File: RequestDelegateGenerator\CompileTimeCreationTests.Routes.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Http\Http.Extensions\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Generators.Tests;
public partial class CompileTimeCreationTests : RequestDelegateCreationTests
    public async Task SupportsRoutePatternInVariable()
        var source = """
var route = "/hello";
app.MapGet(route, () =>
    return "Hello world!";
        var (result, compilation) = await RunGeneratorAsync(source);
        var endpoint = GetEndpointFromCompilation(compilation);
        VerifyStaticEndpointModel(result, endpointModel =>
            Assert.Equal("MapGet", endpointModel.HttpMethod);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext();
        await endpoint.RequestDelegate(httpContext);
        await VerifyResponseBodyAsync(httpContext, "Hello world!");
    public async Task SupportsRoutePatternInConst()
        var source = """
const string route = "/hello";
app.MapGet(route, () =>
    return "Hello world!";
        var (result, compilation) = await RunGeneratorAsync(source);
        var endpoint = GetEndpointFromCompilation(compilation);
        VerifyStaticEndpointModel(result, endpointModel =>
            Assert.Equal("MapGet", endpointModel.HttpMethod);
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext();
        await endpoint.RequestDelegate(httpContext);
        await VerifyResponseBodyAsync(httpContext, "Hello world!");
    public async Task SupportsComputedRoutePattern()
        var source = """
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    var route = $"/hello/{i}";
    app.MapGet(route, () =>
        return $"Hello world!";
        var (result, compilation) = await RunGeneratorAsync(source);
        var endpoints = GetEndpointsFromCompilation(compilation);
        VerifyStaticEndpointModel(result, endpointModel =>
            Assert.Equal("MapGet", endpointModel.HttpMethod);
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            var endpoint = endpoints[i];
            var httpContext = CreateHttpContext();
            await endpoint.RequestDelegate(httpContext);
            await VerifyResponseBodyAsync(httpContext, $"Hello world!");