File: HttpConnectionDispatcherOptions.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\SignalR\common\Http.Connections\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.IO.Pipelines;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections;
/// <summary>
/// Options used to configure the HTTP connection dispatcher.
/// </summary>
public class HttpConnectionDispatcherOptions
    // Selected because this is the default value of PipeWriter.PauseWriterThreshold.
    // There maybe the opportunity for performance gains by tuning this default.
    private const int DefaultBufferSize = 65536;
    private PipeOptions? _transportPipeOptions;
    private PipeOptions? _appPipeOptions;
    private TimeSpan _transportSendTimeout;
    private long _transportMaxBufferSize;
    private long _applicationMaxBufferSize;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HttpConnectionDispatcherOptions"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    public HttpConnectionDispatcherOptions()
        AuthorizationData = new List<IAuthorizeData>();
        Transports = HttpTransports.All;
        WebSockets = new WebSocketOptions();
        LongPolling = new LongPollingOptions();
        TransportMaxBufferSize = DefaultBufferSize;
        ApplicationMaxBufferSize = DefaultBufferSize;
        TransportSendTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a collection of <see cref="IAuthorizeData"/> used during HTTP connection pipeline.
    /// </summary>
    public IList<IAuthorizeData> AuthorizationData { get; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets a bitmask combining one or more <see cref="HttpTransportType"/> values that specify what transports the server should use to receive HTTP requests.
    /// </summary>
    public HttpTransportType Transports { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the <see cref="WebSocketOptions"/> used by the web sockets transport.
    /// </summary>
    public WebSocketOptions WebSockets { get; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the <see cref="LongPollingOptions"/> used by the long polling transport.
    /// </summary>
    public LongPollingOptions LongPolling { get; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the maximum buffer size for data read by the application before backpressure is applied.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The default value is 65KB.
    /// </remarks>
    public long TransportMaxBufferSize
        get => _transportMaxBufferSize;
            _transportMaxBufferSize = value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the maximum buffer size for data written by the application before backpressure is applied.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The default value is 65KB.
    /// </remarks>
    public long ApplicationMaxBufferSize
        get => _applicationMaxBufferSize;
            _applicationMaxBufferSize = value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the minimum protocol version supported by the server.
    /// The default value is 0, the lowest possible protocol version.
    /// </summary>
    public int MinimumProtocolVersion { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the amount of time the transport will wait for a send to complete. If a single send exceeds this timeout
    /// the connection is closed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The default timeout is 10 seconds.
    /// </remarks>
    public TimeSpan TransportSendTimeout
        get => _transportSendTimeout;
            ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfEqual(value, TimeSpan.Zero);
            _transportSendTimeout = value;
    /// <summary>
    /// Authenticated connections whose token sets the <see cref="AuthenticationProperties.ExpiresUtc"/> value will be closed
    /// and allowed to reconnect when the token expires.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Closed connections will miss messages sent while closed.
    /// </remarks>
    public bool CloseOnAuthenticationExpiration { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Set to allow connections to reconnect with the same <see cref="BaseConnectionContext.ConnectionId"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Client still has to negotiate this option.
    /// </remarks>
    public bool AllowStatefulReconnects { get; set; }
    internal bool TransportSendTimeoutEnabled => _transportSendTimeout != Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan;
    // We initialize these lazily based on the state of the options specified here.
    // Though these are mutable it's extremely rare that they would be mutated past the
    // call to initialize the routerware.
    internal PipeOptions TransportPipeOptions => _transportPipeOptions ??= new PipeOptions(pauseWriterThreshold: TransportMaxBufferSize, resumeWriterThreshold: TransportMaxBufferSize / 2, readerScheduler: PipeScheduler.ThreadPool, useSynchronizationContext: false);
    internal PipeOptions AppPipeOptions => _appPipeOptions ??= new PipeOptions(pauseWriterThreshold: ApplicationMaxBufferSize, resumeWriterThreshold: ApplicationMaxBufferSize / 2, readerScheduler: PipeScheduler.ThreadPool, useSynchronizationContext: false);