httpContext.Features.Set<IHttpRequestBodyDetectionFeature>(new RequestBodyDetectionFeature(false));
        var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<BadHttpRequestException>(() => endpoint.RequestDelegate(httpContext));
        Assert.StartsWith("Implicit body inferred for parameter", ex.Message);
        Assert.EndsWith("but no body was provided. Did you mean to use a Service instead?", ex.Message);
    public async Task SupportsResolvingImplicitServiceWithJsonSupportOn()
        var source = """
app.MapPost("/", (TestService svc) => svc.TestServiceMethod());
        var (_, compilation) = await RunGeneratorAsync(source);
        var serviceProvider = CreateServiceProvider((serviceCollection) =>
            serviceCollection.ConfigureHttpJsonOptions(o => o.SerializerOptions.TypeInfoResolver = SharedTestJsonContext.Default);
            serviceCollection.AddSingleton(new TestService());
        var endpoint = GetEndpointFromCompilation(compilation, serviceProvider: serviceProvider);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext(serviceProvider);
        await endpoint.RequestDelegate(httpContext);
        await VerifyResponseBodyAsync(httpContext, "Produced from service!");