// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Text;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions;
public class HttpMethodslTests
public void CanonicalizedValue_Success()
var testCases = new List<(string[] methods, string expectedMethod)>
(new string[] { "GET", "Get", "get" }, HttpMethods.Get),
(new string[] { "POST", "Post", "post" }, HttpMethods.Post),
(new string[] { "PUT", "Put", "put" }, HttpMethods.Put),
(new string[] { "DELETE", "Delete", "delete" }, HttpMethods.Delete),
(new string[] { "HEAD", "Head", "head" }, HttpMethods.Head),
(new string[] { "CONNECT", "Connect", "connect" }, HttpMethods.Connect),
(new string[] { "OPTIONS", "Options", "options" }, HttpMethods.Options),
(new string[] { "PATCH", "Patch", "patch" }, HttpMethods.Patch),
(new string[] { "TRACE", "Trace", "trace" }, HttpMethods.Trace)
for (int i = 0; i < testCases.Count; i++)
var testCase = testCases[i];
for (int j = 0; j < testCase.methods.Length; j++)
CanonicalizedValueTest(testCase.methods[j], testCase.expectedMethod);
private void CanonicalizedValueTest(string method, string expectedMethod)
string inputMethod = CreateStringAtRuntime(method);
var canonicalizedValue = HttpMethods.GetCanonicalizedValue(inputMethod);
Assert.Same(expectedMethod, canonicalizedValue);
private string CreateStringAtRuntime(string input)
return new StringBuilder(input).ToString();